Arrived {Part 2}

Just Ji Yong

The plane was coming closer and closer to the ground. You look at your parents, with the biggest grin. They smile and silently chuckle.  You feel like jumping up and singing, but of course you were strapped in. Now, a speaker starts blaring a voice. It says: "Anneyeong Passengers! Welcome to South Korea... Where your life lives a paradise!! We will be arriving in 15 minutes." you gasp. "15 minutes!" You bounce of your seat a bit, but fall back from the tight strap. Now, you were a true korean. The plane landed, and you unbuckled. As you boarded off, your parents gave you all of the instructions and info. "We will take a cab to our new officetel! The truck has unpacked everything in our house, and placed it where it would be best." Your dad said. You nod, and get in the cab along with them. The cab driver asked for some won, and your parents did their trade, then soon enough, the warm, smoky engine took a roar, and started up. 5 minutes later the cab stopped with a squeak. You unload the bags from the trunk, and walk into your future house. Really, it was an officetel, but there is only 3 of you, and that seemed like enough space. You and your parents take the elevator up, and on the 7th floor, you parents took their new set of keys out, and got the, ready and handy. The elevator stopped at the 8th floor, which is 2 less than the highest this building can go. You slowly pulled your luggage bag down the hall. It took a while, walking ariund the ends of the hallways again and again. Your room was Room #845. Yor parents put the key in the door, and you can hear the clicking and unlocking of the turning of the key. Your dad takes hold of the knob, then turns it to the left. Yiu walk in with awe, your jaw practically touching the floor. Everything you owned was still in place. Yourview was a view of a tall building, a large field for pets to run free, and other city buildings surrounding. You walk up the small steps, and see your bed. While climbing up, your head bumps on the ceiling. "Ouch," you quietly say, rubbing your head. You crawl over to your bed, and lay down. "I LOVE THIS PLACE!" You scream. You can just tellthat your parents are nodding. This was your dream coming true!

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Chapter 8: LOL..super cute!! Jiyongie!!!
Chapter 1: Cool story