One Question Can Have You Remembering

Just Ji Yong

Your school had a school dance. Unlike other Korean schools.  The rules were that a boy had to ask a girl out. Not the other way around. You had been partners with Ji Yong several times these weeks, and he gave suttle clues out for his admiration. You were nervous though. "What if he doesn't ask me out??
 You ask yourself. "Oh no, oh no. Just don't worry self! Don't worry. He will. If he doesn't, go do something else fun!.." You told yourself this many times too. It was the week that the dance would happen. You were just waiting and waiting for that bell to ring, to go to lunch. But then you looked back, and Ji Yong wasn't there. You frowned, knowing you would have no date to the dance. You head to your locker to get your lunch, when a heart shaped card falls out. You gasp, and grab it. You read it, it says: "Dear Parkie, I like you a lot! We have had great times together!! I want to go with you to the dance. I am asking because I think you are cute!!! Sorry I am not at school today. I am doing some "work" somewhere else. Love, Ji Yongie" You smile, run outside to tell Mia the good news. You run outside, over to the cement block 3-foot wall, where you two always ate. There was Mia, waiting like always. "Mia Mia Mia! Guess what!" You can tell that she sees the card in your hands. She looks excited. "What What What?!" She asks repeatingly like you did. "A card from Ji Yong!" You scream silently. You both "eeee!" and jump around. Every lunch you and Mia talked about his looks, and how we would ask you out to the dance.. if he did. Which he did. And you couldn't wait till tomorrow, in which Ji Yong also said he would be back.



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Chapter 8: LOL..super cute!! Jiyongie!!!
Chapter 1: Cool story