That Stare

Just Ji Yong

You walk into your new class. The year of 2003 has started. It was Jaunary 2nd, a day after the year had changed. Technically, to you, it was your first day of school. It was exciting to you that your life weeks ago was stil in America. More and more students walked in, taking their seats. You had to sit in pairs of two.  "Anneyeong Class! We have a new student today!" The teacher said. She was much nicer than that other teacher with the ruler. The teacher gave her best eye smile, and bent over. She asked you to go up to the front of the room. Every student's eyes on you. "This is Park! She is korean, but has lived in America since 1990." You smile, and nod your head. "I was born in Korea though." You add in, making sure everyone knew. You didn't want people to think you were that, Korean American. She gestured that you could sit back down. Your seat was in the very front. "Ok, class! We will be learning about beats and rhythms! You'll be working with you partners!" You looked to your side. A girl, you think her name is "Seul Mi". She smiles at you, with her single eyelids. You were happy you had those too.  "Anneyeong! It's cool how you're new! We can be friends!" She says happily. "Ok! That sounds awesome!" You smile, and start working on the music sheet. You turn around to look at the clock. While turning back, a quite attractive boy stared at you. He was blank-faced for a second, then smiled. You immeadietely smiled back, and knew that was the new boy you liked!! All day you hoped the teacher would put you with him, or say "pick a partner", or even say, "find a group to be in!" But she didn't. And it was already lunch. You ate with Seul Mi. She told you that she also went by Mia. She said that it was like the "Mi" in her name, and it sounded American. Mia expressed her secret, which was that she desperately wants to be American. In your head, you didn't understand, technically, since you have lived in America, and hated it. "I saw that boy look at you! I bet he likes you!" Mia tells you. You smile, nod, and look down at your feet. "Haha. I guess so." You say. "Do you like him? I hear he is really nice and talented. In the 5th grade he wrote a song. And, he's a trainee for some musical entertainment place." She explains. You nod to everything she says, taking in all the info you could. "Yesterday the teacher said we would be in groups for today. You were assigned in his! We have an odd number too, so you're the only one in his group!" Mia smirks. You smirk too.  You walk back in, and take a seat where your name was placed. Mia was right. You and that boy were the only ones in that group. "Welcome back to class, class! Work on what I explained for you to do yesterday! He probably already knew that you had no idea what to do. He walks over, while smiling, and pulls his seat next to you. For rest of class he explained every single thing in detail, just so you would understand like the others did. "Oh, Thank you Thank you! What is your name? I never got it!" You ask. "My full name is Kwon Ji Yong. But I go by Ji Yong." He says. You smile, but feel stupid. You start writing your names on the paper, but get stuck at the "Yong" of his name. You did know Korean, but you just finished your lessons, and it was still a bit hard for you. You didn't want to look so "american", a novice at everything of her own nationality. "Are you stuck?" He asks sweetly. "Uh, um, um, yes. I know it, it's just that--" He picks up his pencil, and finishes his name. "I know. When I first learned how to write it, I had trouble too. But don't worry, practice makes perfect." He tells you. "Thank you thank you!" You say in reply. The bell rings, and on you go, back to your new house.

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Chapter 8: LOL..super cute!! Jiyongie!!!
Chapter 1: Cool story