Chapter 12

The obvious risen of the sun due to the shining light that lit the room, exposing the atmosphere to a new day. Ella was looking forward to today; she wanted to pay a visit to Coffee café, she was somehow eager to see a certain person. She didn’t know why maybe she missed working there.

Upon Ella’s entranced she bumped into a stranger who was rushing out like he had been up to no good. Ella let it go and just kept to her prior goal. That was to have some coffee and see if that person was there.

“Oh hey Ella! Long time no see!” Rainie greeted happily

“Morning, I thought I would pay you guys a visit since I have time on hand. Sorry about leaving without saying goodbye” Ella said making an excuse up

“Where’s Hebe?” Ella asked curiously

“I think she’s sick, I don’t know she hasn’t come today” Rainie replied

“Sick?” Ella felt worried, she didn’t know why but she had an uneasy feeling.

“I’ll go check on her, to say hi and all, you know since...” Ella rumbled on

“Oh Can you give her this, its seems important” Rainie said handing Ella a letter

“Okay, sure” Ella said retrieving the letter from Rainie, there was just Hebe’s name written on the front nothing else could be seen.

“Bye then” Ella said to Rainie

“Come again soon!”

“I’ll try!” Ella replied as she exited out through the doors

Ella knocked on Hebe’s front door, she waited and waited but there seems to be no movement inside. Ella felt herself panicking, why does this feel so familiar, like that nightmare she had once before. Ella knocked rapidly again, this time louder than before. Within a minute the door opened and Hebe with her tired expression was standing in front of Ella.

“Morning” Ella said feeling calm again

“Why are you here?” Hebe asked yawning

“I heard you were sick?” Ella replied feeling embarrassed

“Well you see, I’m not sick right?” Hebe said showing her energetic self

“I guess so”

“Bye then” Hebe said closing the door

“Wait!” Ella yelled out as she stopped the door form closing

“Why didn’t you go to work?” Ella asked

“Because I’m tired”


“Anything else?” Hebe asked before she closed the door again

“Yeah, umm there’s this letter, I think it’s important, Rainie told me to give it to you” Ella said handing it over to Hebe

“Thanks” Hebe then unfolded the letter and read it, her eyes widen as she read the letter. Ella could tell it wasn’t good news.

“Anything I can help you with?” Ella asked showing how concerned she was.

“No it’s nothing, you can go now” Hebe said

“Ok, bye then” Ella didn’t want to leave, it didn’t feel right, there must be something going on Ella thought to herself.

Ella gradually made it to her car and a far distance away before parking, she was far enough not to be seen but also close enough to see if Hebe was going anywhere. After 10 minutes of waiting she saw Hebe coming out of the house, she was dress in a normal T- shirt and shorts, nothing special. Though Hebe was in a rush she seems like she going somewhere urgent. Ella followed the bust Hebe was on until it stopped at a downtown area; this was a danger zone, not a place for a girl like Hebe to go to. Ella waited until Hebe pasted a few metres until she started following her. She then turned a corner, where a street light pole was severely dented and damaged. The telephone booth beside was also smashed but it still looked functional.

When Ella turned the corner she found Hebe entering a store. There were few other men going through the same entrance, this got Ella even more curious, what was in this place?
Ella walked through the crowd where she lost track of Hebe, there were many other guys around, and the place looked like another one of those illegal fighting arena. Ella seemed to have figured out what Hebe was here for. It wasn’t long until Hebe was seen on the stage opposing a guy with an aggressive look.

“Go!” one of the guy announced

The fight then started, both were in their position ready to attack at any time. Ella was feeling afraid of what might happen to Hebe, she doesn’t seem like a match to the guy, even though Ella knew Hebe was not a weak fighter.

“You’re going down girl”

“We’ll see”

“Don’t worry, this time I’ll let kiss my bro down here”

“Shut up and started it!” Hebe shouted as she went in for her first attack

“Too bad, huh?” He said with a smirk on his face after successfully dodging Hebe’s attack

Hebe then went in for her next move, this time she managed to punch the guy in the face

“You little !” He yelled angrily and threw punches back at Hebe, but he missed

This got him even angrier, and it made him fierce and scarier. It roars as he ran over to Hebe with his continuous attacks

Ella could see that Hebe was much better than this guy will ever be; he was no chance against her. But something unexpected happened, suddenly a guy in the crowd pulled onto Hebe’s foot, almost making her trip but she luckily managed to stay upright, but she lost her defense position. This allowed the guy to fully take on his revenge. He continuously exhausted his anger while Hebe was taking the attack instead of defending herself.

