JR's Thoughts

Behind the scene

JR's P.O.V.


We were all in a van going toward our next "mission". We weren't chatting like usually, since almost everyone was tired, but non the less we were excited about today.

Minhyun was staring out the window with his ipod on and so were Ren and Aron. Baekho was trying to get a little bit of a nap time and I was examining them all with a smile on my face. I was lucky to be the leader of this group.

Something caught my eye, as usual it was Ren. The morning sun beautifully shined over his face. He was indeed a beauty, one of a kind. I often find myself looking at him and admiring his "perfection" as I would call it. His looks were not a joke, but his personality was great too. I really liked him, we were compatible. I had the most fun with him.

I chuckled as he yawned. He noticed me and got his headphones off - "What?" - he said with a smile.

"Nothing Rennie. I was just watching." - I returned a smile.

"." - we both chuckled. He was kinda hesitant about putting his headphones back in, but I signaled him with my hand to put them back on. He probably wanted to be in his thoughts a little more.

I went back to look every one of them. It was funny how I could read them, although I was the slow one in the group.

Baekho was the happy one, always inviting and ready to play/prank someone. He had a sweet heart and was a little bit of an egoist. Sometimes kinda forceful, but I think that was because of his build... over all a honest, goofy, great guy. And he was the only manly one among us...if I can say it like that.

Aron-hyung. What can I say about him. We all adore him. He is cool, a little bit of a troll and an egoist. He's smart and when he speaks english it is really charming and it makes him even more cooler. Older than us, but he still let us treat him like he's our age. Well... maybe that is because he's American. The one word that could describe him is COOL.

Minhyun... Minhyun is something else. He's like our mom. He nags all the time, about cleaning the most. He's verry polite and a nice person. If he would be a character from a book, he would be a prince. Yeah, definitely a prince. He has a prince aura around him. He's really handsome... I could even say pretty. And he is tall, lets not forget that. He is really tall. Minhyun in one word - TALL ahahaha.

Ren... Ren... Ren is... he is beautiful. So, so beautiful. His face is pure perfection and his slim body with long legs fit him so good. He is a goofy one too. Joker and a "drama queen" ahahaha. Ren was always kind of one of my favourite, not because of his looks, but because we fit eachother well. Our personalitys matches well and I'm sure he has a great time with me too. But... there is something about him which I kinda saw this last few monthes. Something that he hides. As my eyes are almost always following him, I see him following Baekho. His eyes are always fixed on him... and... well... he looks at him funny, well, not funny but... like a girl would look a guy... or other way around. I don't know what to do or how to react to that. Is he in lov--- nono, I don't even want to say it. But what if he likes... Baekho... no, no... no... right? Maybe it is all in my mind. They are close and we all know it and I'm sure Baekho likes Ren... but not in that kind of way. So does Ren likes Baekho is that kind of way? Like... Ren is... gay?

WOW, no! No brain, no! This just... can't... it would be bad, very bad. And Ren is straight. What am I even thinking about.

Ahhhh, but why Baekho? Why him?


The driver turned around, interfering me with my thoughts - "We are here. Have a great show!"

We all smiled and thanked him, getting out of the van, going in the building.




I'm sorry it took me so long to update. My laptop is acting up =/

A little bit of Jren?

And now I'm sure this chapter was trash... As a writer I don't like it, but it was necessary.

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Chapter 18: Hwaiting ren and minhyun!!! Don't let your love escape! :D

Fighting authorinim too!! ^^
kijara #3
Chapter 18: You are doing great! I luv you're story.Hwaiting !
Chapter 18: you always end with cliffhangers!
JRs one sided love is very sad lol. poor JR. he's always the victim in like every nu'est story I've ever read.
Anyways, I have a feeling none are going to end up togetherXD because realistically, I don't think it will happen. BUT still hopeful!
shinoside #5
Chapter 17: Can't wait for your update!
shinoside #6
Chapter 15: I love this chapter because Baekho can't just say no to Ren. And the kissing part is just so sweet even though Baekho seem reluctant in the beginning. Love it when Ren .
setsukayatouji #7
Chapter 17: Is he killing his feelings???

This was confusing!

Update Plz :)
Chapter 17: you always stop at the most intense momentss /sigh/
Minhyun is killing his family? hmm is it because of his gayness? :P
Chapter 16: aaaah read the whole story so far and have to admit it's probaply one of the cutest baekren stories I have read. I like the way u have brought the pairs up and I'm eagerly lookig forward next chapters.(dont stop this yet its too good to end now,plz ^^)
Hopefully baekren will end up together soon(^_^)/
AlexandraLee19 #10
Chapter 16: whooaa I love this part (: JR is so cute haha /// and who is ittttt ~~~