Winter season

우리는 같은이야 (We're the same)


Me and Kai ran as fast as we can and stopped right infront of the two dorm buildings. "" he said panting in every each word. "Sorry" I said but not really 100% apology. I noticed that I was still holding his hand and let go at the grip. I straightened myself and went inside the Girl's dorm without leaving a single word to him. 


"What the-" he didn't continue what he was about to say and shook his head and went inside the Boys' Dorm. 'How come she left me? Stupid girl' he thought as his lips lifted upward.


I went inside the room and jumped from first floor to my room's floor. I walked towards our room to see Suzy unnie still reading her book. "Hey" I greeted. "Where'd you go? I've been waiting for you" she said worriedly. "Aww.. dont worry unnie. I was reading a book in the library" I said smiling. 'How sweet. I wish she was my sister' I beamed in my mind. "Unnie, you should go to sleep. It's already 9:00". "You too". "Ne" she fell asleep as a smile crept up my face. 


I was reading a book since vampires can't sleep untill I felt a cold breeze which made me shiver. I looked at a small window beside my bed open. "Right. Its already Winter Season" I whispered to myself and closed the window then went back to reading. 




I slammed my book closed silently and looked at the sky. "Still midnight" I mumbled silently. It was still 4:00 in the morning as it got even colder. I took a glance at Suzy and went down to place a thick blanket at her neck level. I began to slowly look at her and began leaning to her neck but stopped when I heard somebody's voice in my head. 'Dont harm a human if you dont want her to be dead because you were craving for blood' the voice said to my mind which made me stop and climbed back to my bed. 


I began to search some bloodtablet pills under my pillow and drank some of it. I looked back at the sky and the sun was about to rise. 'Guess I have to do my routine first and wake Suzy up' I thought and smiled. I went to the bathroom and locked the door and began to clean myself. When I was done I made my way to the mirror and looked at myself. I arranged my hair a bit and placed a clip to hide my bangs. "Just for today" I said to myself and went outside.


I saw Suzy still sleeping as I grabbed a pillow and began hitting her. "WAKE UP UNNIE! WAKE UP!" I shouted. "Huh?! What?!" she shot up on bed and looked at her clock beside her. "Shoot 6:30" she began to do her routines fast but not fast like we do.


"Okay. Let's go" she said and grabbed her back. We went outside to see some student already woke up and was about to head to the cafeteria. "Morning Jangmi-ah" a girl said to me. "Morning" I greeted coldly. "Unnie. Did you bring your scarf or mittens?" I asked Suzy. "Scarf only since its winter season. But I wonder when the snow will fall" she said suddenly a memory flashed back to you.



"Eomma, I wonder when the snow will fall" A four year-old Jangmi asked while tugging at her eomma. "Soon yeobo. Why dont you come and play with oppe first?" her eomma asked with a smile and Jangmi ran towards her oppa.


End of flashback~


"Jangmi-ah? Earth to Jangmi?" Suzy said while waving a hand which snapped my thoughts out. "Are you okay? You seemed like you were day dreaming" she asked worriedly. "Ani. Its just I remembered of my childhood life" I said and began to walk again.



Me and Suzy went to the cafeteria when I bumped into someone. "Sorry I didn't me-" I stopped at my sentence to see L.Joe. The prince of all Purebloods and heir of all the vampires too except for the Level E. "Ani. Its okay and it was nice meeting you for the second time. See you at school" he waved at me goodbye and began to walk with Cap on school. Me and Suzy went to the table after we ordered our food when we heard whispers around the area. "Why does Jangmi always hang out with that nerdie?". "That's so eww". I heard them saying hurtful whispers to Suzy. I took a glance at Suzy who was looking down.


I began to place both of my hands on my ears pretending to be annoyed by the loud whispers and shouted, "AHHH!! WHY DOES PEOPLE DONT MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS AND STOP FUDGING THINGS OVER SOMEONE?!" then everybody was silent. "Good. And dont mind them Suzy unnie. They're just jealous 'cause they want to hang out with me" I said and winked at her.


"That's true Suzy" a deep voice said. I turned my head to see Chanyeol with Kai on our table. "Morning" I greeted but only to Chanyeol. "Morning" instead of Chanyeol to answer it was Kai who was with his smirk. "I wasn't talking to you" I said annoyed again. "Now you're talking to me" he said. I ran my fingers through my hair and puffed my cheeks in annoyance.




Without Jangmi noticing there was a person looking at her with jealousy all over his face. 'I wish she can hang out with us' then the figure left.


oMo!! Who would that be?? 

I'll tell you sooner. ^_^

Love you Readers!



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Ahh, this is a cool fanfic! Fantasy schools are always fun~ so many secrets and mysteries >:3
Ciaciang #2
please update soon
Nareum #3
Chapter 10: I SUPER DUPER Love your story please update *puppy eyes*
iamkoreana #4
update!!!excited much <3 i do love this!! :)
Update!!! NICE if you update~~~