Playful Sisters(?)

Icy Flower



     When they finished their lunch, Taeyeon went straight to her shop while Yoona and Krystal went to a nearby mall. Since they got nothing to do, they decide to spent their time for shopping than staying in the house waiting for Tayeon to come home. Well, their beloved unnie won’t be home until 8 o’clock in the evening because she was busy running her shop.

     Wonder when she has the time to attend her college? Easy! She got workers~ why she closed the shop when she had lunch with Yoona and Krystal? Here goes the explanation…


     Ehem! First, on weekdays, her worker will manage the shop while, she will go to her college and attract some guy’s attention. Not to forget, some girls too~ :3 (she don’t want to, but well, she’s too cute for many reason!! >///< ).


     Second, on weekend, she’d asked her employees to take a leave since she can work the shop out by herself. Duh~ it’s not that hard to take care of the flower and serve the customers.


     Besides, she enjoyed doing all these things. So I guess I know why all those girls and boys were so into her. She’s cute, smart, hardworking and sometimes,,, she was just too hot to resist!


     After all the works were done in the flower shop, Taeyeon decide to go home and take beautiful rest. She stretched and yawned, “awwwh,, better go home now. I can’t wait to lay in my lovely bed with my Dookongie ~ ^^” she said and ready to closed the door.


     After closing all the lamps, windows and the door, she started to walk down the walkway thoughts were flooding her mind. One of them was ‘ahh~ what are Krystal and Yoona are doing now? Are they waiting for me or just watching the television without even thinking about me? T_T’ and another was ‘ that blonde girl earlier was so weird, and scary,,, too.’


     While she was too immersed in her thoughts, she suddenly stopped in her track and stood there for a seconds. She spun around and started to walk casually again. She hung her head low, hiding her face in progress.






Taeyeon’s POV

     ‘yaahh~ pabo-yah… How could I forget that I have a car? *chuckle* chinchayo! What is wrong with me? I feel like a weirdo now… =,=’

      I started the car in immediately drove my way back home. When I arrived at our home, I knocked the door a few times before Krystal peeked into the hole and opened the door for me.


     “Taeyeon-ah!! You’re home!” Kyrstal said and jumped to hug me. Why didn’t she call me unnie? o,O  Since I am quite short, uhh,, you can imagine what I have in front of my face, right? If you don’t get it, well, let’s say that it was something soft, round and touch-able. *smiling in delight* . oh! It got a twin too~ :3 Now this is what I call life!


     At the very moment Krystal said that I was home, I heard footsteps like someone was running and appeared Yoona afterwards. She tried to push Krystal away and that needed a little bit more effort…=_=


     After struggling a little, she finally got Krystal away from me and had me in her arms. Yeah,, it always would be like this but in many ways. I mean, hugs, headlocks, pulling and sometimes,, they kissed me. No, no… I mean, my cheeks! It will be awkward if it was… nu-uh~ never mind…:3


     “Yah! Why did you push me away?! I want a hug too~ *pout*” “ayy~ yeudera! Let me in first~ I’m tired you know.. ” I lied! Actually, I love this so much!! Like, so damn much! Well, ahh… who can resist this two beautiful dongsaeng here? But I was having a hard time to take in oxygen for my lungs. I don’t want to die early because I have to enjoy my life spending time with my two angles.

                                                  (Two? Hah! Yeah, for now~ *smirk*)


     “Mianhe, unnie.” they said at the same time causing me to smile. “Let’s sit first, you guys don’t want me to pass out, right?” they nodded and let me to walk first while Yoona locked the door. They were following me like a lost puppy and as soon as my touched the sofa, I was in their hug once again with Yoona on my right side and Krystal was on my left side.


     “Why are you guys hugging me like this?Don’t I smell like a skunk?” I asked them while chuckling. “anniyoo!!” they said in unison. These kids are so adorable!  A line of smile was formed on my lips by their behavior.


     “You smell like a fresh baked bun and make us like want to taste you that much~ *smirk*” Krystal looked up from the hug and so did Yoona.

     “B-bwoh? What are you guys are talking about?” they just ignored me and continued smiling innocently. “We’re just hungry~” whispered Yoona and they started to lean inward slowly. Krystal pushed me and caused me to lean my back on the couch. So here they are again~ *roll eyes*.


     “Really? Wanna taste some?*smirk*” I decided to play along and they nodded their head while smiling. “Arasso~” I leaned forward slowly, not breaking the eye-contact.  I don’t know which eyes I was staring, may be both but not in the same time~ 3,3.


     Our lips were a centimeter away when they suddenly backed their head away but I quickly grabbed their wrist. “Aaahh!! Unnie, we were just joking! Let me go..!” they screamed together and I just laughed seeing them like that. “But I was not.” I said trying to make it sound serious but I guess I failed.


     They were struggling so hard and I lose my grip on them so they take the chance to run away. I didn’t lose so much time and stood up, trying to chase them. They split up as Yoona made her way to the kitchen and Krystal was hiding in the bathroom.



     “You can’t get away from me!!” I yelled while laughing like an evil woman in the dramas. “Unnie, mianhe! Jeongmalyo~ I don’t want to sleep in here..” I heard Krystal shouted from the bathroom, begging me to stop. Nah, I won’t let this go so easily.


     “Now I know where you are, Jung Soojung! Muahahha!” imitating the zombie’s voice in Plant VS Zombies, I tried to scare Krystal and Yoona was screaming like crazy. I bet all the neighbors nearby were complaining because of all the noise we made.


     “Yah! Kim Taeyeon, we said we were sorry! I don’t want to waste my night just like this!” yelled Yoona from the kitchen. I turned my head towards her and said sternly “Im Yoona, you started this first and you going to finish this as well”.



“Arasso! Krystal, let’s get out and face our ert unnie here!” she shouted at Krystal since they were far away.

“Anni! If we go out there, she will kiss us!!”

“Hah! She won’t dare to. Hey, it will be easy to face her together since she’s all alone!”



She really think I will go easy on them? na'ah! You're wrong Yoona-ah~   -  Taeyeon

     I started to get impatient by all those shouting and screaming “Yeudera! Stop shouting and get out from your hiding place~”



“Krystal, on my count, get out slowly, got it?”




“1,2,3!” the bathroom door was opened and they got out at the same time.





“Now what? Krystal asked Yoona and they were having a little conversation by eyes. After a while, they nodded in unison showing that they already had an agreement.


     They approached me slowly with their burning eyes looking at me intensely. Woah! What’s with the sudden change?  I started to get worry and backed a little. They ran towards me while screaming, “Attack!!”

     Oh boy~ - Taeyeon





How was it? I rushed this one and got it done in 3 hours so forgive me if there's any mistakes. :3

I don't bother to check it because i am too excited to post it. ^,^ I'll just edit them when i'm free.

I don' know where did I get that idea from~ =_='

Lots of love, 
- Young Author <3 -



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kay i'm back on track! but i feel like rewrite the whle story over again! T^T i read back the previous chapters and i was shivering at my own writing.. like, ew


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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Mihyun101 #2
Come one pls update its 20202020202020
Come on... Update pleaseee

It's 2018 now...
Laboli #4
Chapter 36: Please update this soon author
Chapter 36: Update soon please....
Chapter 36: New reader here and I can't wait to see how Taengsic progresses in the future. Thank you author for the ff. Please update soon!
tae1810 #7
Author,where are your? your readers is waiting hehe
Chapter 36: Hi I'm new reader please update soon author
Chapter 36: new subber and i hope you'll update soon, author-ssi. ^^
Starsinhereyes #10
Chapter 36: Thanks for this update!