Chapter 16

“Where are you taking me?” Hebe yelled while being dragged by Ella forcefully leading her onto a fairy which was heading to Mei Island.

“Now you stay!” Ella ordered as she position Hebe to stay still in a seat next to hers

“Are you trying to dump me on the island or something?”

“Hahaha, I will if you don’t listen” Ella replied as she laughed

The boat sailed to the other side where it reached a small island, it was a place that attracted many tourists, there were also many tourists were aboard. The island was one of those places that were beautiful natural and green with blue water surrounding every edge.

“Come on” Ella said holding out her hand for Hebe to hold to hop off the boat safely.

“Why are we here?” Hebe asked again as she tried to keep up to pace with Ella

“For all day please” Ella said as she taken some money out of her wallet and handed it over to the man who looked around his thirties

“Thank you” Ella said

“Stay here” Ella followed the guy inside the shelter and then 5 minutes later; a motor was heard coming out of the shelter
Ella came out with a smile on her new motorbike.

“Hop on” Ella said waiting patiently for Hebe

“No way!” Hebe refused

“I’m a pro driver don’t worry”

“No” Hebe said still being stubborn

“Don’t make force you, it won’t look good” Ella said with a threatening look

“Fine” Hebe thought about before she climbed on slowly

“Hold on tight!” Ella warned before taking off

“Ahhhhh! Slow down!” Hebe said gripping on as tight as possible

“This is slow” Ella spoke over the wind

As Hebe was starting enjoy the wind brushing against her skin and blowing through her hair they pulled to a sudden stop, making Hebe grip onto Ella even tighter

“You can stop hugging me now” Ella laughed

“I wasn’t hugging you” Hebe said letting go quickly and hopped off

“Ok ok, you weren’t hugging but you were just taking advantage of me right?” Ella teased

“I’m going to go now if you keep annoying me” Hebe angrily said

“Hmm, you have nowhere to go”

“Okay enough mucking around, we need to go in” Ella said pulling Hebe inside

They both came to a door step, Ella knock on the door three times and then waited. Footsteps were heard from the inside; someone was coming out and was unlocking the door.

“OMG” A girl said in shock as she looked at Ella

“Hey y” Ella greet as she pulled the girl into a hug

“Ella! Where have you been?” the girl asked as they embraced. Hebe stood aside staring at the two, wondering what relationship they had.
“Come in” The girls said pulling Ella inside the house, Hebe followed behind

“Woah this place hasn’t change” Ella said looking around the house

“Hah yeah, I’m not home much”

“Oh hey, who’s this?” the girl asked as she just noticed Hebe

“Oh this is Hebe” Ella introduced

“Hi, I’m Ariel Lin, Ella’s good friend”

“She opens a hotel here” Ella added

“Oh wow” Hebe said smiling

“We’ll go there later” Ella said giving Hebe a secret smile

“I got V.I.P room reserved for you two” Ariel winked at Ella and nudged her by the side

“Thanks” Ella said laughing at Ariel’s hidden meaning

Hebe ignored the nonsense talk and \looked around the pretty house. It was clean and new looking, it appeared be place for relaxation not a house, the ocean view was even more beautiful, it was justly directly out of the window.

“It’s nice isn’t it?” Ella interrupted Hebe’s gaze


Ella and Hebe stayed at Ariel’s house for 2 hours until Ella felt like she wanted to go have some fun.

“Thanks for the stay, I’ll see you around” Ella said as they farewell Ariel

“Bye, come back soon!” Ariel called out as Ella started the engine

“This is going to be a long ride” Ella warned as they turned a right corner

“Where are we going?”

“Hmm, somewhere nice”

It took 40 minutes until they reached the destination.

“Wow!” Hebe eyes almost fell out as she saw the site in front of her, the beauty of the blue and the salty smell of the ocean

“I told you so” Ella said looking out towards the glittering water

“Can you see the shape it’s in?” Ella asked wondering if Hebe had seen it yet

“It almost looks like a heart shape, so pretty!” Hebe exclaimed

“Is that a market over there?” Hebe asked curiously pointing over to the crowded area


“Let’s go there!” Hebe said excitedly as she dragged Ella over to the crowded area and through the mass of people.

“There are so many pretty things” They were handmade items such as necklaces made out of shells, bags and bracelets. After a few hours of walking through the market, they stopped by a small stall.

“This is gorgeous” Hebe was caught by a necklace that had tiny colored pebbles with a heart shape shell as a pedant. Hebe picked it up and observed it in awe.

“It’s really pretty right?’ The salesman asked

“Yeah!” Hebe replied

“It’s very special, its related to a story of this beach” The man said soundly as though it knew many things about this beach

“Really? Can you tell me?” Hebe asked curiously. Ella stood aside examining the necklace and then looked back at the man. She thought it looked like one of those salesmen who would do anything to sell their items. Ella couldn’t care less about the story he was about to tell.

