Ch 3

Sacrifice(Ko one sequel using Ko one scenario and characters)


'Xiao Yu, do you think I can be friends with you, Ya Se and Da Dong? You know, I don't have any friends here...'Charlene trailed off.

'Hmm...Okay,' Xiao Yu replied after a pause.

'Things will be easier this way,' he thought.

'Why don't you have lunch with us today?'Xiao Yu asked.

'Okay!' Charlene replied enthusiastically,smiling her brightest smile at him.


'So what do you think about her?' The 3 of them,Xiao Yu,Ya Se and Da Dong had just finish having lunch with Charlene and were now on their way home. Both Ya Se and Da Dong shook their heads.

'Nothing. There's nothing special about her. She's normal,' Ya Se said.

'But...But I can feel...' Xiao Yu was shocked. How could they not feel it? Maybe he was just thinking too much. He shook his head.'Maybe you're right ,' Xiao Yu said, smiling at Ya Se and Da Dong. And in this way, the three good friends threw away all thoughts of Charlene being anything but a normal school girl and let their guard down.

'Wei!Nowadays, Charlene is going everywhere with Wang Ya Se, Ding Xiao Yu and Da Dong Ge.Who do you think she likes?'

'Ai Ya, of course Xiao Yu!'

'No! Da Dong!'

'Nope, Ya Se!'

'What are you all talking about?' A voice had suddenly shouted and the class had turned silent in a second.

'Xiao...Xiao Yu...'the chatterboxes stuttered in fear. Xiao Yu puffed in anger and went to his seat.'These people just talk too much rubbish,'he thought to himself.

'Wow,Xiao Yu,' Da Dong had come up behind him.'I have never seen you so angry over something like this before but today...tsk,tsk.Its because they were making fun of Charlene right?' Xiao Yu frowned. What Da Dong had said was true-he was rarely angry over such trivial matters.But this time...

Just at that moment, Ya Se walked in...his hand on Charlene's waist and her hand on his waist while leaning on him for support. Xiao Yu didn't know why but the moment he saw that, he felt anger,pure anger and his blood started to boil.

'Hey-'Charlene was cut off when she saw Xiao Yu's fuming face. Xiao Yu suddenly stood up and hurriedly left the class.

'What's up with him?'Charlene asked Ya Se.

'I don't know.But come,sit. Da Dong, come help us,' Ya Se said gently as he and Da Dong helped Charlene to sit down.Once Charlene was seated,Da Dong nudged Ya Se and said,'Eh, Ya Se, let's go.'

'Okay,' Ya Se said,nodding.

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ksenia-2405 #1
Chapter 7: 👍
At first I was so proud of myself ... coz once i start to read your stories it just made me want to read more and finally i read all in one setting, lol <br />
BUT!! I can't just believe my eyes today T___T you destroyed my holiday today <br />
coz both of your stories are sad endings TT__TT<br />
How can you so evil and let Charlene died in this story :'(