Chapter 6

Hhaha yeh from the previous chapter Ella was pretty ganster, lol. Everyone has to listen to their mum sometimes XD.

Anyways enjoy this chapter!! comment is much appreiciated =]

Ella tried to find another excuse again to get closer to Hebe; this time she tried her so called ‘Noob tactics’. Ella was making a special order, one of those more complex formulas, Hebe was trying to mind her own business when Ella came up to bug her again, for the 100th time in an hour.

“I don’t know really” Ella sulked

“Just do it” Hebe said

“Can you show me please?”

“Pretty please?” Ella pleaded again

“Argg, why me? Go get Rainie to show you”

“Oh come on, she’s busy” Ella argued

“Fine, last time!” Hebe stated

“Look here” Hebe said showing Ella how to create the pattern on the surface of the coffee.

“Like this?” Ella pretended to be clumsy at it. Hebe patience was short; she grabbed onto Ella’s hand and showed her how to form the pattern in the other cup. Hebe quickly retreats her hand as soon as she noticed Ella was staring her.

Ella took the chance as Hebe looked away, she pretended to accidentally slip as she pushed the coffee onto Hebe, and it made her all covered in coffee. Hebe wasn’t very happy, she yelled as it was expected already. Ella quickly grabbed a towel close by and tried to wipe the stain but Hebe pushed her away.

“Sorry, sorry I didn’t mean too” Ella kept repeating

“Arrg, I have to change” then she left to get a new set of uniform to change into.

Ella followed, peeking at Hebe’s every move, as soon as Hebe was done she told Hebe that she would take care of the stains, she would get it cleaned so Hebe just left her uniform with Ella. Ella quickly checked the pockets but still nothing. Where was it really? Ella questioned herself again.

“Hey are you sniffing my clothes?” Hebe asked curiously as she passed the Ella who was still in her own little world.

“What?” Ella asked confusedly

“You’re sniffing my clothes?” Hebe asked again pointing at what Ella seems to be doing.

“Ah yeah, it smells nice” Ella said laughing as she put it down before Hebe too it serious.

“Weird” Hebe commented and left

“Weird? How am I weird?” scratching her head as she questioned herself

It felt like a long day to Ella, she was actually getting pretty bored with making coffee which was one of the reasons why she was fired before. Once she got bored, she gets slack, and starts to lag at everything she does. But this time she tried harder because it wasn’t her only job, her main job still hasn’t been done.

“Excuse me!”

“Over here” a customer called out. Ella walked over to the customer to take her order. As she got closer Ella’s eyes were glued onto the y girl, she was smooching hot.

“What can I do for you y, I mean miss?” Ella asked with her luring smile.

“Hey, Hmm I’ll get this one”

“Sweet tooth aye?” Ella commented

“Yup, just need something to brighten my mood”

“I’ll brighten your mood any day, one sweet tooth coming up” Ella left quickly to make the order before returning with a nice rosy cup.

“It looks great! Thank you”

“Glad to be at service”
“Maybe we could hang out sometime, you got a mobile number?”

“You mind? There’s customer’s waiting” Hebe whispered to Ella angrily pulling Ella away by her sleeve.

“I’ll get it later…” Ella said as she was pulled off.

“Are you always so flirty?” Hebe said in her angry tone

“No, only when there’s someone worth wooing”

“Hah really, doesn’t seem like it”

“I’m bored, to tell you the truth” Ella said laughing

“Bored? Of?”

“Bored of making coffee”

“I knew it, you couldn’t last” Hebe knew Ella wouldn’t be able to stay in this place for long.

“Quit then” Hebe suggested

“Hmm not yet, but I will be gone soon don’t worry, you won’t have me to bug you again”

“Good” Hebe looked away as she said answered coldly, though she didn’t really wanted Ella to leave, it was quite fun even if she was quite annoying.

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