“Hebe let’s go” Ella said trying to pull Hebe away from the stall

“Wait!” Hebe cemented into her spot waiting for the man to start

“A long time ago, this Island had only the wild, no one knew about it. It wasn’t until a couple, just about your age sailed across the ocean but was lost in a storm. They were led to this Island were they unknowingly set foot on for the first time, they landed right over there, near the side of the beach. They found this island to be a great place to escape from the world; they were actually a couple that ran away from their homes to build their own family. Their own families were from two different worlds, but they still managed to fall in love. And this necklace was first made by the man; he made it out of the items it could find to give it to his girl as a present. Eventually time passed, they thought their happiness could last forever, but they were found by the cops that were sent out b their parents to find them. They were again separated, and were forced to live the life they didn’t want” The man ended as he the necklace.

“Aww, what a sad story” Hebe said as she looked at the necklace

“Are you going to buy it?” Ella asked, she was getting pissed off at the man for telling such a story, making such a pathetic scheme to sell his things.

“Buy it for your girlfriend” the man insisted as he looked at Ella

“Sorry I don’t believe in your story and this is my little sister not my girlfriend” Ella said rubbing Hebe hair like it was true. Hebe felt some angrier as she heard what Ella addressed her just then, little sister? Hebe thought they were actually on a date.

“Oh ok, Sorry” He apologized

“Come on little sis, let go” Ella said again as she tried pull Hebe the second time

“I’ll take it” Hebe said as she pulled out some cash

“Thank you” He smile and took out some change to give back to Hebe

As they walked away Hebe walked faster, like she was trying to lose Ella within the crowd.

“Hey slow down!” Ella cried out as she tried following Hebe through the people

“Hey” Ella got hold of Hebe’s arm before she ran further

“Why you’re so fast?”

“None of your business” Hebe answered without turning back

“You know that guy might be a scam” Ella tried to tell Hebe

“You’re a bigger scam that he would be” Hebe answered

“Hey!” Ella said this time turning Hebe to face her

“He had lair written all over his face! His story was faker than fake, please, as if you would believe that” Ella explained sounding pissed off

“I don’t care; I like to believe it okay?”

“Why are you suddenly so angry at me?” Ella asked wanting an answered from Hebe’s cold looks

“I want a drink” Hebe said heading off the beach and across the street where there was a small beach bar. Ella rushed behind trying her best to keep up with the Hebe, their might be erts around these places Ella thought. They went inside and Hebe went straight to the bar and orders a drink.

“I’ll have the same” Ella said to the bartender

They sat in silence waiting patiently for their drink, Ella didn’t want to add to the burning fire, Hebe was already angry she didn’t want to lose her in this crowd, they would get lost for sure.

Why she isn’t saying anything, Hebe thought. Hebe was waiting for Ella to ay something even though she knew she it wouldn’t be pleasant, she would still be angry but at least Ella could try to find out why she was acting that way.

“Here you go” the bartender said as he placed the drinks in front of them. Ella drowned it down in one gulp; she was actually thirsty from all the walking and running.

“Another one please”

“That’s one on me” A person said as she headed towards Ella

“Hmmm, hey beautiful” Ella said as she turned around and spotted the girl who paid for her drink. Hebe watched the girl with piercing eyes, watching her sway hey body on purposely to attract Ella.

“You’re alone?” The girl asked as she gave her seducing look. She wrapped her arm around Ella’s neck and pulled Ella closer to give her a whiff of her perfume.

“Ah, yeah” Ella said as she was already lose

“Hey, she’s with me” Hebe voiced out, trying to wake Ella up

“She’s, she’s just my sister” Ella explained as she covered Hebe’s mouth from saying more.

“Mhhmhhm” Hebe tried to say more but Ella kept her from talking. Finally Ella let out, Hebe breathed in some air before she stomped off.

“Fine then, sister, I’ll have my own fun” Hebe said angrily marching throught he crown and onto the dance floor.

Hebe started dancing, sawying her body to the music. It didn’t take long before a few guys came to offer her some drinks and they danced together. Hebe was enjoying her self as she got drunk, and kept moving with the music.

Ella was immense in her make out session for a intimate moment before she realised that Hebe was gone. Ella pulled away from the girl and looked at her surrounding; there was no Hebe in sight.

“What’s wrong honey?” The girl asked sweetly

“Where’s ah uh, my sister?” Ella asked as she was getting real worried

“She went off ages ago”

“What?” Ella was astonished she been so seduced that she forgot about Hebe.

“I got to go, see you around” Ella said as she left the girl in confusion.

“Argg, what’s wrong with me?” Ella said feeling the guilt inside

“How am I supposed to find Hebe in this crowd” It wasn’t as hard as Ella thought. There was suddenly a lot of noise coming from the middle of the dance floor, and there in the middle of all the attention was Hebe.

Ella’s eyes bugled as she thought what she saw wasn’t real. Hebe was dancing around a guy, just like pole dancing. This looked bad, Ella thought. Ella rushed over to the crowded trying to find a way in. Within seconds Ella was hit by another shock, Hebe was going o strip, this time Ella ramped through the people to Hebe, which she managed to do.

