
Bad Boy

This is her chance to make her own choices. So she said the word that changed everything.


L.Joe grinned in success, he knew no girl could resist him.

"Good. I'll see you by your locker after school." L.Joe settled back into his seat satisfied. He rested his head in his arms, not caring if class was going to start any minute now. 
Whereas Jae shifted in her place uncomfortably. Did she really make the right choice? There really was only one way to find out. 
Obviously Jae couldn't focus throughout her class. No matter how hard she tried, her mind drifted to what her and L.Joe would do after school. Somehow, it always ended up like a romantic date scene you see in movies or a drama.


"Hmm?" Jae looked up to see the teacher had called on her to answer a question. She wasn't paying attention and had missed the lesson, it was no wonder the equation on the board looked like gibberish to her.

"What is the value of X?" The teacher repeated for Jae to hear.

"Umm...." Now all eyes were on Jae as she struggled to solve the foreign problem in her head. Math was her worst subject and not to mention that everyone's pupils were beating down on her.

"4." A whisper reached her ears.

"4." Jae restated louder for the whole class to hear.

"Very good." The teacher proceeded to show the work for the problem and the class turned back around to face the front. 
Jae breathed a sigh of relief and turned to see her savior.

"Thank you." She mouthed to L.Joe.
He nodded his head, smirked and plugged his headphones back in. Jae turned back and lightly slapped her cheeks with both hands to stay alert. Though she tried to focus, her attempts were in vain.
The bell rang and Jae heaved air heavily from her nose. As she stood someone grabbed her arm and pulled her to a wall, it was the same girl from her first day who told her it was a good idea to stay away from L.Joe.

"Did I hear right?" She asked as the rest of class, including the teacher, filed out. 

"Huh?" Jae scrunched up her nose a bit.

"Are you and L.Joe going on a date?"

"What??? Nooooo, We're just hanging out." Jae's cheeks flushed a deep red. 

"Yeah, right. We all know what's on his mind." The girl backed off Jae a bit.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see." The raven haired stranger slung her bag over her shoulders and left for her other class.
Why did strange people always try and warn her?? What could be so bad about L.Joe?? What did they know that she didn't?


After the bell for eighth period rang, Jae took her sweet time putting her things together. 

"Everything alright?" Ms. Choi, the art teacher questioned as she cleaned up paint remnants.

"Yeah, just lazy today." No matter how much Jae enjoyed Ms. Choi, there was no way she could tell her about this problem. Who can she tell? Who was she going to be able to rely on?
Jae trudged to her locker extremely anxious of the events to come. Just before turning the corner to reach her locker, Jae halted. He's probably there, waiting for her. Would she have the guts to face him? She could feel her stomach churning. Jae closed her eyes for a moment and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down.
Suddenly, someone lightly landed their hand on Jae' shoulder. Her self defense techniques kicked in, causing her to attempt to elbow whoever it was straight in the abdomen. However, this person seemed to have skills of their own, they grabbed Jae's elbow before it could make any contact with their body.

"Whoa there." A voice cracked.
She turned to face the familiar voice.

"Dammit Niel, stop scaring me." The shorter slapped the thin boys arm.

"It's not my fault you're so on edge. You waiting for someone?"

Jae hesitated a bit. "What's it matter?"

Niel shrugged. "I dunno, if you're not doing anything, I thought you might wanna do something."

Her eyes became bigger than a deer's caught in headlights. "Yes! Let's go somewhere!"
She intertwined her arm with his, causing him to back up in shock.

"Jeez, calm down."

"Sorry, it's just that I really really wanna go out."

Niel shook it off. "Ok, wanna stop by your locker first?" He began walking in the direction of her locker.

"No!" Jae pulled Niel back and held on desperately to his arm.
He looked at her, bewildered.

"Uh....I mean....." Jae released Niel's appendage and straightened herself out. " thats okay, let's just go."

"O-Okay...?" Niel followed Jae's lead.

Meanwhile, L.Joe impatiently waited by Jae's locker.

"Where is she?" He held his phone expecting a text from her.
After a few minutes of waiting in frustration, the blonde slammed his hand against the lockers in annoyance. He shoved his phone into his pocket, ruffled his hair and stormed off. 

Did she really just blow off L.Joe? The School Prince? She was definitely going to regret it.


Second update, second day in a row :)
Hope you all enjoyed.

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Chapter 12: I like thick-lipped couple but i like short-lengthed couple too X'D I'm not making sense lol x'D UPDATE SOON DPNA
Team Neil Woot Woot. Please don't look down on me. (*--)
Dat thick lipped boi. ^^ Saranghae <3
OriannaGoldelle #3
Chapter 7: omo i fell in love with this fic.please update soon :)
Chapter 4: Plz update more :)
Chapter 4: Creeper L.Joe... >.< Updae Soon!
Chapter 3: Yay! Very nice! Better update again soon~
continha_troll #7
Chapter 2: Author-nim, where's our update? *cries*
I miss this story already lol xD
Chapter 2: It's good :) update soon~