“Give up you little !” He said still attacking her
Ella finally couldn’t take it anymore, when Hebe landed onto her knees. Ella ran onto he stage and gave a full shot at the guy and he was knocked onto the ground.

“Hebe, are you alright?”

“Hebe? Hebe?” Ella yelled on top of the aggressive crowd.

Ella then carried Hebe off the stage and moved through the crowd.

“Hey where do you think you’re going?” The massive guards at the door said demandingly.

“Move it!” Ella yelled at the guards

“Sorry you’re going nowhere until they say so” He said with his low grunting voice

Ella looked back and saw a gang looking at her and Hebe, they weren’t happy.

“Leave the girl and you can go” one of the guys shouted


“Hey man, it’s just a chick okay? Go find another chick, you don’t want to mess with us” one of the less aggressive guy shouted
The tough guy, who was standing without saying a word, seemed to be waiting for Ella to decide before he made his move, he seemed to be he leader of the gang.

“She just a girl, why don’t you just let her go?” Ella shouted

“Well too bad she messed with one of our mates; she’ll get what she deserves. So you stay out before we get any angrier.

“Looks like you guys are not going to let us go without a fight, well you’re going to get what you want” Ella placed Hebe down to the side, allowing her to lean against the wall.

“I’ll be just a moment” Ella said Hebe who was almost unconscious

“Hahaha, okay lets see what you got” the guys said laughing

“His mine!” the leader finally spoke up

“Ella pulled up her sleeves and was ready for him.

Even though the leader looked tough it took Ella no more than 3 minutes to knocked down, he was not even worthy as an opponent.

“Get him!” The leader ordered as he was helped by his team to stand up again

“Bring it on”

It wasn’t as easy as it was before, out of no where each one of them pulled out a club or a stick of some sort. They were prepared to take Ella down; their smirks showed it showed it all.

Ella managed to go through the first few guys until she was whacked on the back, she couldn’t defend herself from behind since there were too many of them. But she still managed to continue to knock a few guys out.

“Need a hand?” A voice was heard from behind Ella

Ella turned and she was surprised to see Hebe standing there okay again.


“Come on I can take these guys down in one shot” Hebe said sarcastically

“Haha” Ella laughed as she continued her fight


Ella saw the guy was knocked down before who was about to attack Hebe from behind, Ella quickly covered Hebe with her own back and took the hit. Hebe turned around as she heard Ella saying watch out, Hebe kicked the guy out of the way before checking on Ella.

“Are you okay?” Hebe asked

“I’m still fine” Ella said trying to resist the pain and got back up.

It took them about another 8 minutes before the guys started running for their life. Ella and Hebe safely exited the store, hoping that they didn’t come back for more.

“My car’s over here” Ella said as she direct Hebe to her car

Once Hebe was in safely in the car Ella drove quickly out of the down town zone.

“Thanks” Hebe said softly

“Your welcome but why would a girl like you, get yourself into this sort of mess?” Ella questioned

“Who’s knows?” Hebe said smiling innocently
Ella helped Hebe into the house and into Hebe’s room.

“Thank you again” Hebe said.

“No problem” Ella said as she looked over to the first aid kit on the table, she went over to get it.

“I think this is when this comes in handy” Ella opened the box and pulled out the bandages and anti-bacterial ointment.

“Its okay I can do it myself” Hebe said

“Don’t worry I’ll help you” Ella insisted

Ella took a cloth from the packet and wetted it with the ointment; she wiped Hebe’s injuries, on Hebe’s neck.

Hebe twitched, because it stung when Ella started to wipe her neck

“Does it hurt?” Ella asked to get Hebe distracted

“No, not really”

“You’re a tough little girl” Ella commented, Ella then moves closer to blow the ointment dry. Hebe’s face became red instantly.

