I can't eat spicy food!

Icy Flower



     Taeyeon tucked her phone in the front pocket of her worn out jeans. She was thinking about buying a new pair of pants but she doubted she’d survive the remaining days of this month with not a single bill of won left for even her own meals if she spend her money on the not much needed pants. Plus, the jeans she was currently in was too comfortable to be thrown out. And frankly, worn-out kind of jeans had been pretty famous these days among the young peeps so instead of buying new ones, she tried to blend and fit in with the current fashion line.


     It was a little bit too warm that day and she felt bothered by her long hair sprawling all over her shoulders and covering the back of her neck. Taeyeon took a brief look at her watch, twenty-nine minutes to one. She had to hurry up. She reached into her bag and fetched a hair band then pulled her hair up, starting with the front hair and tie all of them into a high messy- too messy bun. She didn’t need to look into the mirror to know she looked like a homeless person with that two minutes doll up session. Grabbing her books and papers, she stuffed them into her bag before fishing out her car keys and squeeze her way through the crowds of people trying to leave the class as soon as possible. She drove right away the moment she got in the car.


    Taeyeon pulled out her phone and asked Jessica about the place and time through text. On her way though, she wish she had been driving slower and a little not too eager. It was only twelve fourty-four and she was almost there; couple minutes away. She doubted the latter will be sitting somewhere in the corner already. Well, not really, since she didn’t know what kind of person Jessica would be. Whether she’d be the type that is very punctual or the one that doesn’t even care about getting a time teller in any kind of form. But, judging from her looks, she could be right about Jessica.


I’m almost there. Which table?


     Taeyeon tossed her phone to the passenger seat beside after hitting ‘send’ and got both her hands on the steering to park the car. She didn’t go out right away, though. Jessica had not reply back yet hence she took time to relax a bit. Reaching for her phone, she swiped the screen and lean back comfortably in her seat. Taeyeon wonder what Krystal and Yoona would be doing that time. No incoming messages or calls from neither both of them so that probably meant they were not done with classes yet. She got a little panic thinking how the girls will react after finding out she just ditched them to go out on lunch with Jessica. But she needed some time alone with the blonde to sort out things. Weird things. It’s hard to talk to her with the girls around. Krystal must not find out the things going between her sister and Taeyeon, and she can’t risk her ‘The Best Unnie in The World’ reputation in Yoona’s eyes.


    She was scrolling through Instagram pages on her phone when someone knocked on the window. It was Jessica, slightly bending down and making shade with her hands with her nose less than an inch from the glass to able herself to look through the dark tinted window car. She kind of looked like a fool, Taeyeon had to say and she was a little bit startled too meeting a face stuck to her car like that. She rolled the window down and Jessica stay still when their eyes met.


     She raised her brows up as if asking the girl what exactly she was doing or whether she was fine or not. Something along that line.


    Jessica blinked, then went back to standing straight. She tried to look non-awkward, brush her hair back with her hands, put on a sunglasses, smooth her white blouse-shirt and tuck her hair behind her ear but all of that only scream awkwardness.



“Aren’t you going inside?” said her.

“Oh, yeah. Wait a minute, or you can go first?” Taeyeon turned off the engine.

“Just hurry up.” But she didn’t go ahead though. She waited for Taeyeon as though waiting was not a bother to her. Taeyeon didn’t know what to expect from this girl anymore. Sure, they had been knowing each other for quite a time now. But Taeyeon still couldn’t put a finger on and describe the blonde’s personality. Jessica had been swinging from scary to cocky, to a teaser, to demanding, back to scary again and then to being all nice. Who is she, really?


     Taeyeon got out from the car and locked it. She didn’t even get to sling her bag properly when Jessica slung her arm around her shoulders. Now that was weird, it kind of freaked Taeyeon out. She hauled her shoulders up in defense and tried to pull herself away. She stared at the latter and wondered whether this girl had something up her sleeve, or had just finally decided to be genuinely kind to her.


“What? Oh, come on.” Jessica pulled Taeyeon back closer by the shoulder.

