Moving? ... As If

Just Ji Yong

You picked up your old, purple backpack, and head to your parents' car. "MOOOOM! Hurry Up!" You screamed. You jump into the backseat, quietly and impatiently waiting for her to come out. You finally hear her footsteps, and the squeaky car door. "Finally." You say. "Park. Don't be so angry. I know you're mad about the whole Korea situation, but it's not the best financial choice for us. Maybe when YOU'RE older." Your mom says. "When I'm older? Like when? 2008? When I'm 20?" You ask frustrated. "Maybe. If you have any money that is." You're mom says chuckling. You roll your eyes, and buckle your seatbelt. 20 minutes later your car finally pulls up to your old, ugly school. "Learn something!" Your mom says. "I don't want to. I'll be thinking about Korea. All day." And that was your plan. Think about how your life could/will be in Korea, and never listen to anyone or anything. Then, get F's or E's, so that your mom and dad will move to Korea. Mika, your friend sees you, and pulls at your backpack. "Park! Hey!" She says. You keep walking, going with your gameplan. Since, once you move you'll make KOREAN friends. Mika is Chinese. "Park?" She says again. You turn around and wave, but keep going. You can sense Mika's expression; odd and confused. Because the real Park was fun and welcoming. Right now, your imagining the Hello Kitty Cafe, and all the stores you could go to. The houses and apartments; the officetels. Everything you've ever wanted. You unpack your stuff, and walk to homeroom. Your teacher starts calling names, and she finally gets to you, "Park? Park?" You sit there with a blank expression, staring off, still thinking about what your life WILL be like once your grow up, or even your life next week if you even move next week.  "Park." Your teacher commands, walking over to your desk. "Hellooo! Look at me. I'll get the ruler if I have to." Your teacher says. Your school was that school that still used dicipline. The board still accepted it. Unlike other schools, they went to the point where students write essays about their wrongs. You still stare off. Mika pinches your arm. You flinch, but still keep staring straight ahead. "Park Min Hyun. Talk right now, or the ruler will take role currently." Your teacher scolds. You can see the ruler slowly moving towards you. You can just imagine Mika saying, "Park. Just listen for now. Don't get hurt. Please just listen, just for now... Please." You keep yelling at yourself, "Don't listen to mental Mika [as in Mika in her head, not crazy Mika]. Don't reply to the teacher. Stay there and Sit. Sit and think about what you really want!... Korea!" You finally fail, and look up, raise your hand, and say "Here!". The teacher nods, and moves on to the next person, putting away the metal ruler. After all students were called, the teacher hands you a nurses slip, reading as, "Student Name: Park Min Hyun// Age: 13// Problem: Not listening and somewhat mental". You glare over at the teacher, stand up, and walk out. --Nurse's office-- You sit onto the bed. "Hi Park! Can I see your slip?" You hand it to her, and just sit there, wondering why a teacher would ever call someone mental. "Ohh... Mental I see.." The Nurse mumbles. "Mmk! Park! Why weren't you listening?" "Because I was deeply thinking. That's all. Dreaming about what my life will be." The Nurse's expression went from "fake-happy" to confused. "What I mean, is that, I want to move. I hate this place. This school. How I learn. [as in how she learned everything English instead of Korean] How I speak. [accent] It's not fair. I want to move to my.. homeland." You say. The nurse laughs. "Oh sweety. What's wrong with this place? It's wonderful! The people, the stores, the attractions!" She says. "No. Nothing is good about this place. Especially lunatics like you. You jump of the bed, and walk out. Knowing that the nurse was in complete awe. Only because a student just practically verbally spit in her face.

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Chapter 8: LOL..super cute!! Jiyongie!!!
Chapter 1: Cool story