“Are you blushing?” Ella asked as she after looking at Hebe’s face.

“No!” Hebe said loudly

“You didn’t have to shout” Ella said smiling

“I didn’t” Hebe said giving Ella a whack

“Ah” Ella expressed

“Sorry did it hurt?” Hebe asked worryingly

“Not your fault” Ella replied

“Here let me, my turn to help you, since it was my fault your hurt” Hebe insisted as she took a new cloth from the box and putted some ointment on it.

Ella stared at Hebe while she poured the ointment onto the cloth. She was beautiful even though she was in cute mess.

Hebe felt Ella’s gaze on her, and she was feeling all tingly inside.

Ella ed her shirt, but then Hebe stopped her.

“What are you doing?” Hebe asked

“ing my shirt, how else are you going to put the ointment on” Ella said laughing

“Hah yeah” Hebe said realizing her silly thoughts

“Did you have some other thoughts?” Ella asked seeing Hebe’s cheeks redden

“No” Hebe replied quickly

Hebe started to wipe the cuts on Ella’s arm, and then gradually went to Ella’s back, where a knife must have cut was found, even though it wasn’t deep, it was bleeding a fair amount. Hebe remembered during the fight Ella took a hit for her, this cut must have been the one the guy slashed.

Hebe wiped it gently and blew on it so it would try. She did it as softly as she could trying not to make it hurt.

“Okay done” Hebe said after placing the cloth into the plastic bag.

“You know we also do something else” Ella suggested as she buttoned her shirt back on, Ella turned toward Hebe and pounced on her gently which made Hebe backed onto the bed. Ella stared into Hebe’s eyes for a certain moment; Hebe looked straight at Ella without feeling the urge to move. Hebe heartbeat increased to 200 per minute. Ella moved down closer to Hebe’s face but then direct her self to the side, where she laid down beside Hebe. Hebe surprisingly felt a little disappointed but relief at the same time.

“Let’s sleep” Ella said as she closed her eyes and smiled to herself at Hebe’s disappoint expression.

Hebe didn’t say anything since; she couldn’t just kick Ella out of her house after saving and injuring her self because of her. Hebe closed her tiring eyes and eventually went to sleep too.

It wasn’t till late in the afternoon, Hebe woke up feeling trapped in a pair of arms. Hebe turned towards Ella who was still dreaming, Hebe tried to move Ella’s arm slowly so that she wouldn’t woke her up. She then went out of the room into the kitchen; she was definitely hungry, after using up all that energy.

Hebe made two sandwiches and put the other one in the fridge so Ella could eat it later. Hebe quietly sat on the kitchen table to enjoy her sandwich. About half an hour later Ella woke up and made her way out of the room to where` Hebe was, she was watching TV on low volume.
“You’re awake” Hebe said

“Hmm yeah” Ella said smiling

“I made a sandwich for you, it’s in the fridge I will go and get it”

“Thank you” Ella said as she watched Hebe rushed into the kitchen and came back with the sandwich

Ella sat down on the coach with the sandwich in hand and took a bite out of it

“Yummy, it’s nice!” Ella commented

“It’s just a tuna sandwich”

“But it’s made by you” Ella said taking her time eating

Hebe went silent, she wondered if there was a message behind those words

“Hmm how do you feel?” Ella asked

“I’m fine, how about you?”

“It still hurts” Ella sulked, pretending to feel the pain again, even though it wasn’t as bad as she pretended it to be.

“Really? Where?” Hebe said checking where Ella’s pain was, she grabbed onto Ella’s arm to check.

“Hahaha Just joking” Ella teased; she found it amusing how Hebe was getting all worked up.

“Arrgg you’re so annoying”

“Thanks for the stay and the sandwich, I got to go home now” Ella said as she got up

Hebe got up as well following Ella out to the front door.

“Bye then” Hebe said

“Bye, bye and remember, stay out of trouble” Ella rubbed Hebe’s hair before leaving.

“Hey!” Hebe exclaimed in annoyance.

[Hey readers!! I'm glad you commented guys! =D Umm. I hope to like it so far. Doing my best to give to more updates, since I've stopped for so long. Please leave more comments, I love to hear from you!]

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