“Hmmm, you want to play too?” Hebe asked drunkenly as she saw Ella. Hebe danced around Ella and holding onto Ella collar as she teased and tried to seduce Ella.

“Hebe! Wake up” Ella said as she grabbed Hebe by the shoulders and shook her lightly

“This fun isn’t it?” Hebe ignored Ella and pushed her away before she went back to stripping, she only had her cotton coat off.

“Okay that it” Ella said as she lifts Hebe onto her shoulder and carried her out of the crowd, the crowd let out noises of disappointed as Ella walked further away.

Ella finally got Hebe back out to where she parked the motorbike and let Hebe to stand on her feet by the bike.

“You’re in big trouble young lady” Ella said as she tried to get Hebe to go on the motorbike before she hopped on. It was already getting late, the sun had already set, and they had been in the club for longer than she thought. Ella sarted the engine and was ready to drive to Ariel’s hotel for the night, Ella was struggling to balance on the motorbike because Hebe kept swaying in front of her.

“Stop it or we’ll all die” Ella demanded

“It’s fun”

“Argg” Ella let out.

Finally that reached the hotel safely, Ella was relief as she got off the bike and help Hebe off too.

“Hi, Room Reserved under Ella Chen” Ella said at the registration table.

“V.I.P room? That is 421”

“Okay thanks” Ella said as she grabbed the key before the guy could say anything. She knew the place well; she had been here many times.

“Erghh, Where is this place?” Hebe was dragged into the elevator before she could examined the place for longer

When they reach 421, Ella unlocked it and went in as she supported Hebe who was leaning on her for balance.

“What a big bed?” Hebe said as she dropped herself onto it.

“I’m so tired, you’re so heavy for such a little body” Ella complained as she dropped herself beside Hebe.

“I want to dance!” Hebe suddenly said as she got top the bed and started jumping on one of the beds like crazy

“Hey becareful!” Ella yelled

“Let’s strip! It’s so hot in here” Hebe continued as she took off her shirt revealing her bra

“Whay! What do you think you’re doing? I have a very innocent mind, don’t do that. You’re damaging it” Ella said, suddenly Hebe’s pants were on Ella’s face.

“Man, drunken girls, is this really how wild you get?” Ella asked even though Hebe wasn’t listening.

“Stop!” Ella covered her eyes but peeked through her right.

“That’s it you ask for it” Ella finally jumped onto the bed and pinned Hebe onto her back and securely on the bed, so she would stop jumping and stripping.

“Enough okay?” Ella said as she looked into Hebe’s eyes. Hebe nodded, she could feel a strange feeling that made her stay put.

“Go to sleep” Ella said as she took the blanket from under Hebe and covered Hebe’s body.

“I don’t want to be your sister” Hebe said sitting up as Ella was about to move away

“What?” Ella looked at Hebe confused

“I don’t want to be your sister” Hebe repeated

“…..” Ella looked at Hebe speechless. Then it suddenly hit Ella, she remember why Hebe said that. Ella understood why Hebe was angry in the first now, the incident with the salesman and the girl at the bar.

“You’re drunk” Ella blurted out. She couldn’t say anything. She didn’t know what to else to say.

“I’m not drunk” Hebe said softly

“You’re not?” Ella asked in shock, Ella then looked down at Hebe’s revealing bra.

“I’m not” Hebe answered

“If you don’t want to be my sister then what do you want to be?” Ella asked even though she knew what Hebe meant

“I… I ..” Hebe tried but she could let it out of , it was harder than she thought it would have been.

“Do you like me?” Ella asked suddenly

“Hebe froze looking at Ella and still trying to sink in the question

“Do you like me?” Ella repeated


“Do you?” Ella asked again

“Its fine, you can go to sleep now” Ella said trying to force it out of Hebe

“Fine, I’ll go to sleep” Hebe said giving up

“Hey!” Ella said, she was only trying to make Hebe talk not make her go to sleep.

“zzzzzzzZZZZ” Hebe pretended to snore

“Whey! Wake up” Ella yelled

“I like you!” Ella yelled

“What did you say?” Hebe questioned sitting up again

“I said have a great dream”

“Hey you said I like you!”

“Hahaha, you said it” Ella laughed at Hebe’s cute expression

“You tricked me!” Hebe yelled at she pushed Ella away

“Aww, poor baby?” Ella said patting Hebe’s head


“I’m going to sleep!” Hebe said covering herself with the blanket

“Good night” Ella said

Ella made her way to the bed lamp next to Hebe and turned it off.

“I like you” Ella whispered before standing up

“I like you too” Hebe whispered under the covers. Even though Hebe’s voice was barely heard, Ella could make out what she was saying, this made Ella flutter inside.

Hebe POV
I did I hear it right? She said she liked me? Suddenly I felt my heart flutter; I was to jump on the like crazy now. I finally said I like you! How can I sleep now? I wonder what is thinking about right now. Is she feeling the same thing I’m feeling? I need to sleep. Sleep Hebe. Sleep.
End of POV

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