Chapter 3

Sisterly love? or not?

Krystal POV

I sat down beside Jessica. I didn't actually know what to do. I cant feed her cause she cant swallow and I dont know when she is going to wake up. I started to feel Jessica stir around. I got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen grabbing some warm water and medicine. When I went back to Jessica's room I saw her hanging over the bed with her hands touching the floor. Wow, she really is having a 'hangover'.

" Ugh~.." Jessica started to sit up but instead fell onto the floor.

"WOW!" She shook her head. Now she was able to sit up. I walked to her and helped her to the bed.

"Here take it." I handed her water and the pill. She took it without saying anything and swallowed it. I guess she really wants me to leave her alone. I stood up and was about to turn around when I feld something grabbing my wrist and pulling back.

"I'm sorry for this morning. I was kinda drunk."

"I understand but can you let me go. I wanna go back to my room." Instead she harden her girp. In reply I snatched my hand and walked away.


Jessica POV

As krystal walked away, i sighed. I wanted to go grab her and explain but i didn't have the strength to do so. I lyed back down feeling guilty and regretted drinking. I actualy drank because i wanted to forget the kiss. I don't know why but it had a great impact on me. ARGH why do you always make me feel bad!. I just hope this weird feeling goes away quickly. I lay back down onto the bed with my arm over my face feeling guilty. That night was a long night and for the first time, I saw the sun rise up before I slept. Today was tuesday and we had to go to school. Usualy Krystal would wake me up but today she didn't and it really bothered me. I know I should be happy that she isn't annoying me but dealing with her was one of my daily routine. I got up and walked to the kitchen finding Krystal stiring something in a pan.

"Morning Krystal!" I tried to sound happy and cheerful. But all I received was a nod. My face turned sour. I sat down while Krystal just put down a plate and walked to her room.

"Aren't you eating?" I yelled to krystal.

"I'm not hungry" She answered with a cold tone and walked off. She didn't even look at me in the eye. ITurned around not feeling like eating but i had to since breakfast was one of the most important meals. I slowly ate my meal with no interest. I saw Krystal coming down the stairs with her school bag and uniform on.

"I'm leaving first" She said in a cold tone and left without looking at me. I sighed. How am i going to fix things to the way they were before. I also prepared my bag and walked out of the house and to school. i walked in my class. Just this once I wish me and krystal are in the same class so I can talk to her but I had to be older and be in a different class. Class was long and boring, my mind only thought about Krystal and my friend didn't seem to make me that happy and take my mind off her. This day was the worst day ever, everthing was silent to me. I looked up to the clock and I could hear the clock slowly ticking in my head tell me that the time wouldn't pass by quickly today. At lunch My friend yuri dragged me to an area with no one around and crossed her arms.

"Whats wrong Jessica? I know theres something wrong! Now tell me!" Yuri's voice grew louder and louder with each word.

"Nothing" I reply not wanting yuri to lecture me and started to walk away. I heard foot steps behind me most likely belonging to yuri. A pair of hand spun me around and pushed me to a wall. I struggled to get out but the grip was too strong.

" Im not letting you go before you tell me whats wrong." Yuri pinned me to the wall and gripped my wrist harder. Luckily i wa saved by an anoucement.

"Could Jessica jung please come to the sick bay. I repeat Could Jessica Jung please come to the sick bay." I look towards Yuri.

"You heard it I need to go." Yuri released my wrists but she still had a Don't-think-I-wil-let-you-go-again look. I walked over to the school sick bay and saw Krystal lying on one of the beds unconcious.

"What happened to Krystal?" I paniced at the doctor.

"She suddenly collasped during English and we brought her over. It seems like she is lacking some nutrition or energy. Anyways it's best if she could go home today. I already asked the dean so you wont have to come back to school for toaday Jessica Jung." I thanked the doc and sat down beside krystal. I sighed. Of cousre she will faint due to the lack of energy. She didn't even eat any breakfast and probably didn't eat much food during the day. I picked krystal up and adjusted her on my back and started to walk home. After about 3 minutes out of school Krystal started to move about on my back. Then she finaly lifted her head and opened her eyes. I yell to her.

" Hey would you stop moving around! You're making it harder to carry you!"


Krystal POV

I stop strugling and was surprised that I was riding on my sister's back.

"Ummm, why am I on your back and why are we going home?" I asked Jessica unnie after scanning our surrounding.

" You're on my back cause you are now very weak and don't have alot of energy and we are going home cause you fainted at school beause you didn't eat anything from this morning and probably in the afternoon too." Jessica explained everything after processing everthing in my head i tried to get off her back. The only repose I got was a tighter grip.

" Don't, your body is still lacking some energy you would probably faint again after walking for a minute." I stop struggling and rested my head in the crook of jessica's neck. I then felt tired from struglling around on jessica so I feel asleep again on her back.




Sorry For not updating for idk 3 weeks? anyways I got my computer now so yea. I might up date next week depending on my mood and also I have to update my other fanfic.

check it out

Hunters Vs Kishins







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Chapter 15: This is such a sweet story~
Update soon~ :))
Chapter 15: 6 years later~
Chapter 15: please update is very an interesting story...
Chapter 15: please update soon
Chapter 15: Hope you could update this story author-ssi~ i really love the story T__T
Chapter 12: hmmm finally...
Jungsis hwaiting! :)
inainaina #7
Chapter 15: This is a good fic I hope you can still continue this :)
Chapter 15: I hope you'll gain idea's for this fic . coz this fic is so good .
Nice story you have :))
Chapter 14: update soon ^^