Chapter Six

When You Were Mine

"Yah! Lee Minji!" Woohyun growled as he slammed Minji's locker shut. She looked at him and blinked, "Oh. Good morning, Wooyoung." She smiled at him, "Thank you for closing my locker for me."

She walked off, with her books hugged against her chest.
Woohyun gaped at her for a few seconds before he ran after her, "Yah!" He slapped the back of her head.
"Ow." She pouted and rubbed the back of her head. She raised a brow at him, "Why'd you hit me?"
"Why'd you ditch me?" He countered. She blinked at him, with her eyes rounded in curiousity, "What do you mean?" Woohyun became flustered for a few seconds. *She makes it so hard to stay mad at...*
"A-At the ga-gar-garden y-yesterday!" He stuttered, with his cheeks tinted pink. Her eyes went even rounder, "I did?"
"Yeah. You spat food at me and ran out the garden and made me get in trouble by the gardener." He made a face at her. She blinked a few times as she tried to recall what happened at lunch yesterday.
"Omo! Mianhae! I really didn't mean to spit food at you! I didn't want to run either! It's just that you looked really angry! And I was really embarrassed! And-" She took a deep breath before she continued to speak really fast, "-the school bell rang! And I didn't want to be late for class! I've never been tardy in my life! And I didn't-" She took another deep breath before she continued, "-mean to get you in trouble! I totally forgot about my food! I really didn't mean to leave it there! I-" Minji took a deep breath, from her extremely fast and long ramble, before she started again, "I-"
"Whoa! Calm down! You're turning all pale from talking too much!" Woohyun chuckled and fanned her.
She pouted and panted heavily as if she had ran a lap. Yes. She's such a bad runner that she gets tired after only one lap.
"By the way, you called me 'Wooyoung'..." Woohyun blinked at her. She blinked back, "Isn't that your name?" Woohyun gaped at her before he slapped his hand against his forehead.
"What? It's not?!" Minji raised a brow and poked his arm. He took his hand off his face. "You really don't remember my name?" He frowned at her. She bit her lip, "I... I'm sorry! I'm not good at names! I'm so sorry! I-"
"Chill." He laughed and put her hands on her shoulders, "Deep breaths." He inhaled and exhaled deeply as an example. She did the same and soon began to relax.
"Whew... Okay... I'm... I'm okay..." She sighed, relaxed.
"I'm Woohyun. Remember it. If you forget again, I won't forgive you." He playfully threatened. She pumped her fists and stared at him seriously, "I won't! I'll write it down 100 times and say it 200 times until I remember!" Woohyun blinked at her, "Errrr... You don't have to go to that extent. Maybe you should just look at my nametag before you say my name, to make sure you get it right." He pointed to his nametag.
"Oh, right." She face-palmed herself. "Nametag. Forgot." They both started to laugh.
Woohyun and Minji both looked up. After Woohyun saw the person who called her name, he immediately looked towards Minji. He frowned when he saw her tense up a bit. *Does he really think he could gain her forgiveness so soon?*
"Minji, I-"
"Class is starting!" Woohyun interrupted L and grabbed Minji's hand as he dragged her into the classroom.
Minji let out a sigh. She felt really guilty for just leaving L alone in the hall. She felt really, really guilty when she heard the tiredness in his voice. She felt really, really, really guilty when she saw the redness in his eyes. She felt- Okay. All you need to know is that she felt guilty.
At the same time, though, she felt relieved. It still hurt whenever she saw L. I mean, he cheated on her only two days ago. How could it not hurt?
"I got a D on the math test?!" Minji's eyes went wide when the teacher handed her her test. She blushed when she realized she had yelled that so loudly that the class heard and snickered at her.
"You got a D? Wow, you're an idiot!"
"Ha! Ha! Loser! Loser!"
"I wouldn't be saying that, since most of you got an F." Ms. Yoon frowned at the class. They all pouted and went silent as Ms. Yoon continued to pass back tests.
"You got a D? Really?" Woohyun raised a brow and peered at the test on her desk.
She pouted and nodded as she stared at the large 'D' on her test. Curious, she peered over and glanced at Woohyun's test. It was easy since he sat next to her.
Because Minji had a desk partner already, Woohyun had to persuade Ms. Yoon to let him sit next to Minji. It was really easy, too. Let's just say... all it took was a wink and a smile.
"You got an A+? What? How? I-! You-! Yesterday was your first day of school here, yet you got an A+ on the test?!" Minji blurted but thankfully not as loud as the first time.
"It was easy. I had private tutors who taught me this." He smiled proudly, glad that he could impress her. She scrunched her nose and pouted, "I had private tutors, too..."
"What happened to them?" He asked curiously. She pouted even more, "They quit..."
"They quit?" Woohyun raised a brow.
"They said there was no way in helping an ahjumma, like me..." She sighed as her shoulders fell. Woohyun chuckled loudly, "You can't blame them. You are an ahjumma." She made a face at him and looked away, but they both laughed.
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yooamie #1
Chapter 58: omg woohyun ;;;
i totally did not expect that ending!! T__T
good story though, i enjoyed it a lot! ^^
Chapter 58: awww woohyun, its still a good story though (: !
Chapter 58: I just got to read this now xD //Sowwyy for that~ 'cause I'm practically busy to read all the stories I'd subscribed// and honestly, I love how the story did go! 'Cause I never thought or imagine that the ending would be like that after Minji and Woohyun were so a happy couple >0< Eventually, the ending turned out sad plus heartbreaking because of it but it was GOOD. I love the last words (sentence) he thought. It pains me and probably inspires me. So yeah, I just want to say I love how the story did go. Just like what she(Smile-cheeks) had commented, don't regret for creating this story and the ending! Because the STORY TITLE actually tells the WHOLE STORY. I just did know about it, because of the ending. I was like "oh, that's why the story tile is "When You Were Mine" See? =D Actually, I expected at first that this story will be sad or will have a sad ending because of the title but yeah, the poster and bg plus the description tells another that it would be romcom. (Which is a RomCom but with a sad ending xd) Well, you did a good job! (Y)

If Woohyun doesn't have a girlfriend, well I'm available! JOKE! //I'm just kidding, Woohyunnie's Fans don't threaten me! I was just kidding! ^0^//
Chapter 58: Seriouslyyy, you are really that amazing to don't regret it? ... So I will regret it for you! xd But truthfully, it's sad that she's not with Woohyun :( Now, he feels what Myungsoo felt earlier... But it's also fair towards Myungsoo... But in other way... it's still not fair to they end... but... ahh~ it's too hard >.<
Anyway, thank you for your hard work and everything :) I hope you are doing well~ :) Fighting <3 Good luck in the future~
PS. Jihyun got married with Sunggyu oppa~ <3 KYAAAAAAAAAAA, THEY ARE THE BESTTTTTTTT <3 :) x
Chapter 1: I love the story but le ending.. waaaaaaa.. but it's not cliche, though.. but stillllll woohyun waaaaaaa..
Chapter 58: I love ur story but i didnt like the ending ^^
Gemslover #7
Chapter 58: Well, I'm done! It was good actually but yeah, I didn't like the ending!
Gemslover #8
Chapter 26: Omfg, the heels part made me laughed out loud! Random used Christmas present, LOL!
Chapter 58: just finished reading the whole story omgg Woohyun TT so sad right now but still I love your writing style!^^ Thank you for this amazing fanfic!
Chapter 58: Omg very long but worth it! Sooo sad, the ending :'( I thought it'd be about Minji and Woohyun! :( Aww I feel bad for him! Anyways, great fanfic author-nim!! Wish there was an alt ending though. :((