“I know I’m hot but being close to me won’t burn you off.” And that was how she got dragged in to the diner.



    When they settled down at a table near the corner, Jessica immediately called for the waiter. They were given a menu each and the waiter walked away leaving them alone. Jessica didn’t even wait a second before she started to look through the menu of foods, deserts and beverages. Taeyeon, however, hesitated a bit since it felt really awkward to suddenly sit together like this after all those things that happened between them. It was unusual to act casual- like nothing had ever happen. But she guess the latter didn’t mind at all, seeing how she closed the menu and looked up to Taeyeon naturally.


“Are you done choosing?”


     Taeyeon nodded timidly. She hadn’t really decided on her meals yet. She was thinking and thinking the whole time- and the fact that the blonde was so distracting. She glanced down at her menu and picked whatever she saw on the page. She was not a picky eater, at all.


    The foods arrived at their table after a while, and one would not believe that Jessica Jung just kept bringing topics up to talk with Taeyeon during waiting. She seemed too casual about this- way too casual. Where did all the teasing go?


    But Taeyeon decided to shrug off any thought regarding the sudden change. She tried to accept the fact- or at least that was what she thought, that Jessica had dropped the game. She backed off, hence Taeyeon even thought of cancelling all her plans she had been planning all this while.


    She reached for the fork and was about to dig in when she noticed how red her carbonara sauced spaghetti was.


“Does it supposed to be this red?” Taeyeon paused her hand mid-way in the air and looked up to Jessica with questioning eyes.


     Jessica couldn’t help but to panic and her gaze darted to the waiter standing not too far from them for a brief seconds, before looking back to Taeyeon again. She quickly tried to find a way to explain and thought of how to get away with this.


“It’s something they do to pull off a unique charm to this diner… I guess.” She pulled her lips into a tight smile, hoping it would look convincing.


“Don’t worry, dig in. It can’t be that spicy. It’s just the color.”


“Oh well. That’s kind of genius to think of this.” Taeyeon didn’t think any further and bite down a mouthful of the spaghetti.


     Jessica immediately locked eyes with the waiter. She was relieved but still a little bit mad just by thinking how dumb the waiter was. He put his hands together and mouthed an apology to Jessica but she got no time for that. She had to see Taeyeon’s changes of expression when the spiciness started to hit the back of and practically her whole mouth.


     Despite the burning hot sensation , Taeyeon still swallowed down her spaghetti, thinking how bad it will be if she spit out the food.


“Water.” She started coughing and reaching desperately for the drink. She got hold a glass of plain water and gulped it down in one breath. Just when she thought the spicy taste had gone away, it came back with a much stronger burning spiciness. Taeyeon had to fan herself as she was sweating a lot on her face.


“Oh my God, it’s still there!” her eyes started welling up with tears and she coughed more and more every each passing time. That was when she finally realized there was something off. Taeyeon look at Jessica and she saw how the latter was on the verge of cracking up. She got it. She got it now and there.


“What the did you put into my food?” she wanted to yell but the constant coughing was restraining her from doing so. And Jessica finally burst out laughing throwing her napkin on the table. Taeyeon was really pissed and mad, she want to punch the latter on the face so bad.



i know most of you doesn't even remember this story ever exists X'D


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kay i'm back on track! but i feel like rewrite the whle story over again! T^T i read back the previous chapters and i was shivering at my own writing.. like, ew


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it’s been so long since i last read this story xD
Mihyun101 #2
Come one pls update its 20202020202020
Come on... Update pleaseee

It's 2018 now...
Laboli #4
Chapter 36: Please update this soon author
Chapter 36: Update soon please....
Chapter 36: New reader here and I can't wait to see how Taengsic progresses in the future. Thank you author for the ff. Please update soon!
tae1810 #7
Author,where are your? your readers is waiting hehe
Chapter 36: Hi I'm new reader please update soon author
Chapter 36: new subber and i hope you'll update soon, author-ssi. ^^
Starsinhereyes #10
Chapter 36: Thanks for this update!