The Revelation

Icy Flower




     After we have finished our meals, we went straight to a book store since Yoona need to buy some revision book for her Chemistry subject. Oh well, of course not without her babbling throughout the lunch about us leaving her all alone. You can’t believe how annoyingly cute her at that time. She was continuously pouting and puffed her cheeks with food, not air… As my sign of apologize to her, I promised to pay for everything she would buy as long as it’s not over the line.


     I was walking around, taking a look at all those books in case there might be something interesting. Jessica? I don’t know where did she went but she must be around here too. I wondered where Krystal actually went. She told me that she’s going to handle some things at the school but who would go to school at this time? It was holiday! O well, maybe she got extra classes. I can tell that she’s a hardworking girl and that must be the reason she always got high grade in her tests.


     As I was walking through these shelves, I caught a man was practically begging and talking to… Jessica?? They were at the other side of the shelf in my left I tried to take a better view of this guy. Base on his height, back figure, his black hair and…


 OMO! Is that Choi Siwon? - Taeyeon


     I don’t how can’t I recognized Siwon as soon as I saw him. We just met a few hours ago and he was still wearing the same clothes. Oh well, I don’t remembered his dressing anyway because for your information, I don’t usually pay attention to someone’s clothes. Just, at a certain time, I think I would.


     I quickly went to them as I saw Siwon was trying to grab Jessica’s hand. “Yah! Ahjussi, what are you doing??” I yelled, still immersed in my role earlier (being a 13 years old girl and stuff, yeah..).






Jessica’s POV


     I was taking a look at the Insurgent novel when someone tapped me. I turned around to see the meant person and I was shocked to see who it was. That caused me to yelp in surprise but he quickly gestured me to be quiet by putting his index finger on his lips.


     “Hey there.” He smiled but somehow, his lips curved in some way that made it looked like a smirk to me. “Can we continue our little walk earlier?”


“Hi. Uhh, I don’t think so Siwon.”


“Eh, why so?” he frowned and was doing some kind of face that ALMOST melt me down. Tsk, tsk… It’s a shame that this good-looking guy is a bad . If only he’s not, I think he’s already in my list of possible boyfriend-to-be.


I cocked an eyebrow to him and said, “Did you already forget about those things earlier?”


     I tried as could as possible to not mention about the daughter and mom things. Why? Duh, of course because I don’t like the fact that they used this as a reason to get me out from this guy. I mean, there’s a lot of another way other than this! So why this out of all?


“So, where’s your so called daughter, young mom?” he laughed but stopped when I threw my glare at him. “Man, I can’t believe I really fell for that.”


“So you already know huh? Wait no, so you already realized?” I looked at him and he was scoffing.


     “Hey, I know I was kinda stupid and look like a fool back there. But I was because I was surprised okay. I’m not that dumb.” He chuckled and looked away. “I can’t believe these girls.”


“Yah, yah… I heard it you know.” He turned to me when I said that but with a smile on his face again.


“So, should we?” he was all pleading with that puppy eyes which I found quite cute but weird.


“I’m sorry but no, Siwon.” I sighed, when I realized that I need to find another way to avoid this guy. Honestly, I think there’s no harm of spending a little time with him just for this day right? But then, it looks like I’m giving him a chance, right?


“Oh please? Just for some minutes. It’s not that late anyway.” He held up his left wrist to show his watch to me.


     “*sigh* I really don’t want to Siwon. I’m already tired.” I tried to make a tired expression just to make it look real. But I think it came out naturally because I might be really tired. “Oh, come on Jess… You just fooled me and you have to pay for that.”


What? Are you kidding me? Duh~ - Jessica


     I was going to walk away from him when he suddenly grab my wrist and pulled me towards him. “Y-Yah!” I yelped and was about to shout when a familiar voice shouted.


     “Yah! Ahjussi, what are you doing?”  Siwon turned around while I peeked behind his back to see who the newcomer was. I heaved a sigh of relief when I realized it was that Kim Taeyeon kid.


