She's almost like him.

우리는 같은이야 (We're the same)


Niel remembered the day when he and Jangmi had a fight with a Level E vampire. He snapped out of his thought when he heard a knock. "Hyung? You okay? I mean.. you were acting strange since tomorrow" Changjo said concerened. 'Should I tell him?' he thought.

"Tell me what?" Changjo asked confused. Niel sighed and told him the truth. "The truth is, they're siblings but Jangmi doesnt know about this. It's possible that they're a like I mean.. they're the same, siblings from blood and all" Changjo said and mentally facepalmed himself. "But what did her powers looked like?" Changjo asked again.


"Well.. The Level E vampire was about to attack her when she reached her hand out and it glowed into fire. She showed it to me and closed his hands and the glow of fire was gone" Niel said. "Oh. I think I've red about that. The glow of fire, does it has streaks of lightning showing up and gone after a second?" Changjo asked which made the older widen his eyes. " I knew it" Changjo snapped his finger. 


"Knew what?" Niel asked confused. "Flare of Lightning. It has the color and the image of a flame but has Lightning streaks appearing. If one of us, even Level Es touch it, we'll turn into ashes" Changjo explained. Niel nodded and made and 'o' shape in his mouth understanding.

"But she still doesn't know about it right?" Niel asked again. Changjo nodded and sighed "I wonder when can we tell him". 


"When the right time comes" they snapped at their conversation when they heard L.Joe's voice. "H-hyung" Niel and Changjo stuttered. "Its okay. But dont you dare tell her that. Or you'd regret it for the rest of your life" then L.Joe left.


"Great" Changjo stood up and went to his room to read his book again. Niel plopped himself on the couch (They cant use beds cuz they're vampires and their dorm is on the last floor) and snapped his fingers revealing a book and red it.




I red my book and ruffled my hair again. 'Still wondering why I had those' I thought. "Ugh.. Now I'm getting frustrated" I muttered silently. I heard Suzy groaning which shocked me and looked under my bed. 


I sighed in relief when she was just moving and slept again. I took a look at the window and knew that it was morning. I got down and shook Suzy continouosly. 

"Hnngghh?" Suzy groaned. "Ugh.. wake up sleepy head its already morning" I said. Her eyes shot open and stood up hurrying herself. "Are you already done?" she asked. "Yup".

"I'll be ready in.. umm.." I cutted her off. "Just take a bath already" I said annoyed. She yelped at my reaction and went inside the bathroom.


"Now where's my pills" I began to scatter my things and saw a small box. "There it is" I picked it up and opened it to find it 'Empty'. "Aish.. I have to ask oppa for some more" then I left the room leaving a letter.


I began to look at him in the boys dorm. "Look there's a girl. Mind to join us miss" A guy said. "Oh Just shut up es. I'm not here for you" I snickered.  "Nice choice of-" he didn't finish his sentence when I gripped on his neck. "Try touching me or play with me or you'll be dead for life" then leaving the guy dumbfounded.


I arrived at oppa's room and began to knock. "Yes?" Kai opened the door. "Morning. Is Sungjong oppa there?" I asked politely. "Jangmi-ah what brought you here?" I heard Sungjong's voice. 'Oppa I need some tablet pills' I talked to him through my mind. 

"Waeyo?" he tilted his head. 'Mine is already empty or you want me to come to the town and buy it myself' I then made a 'please give to me' look.


"Fine here" I thanked him and left.


Sungjong's POV


"Does that girl always need tablets?" Kai started a conversation while walking on the way to the cafeteria. "Not at all. I mean.. she can control herself to everything" Sungjong said.


"I guess" then Kai went to his co-vampire hunters. Sungjong sighed and glanced at you who was eating happily with Suzy. "Hope she doesn't find out" Sungjong said to himself. "What is it that you dont want her to find out?" Sungjong heard D.O's voice. 

"Nothing" then walked away.



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Ahh, this is a cool fanfic! Fantasy schools are always fun~ so many secrets and mysteries >:3
Ciaciang #2
please update soon
Nareum #3
Chapter 10: I SUPER DUPER Love your story please update *puppy eyes*
iamkoreana #4
update!!!excited much <3 i do love this!! :)
Update!!! NICE if you update~~~