Bathroom Thoughts..

Just Ji Yong



You ran to the bathroom. 

"OMG OMG OMG OMG!" You shout-whisper to yourself. "He asked me to be his love again. To stay together..-- does my hair look okay?" Your mind said. You look up at the mirror, fixing your beautiful, wavy black hair. You put a bit of lip stick on, a straighten out all of the wrinkles in your shirt. "Ok. I am good. Let's go Min Hyun. Let's go get a dragon.." 


You walk back to the studio. Ji Yong was no where to be found. "Did he leave me? Augh..." You sigh, sitting down on the piano bench. You start to play a nice tune you made up a while ago. "D D# C B C D A ..." You think to yourself, playing the notes. You hear footsteps, immeadietly stopping playing the piano, you turn around and see a sneaky Ji Yong, behind a trashcan. "You were spying Ji Yong!!" "I was spying cause I was nervous. I like that song, though, I thought I was the talented one." He smirks and walks over. "Hey! Mr.! We went to a music school together!! We're both  talented!" You say touching his cheeks. (like a cute gesture of squeezing his cheecks, but instead touching them quickly). Ji Yong blushed. "Oh Min Hyun, please call me oppa. I mean we're dating aren't we?" He says with a mischevious voice. "Yes, OPPA!" You say, fufilling his wish. "Oppa, oppa, oppaaaa!" He says, doing an A+ aegyo. He sits down on the piano bench. "Min Hyunnie, we need a couple name. For when we ship each other ^U^." He says. You both laugh. "We're going to by G-Hyunnie!" You say. He blushes. "G-hyunnie!! Oppa likes!!" There was a 2 second pauses, when you ask, "Oppa, want to come see my house?"  "Oppa would love to!" You grab his hand. "Ok, then les' gOooOOooO!" You two run off.




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Chapter 8: LOL..super cute!! Jiyongie!!!
Chapter 1: Cool story