Oh, thank God she’s here~ - Jessica


      I know, I know… I can’t believe I was happy to see her either. Well maybe, this time was an exception. I was glad that she arrived on time when I need her help. She’s quite good in finding excuse or must I say, alibi?


     When, Taeyeon came, Siwon just stay still and was smiling to himself. We realized that we were attracting people’s attention so Siwon looked at them and waved, saying that there’s nothing to worry about.


“Hey ‘kid’.” He chuckled before he finally said to Taeyeon, “Still immersed in your role eh?”


     That caught Taeyeon a little bit as I noticed her eyes twitched. “What role are you talking about ahjussi? *scoffed* didn’t we settled this earlier?”


     “Oh yeah, about those mom and daughter thing? Where you’re 13 years-old-kid and got a young mom who is in her 20’s? *chuckled* I can’t believe I fell for it.”


Hearing that, Taeyeon tilt her head and raised an eyebrow to me.


So, he knows it? – Taeyeon

Yeah, he does. – Jessica


I sighed and nodded my head. She turned her attention back to Siwon and stared at him, smiling.


     “So I guess you’ve knew it all huh? Siwon-shi? *laughed* I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t mean to fool you but this is all her all-over-concerned-sister’s plan.” She pointed to me, still with her little laugh.


“What do you mean?” he asked slightly confused.


     “She thought that you two were dating and she doesn’t like that. So she asked me for a help and that’s why we just dragged Jessica from you.” She bowed a few degrees and apologized.


“Could’ve found a better excuse though.” She once again laughed and scratched her head a little.


     Wait, why is she so nice to this guy? Didn’t Krystal ask her to keep this guy away from me? How can she– ugh! Whatever~  - Jessica


     Siwon started smiling and laughed along. “So that’s why you were acting like that. *laughed* Never mind then.” He looked at me and about to say something when Krystal called us to the payment counter. I was being silent through all this time and I swear I had lost my words because of this kid. I thought she was going to rant on this guy again to leave me alone. But frankly, they were laughing along, leaving me here.


     “Unnie, I’m done. Let’s pay these.” Krystal had two to three books in her hand and intertwined her fingers with Taeyeon’s. She noticed Siwon greeted her with a bow and she quickly returned it.


     “Eh, what is Choi Siwon doing here?” Yoona whispered at the shorter girl but Taeyeon didn’t reply. Instead, she turned to look at Siwon.


“Uhh, if you don’t mind Siwon-shi, we’re leaving now.” She bowed and gestured me to leave with them too.

“Wait! Can I take Jessica to go around with me?” he placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Eh, I think she’s too tired for that now. Aren’t you, Jessica?”


     I nodded eagerly and removed his hand off from me. “I am. Maybe some other time, Siwon.” I smiled at him while trying to persuade him with the excuse.


     “Ah, kurae? Well, what can I do about that? *chuckled* So, see you guys later.” He bowed and Taeyeon immediately returned the bow with a smile along, which showed her dimples.


“See you later.”





     “Woah, how can you do that unnie?” Yoona looked at Taeyeon who was driving. “Isn’t he the cocky type of people? He just bowed at you! And, and… asking for your permission too! Wah, daebak~” she clasped her hand together before putting some fried-potato-finger in .


     “What? I was just showing some politeness to him. Of course he has to be too.” I saw her smiled on her words through the rear mirror. I noticed Yoona was nodding her head like a little kid agreeing to her friend.


     I was just sitting silently at the back; looking out the window without saying anything. This girl was so annoying back then and I don’t know she can be this nice. It was good to see this side of her that I never get to know throughout these past six days. And to think about it, she was being like that to a guy that Krystal hates so much. Just when I thought she was done talking, she continued, “Sometimes we just need to fight fire with water. Not to return the heat back.”


