Arrived {Part 1}

Just Ji Yong

The final day arrived.   You open the window, and smell the crisp Attu air. The plain ride would only be 13 hours. Which is only one day. It was dusk, and your parents were still asleep. "Mom! Dad! Its time!" you exclaim. They wake up with a smile.  Even though it was early, they were leaving early, and that means an hour from now. You jump of your bed and pack every piece of clothing. All of it was happily washed, and sooner or later it would be placed in an officetel. You hear your phone buzz. You pick it up and see that it says, "Mika". You look at the message. It read:  "Hey Park!! Im gonna miss you ;(. Im sad that you left, but Im happy youre happy. Txt you later" . You smile and put your phone away. In that time your parents finished packing too. "C'mon Park! Les' Go!" you smile even more, and head out of you beloved room. The wind slapped your face, but it didnt bother you. You were one step closer to Korea.  You're parents bought tickets for A jet, and you didnt even know. Instead of 13 hours, they said it would lower to only 7!! "Thats awesome!" you shouted. Your parents were happy that you were happy.  You boarded the plane, and sat in the comfy, first class seat.


~7 Hours Later~

You could never tell what was what. You saw tall buildings and some smog, but that was it. On the flight, you flew over Japan. And saw China too. Then, you felt the jet lower every couple minutes. "WE'RE HERE!!!!" You shout... In your korean accent. It took a little while to get used to but you loved it, and would always speak with it



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Chapter 8: LOL..super cute!! Jiyongie!!!
Chapter 1: Cool story