     I still stayed silent, although I felt my heart softened a bit by hearing her words earlier. I think I should be nicer to her. She’s not that bad after all, is she? I decided to take a glanced at her but that could be the biggest mistake I had done that day because she was also looking at me through the rear mirror.. That caused our eyes to meet and I quickly diverted my eyes to the outside again. I could’ve sworn that she was smirking right now when she just saw The Jung Jessica was startled.




Yoona’s POV


     “Aunt Seyoung (Ms.Jung)! We’re home~” we arrived with a plenty of bags along. “Ah? You’re here?” Aunt Seyoung peeked out from the kitchen. “You must be having so much fun huh? Look at the time now~” she shook her head, smiling at us.


     “Ahh~ you don’t know what really had happen today mom.” Jessica unnie flopped herself on the sofa lazily while sighing. I really don’t know what they did when I’m not around this morning but it must have be something with that Siwon guy. But I won’t ask her though, thinking that she must be tired and want to have some rest. I’ll just ask Taeyeon unnie later. Talking about her, she was already in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water.


     I looked at the shopping bags, doubting that none of them will care about these now. “So, unnie, where do you want me to put these?” I pointed at the bags and waiting Jessica unnie to respond.


     She lifted her arm that was covering her eyes and peeked through the gap. “Ah, I forgot about that. Let’s just take them to my room.” Slowly, she stood up from the sofa and we began to take all the things upstairs.





     “Yoona-yah, how long have you known Taeyeon?” we were on her bed but Jessica unnie suddenly asked with her nonchalant tone and I lifted my head to look at her.


     “Hmm? Ah… I think it’s been around 3 years now. Why?” I tilted my head in confusion. “Nothing, just asking.” She was still flipping through the magazine and I just shrugged it off, thinking that she just wants to know a little ‘out and about’ of Taeyeon unnie.


“She’s nice, isn’t she?” I looked at her and she just nodded her head lightly, finally looking at me.


     “She’s caring, cute, funny and sweet too. She could be the perfect girlfriend of every guy out there. Or must I say, perfect girlfriend for girls too?” I looked down to my tablet and giggled when I remembered how sweet she can be.


     “You know, maybe she’s quite a dork and sometimes, a little bit ert when she’ll say your butts are y. But, that’s what interesting about her. You won’t be bored with her around.” I said while playing Temple Run where I paused it earlier.


“Wait, hold on there.” I looked at Jessica unnie again and raised my eyebrow.


     “Did you just say, perfect girlfriend for girls? I might misheard it, but did you really say about her saying your butts are quite attractive?” she immediately closed her magazine and turned her fullest attention to me.


“Uh, yeah? Oh wait, did we forget to tell you that she some kind of attracted to… uhm, girl?”


     “What?! Chincha-yo??” Jessica unnie had her jaw fall and was wide open. I rolled my eyes at her reaction and said, “Don’t tell me you never met a biual before? Oh come on, it’s a normal thing you know. Moreover, you were in States for over a year so I doubt you never see them.”


     “Aye, anniyo~ it’s not like that. *giggled* I just… uhm, nothing!” she turned her attention back to the magazine and one might not noticed it, but she was smirking like a mad person.




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kay i'm back on track! but i feel like rewrite the whle story over again! T^T i read back the previous chapters and i was shivering at my own writing.. like, ew


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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Mihyun101 #2
Come one pls update its 20202020202020
Come on... Update pleaseee

It's 2018 now...
Laboli #4
Chapter 36: Please update this soon author
Chapter 36: Update soon please....
Chapter 36: New reader here and I can't wait to see how Taengsic progresses in the future. Thank you author for the ff. Please update soon!
tae1810 #7
Author,where are your? your readers is waiting hehe
Chapter 36: Hi I'm new reader please update soon author
Chapter 36: new subber and i hope you'll update soon, author-ssi. ^^
Starsinhereyes #10
Chapter 36: Thanks for this update!