
Bad Boy

Tuesdays were the worst, they were like mini Mondays. Jae kept her mind off L.Joe as best as she could, that was difficult considering he was waiting by her locker, first thing in the morning. 

"Of course." Jae mumbled as she continued on ahead. L.Joe had his back to her so he didn't see her coming.
Jae simply walked around him as if he wasn't there. He looked shocked to see her and straightened up. 

"Hello to you too." The blonde said as Jae ignored him and opened up her locker.

She remained as if he wasn't there and proceeded with putting books in and out.
She took a textbook that was falling apart into her hands. L.Joe wasn't taking it, he slammed the locker shut with such force that Jae jumped back a bit.

"Are you ignoring me?" He was close to seething now.
Jae gulped but kept a straight face.

"Excuse me for not being so jovial in the morning." Sassing him probably wasn't the best idea.
He surprisingly wasn't pissed as she expected him to be, he actually calmed down.

"You're right. I'm not a morning person either." He leaned in towards her a bit. Jae did her best to brush it off and not squeal when he got so close to her.
Instead of talking and risking messing up what she said, she nodded her head and looked down at her shoes.

L.Joe was all too familiar with this gesture, he knew he had her hooked. Unfortunately for him, Jae realized it too, she quickly bent down to fix her shoe. She prayed that he thought she was merely examining her shoes.

L.Joe was stunned and may have even uttered a syllable or two.

"Hmm?" Jae stood up nonchalantly.

"Nothing." He answered a bit too quickly.
Jae smirked, she knew she caught him off guard.
Just as L.Joe opened his mouth once more, she spotted a familiar brown head.

"Woops, gotta go. See ya later." Jae cut him off and ran to follow the fleeting figure.
She called out to the being.

"Niel!" He obviously didn't hear.

"Niel!!" She called a bit louder
Thankfully, since it was so early in the morning, not many people were in the hall.

One last time.

"Yah! Ahn Daniel!" He finally took notice of the annoying sound buzzing around his ear. He turned around taking one of his headphones out.

"No wonder he couldn't hear me."

Jae walked up to him and hit him in the arm.

"You didn't hear me calling after you?" He gestured to his remaining headphone, still plugged into his ear.

"Where's your locker?" He was probably heading there.

"Right here." He walked over to a locker not too far from where the two had stopped. 
It was not exactly an ideal place to be situated. This was one of the busiest halls in the school. Whereas Jae's was off in a side hall, much less traffic.
She watched as he spun in the combination.

"Why are you here so early anyway?" 

"It's easier to get to my locker than when it gets all crowded later in the morning. What about you?"

It's true Jae was here pretty early. 

"I was hoping L.Joe wouldn't be here so early, guess I was wrong."

"He's impossible to avoid. He knows everyone's schedules, even if they change their mind in the blink of an eye."

"Everyone's?" Jae asked in disbelief.

"Well only the people he's keeping tabs on, which obviously includes you." Niel shut his locker. "Where's your first class?"

"Not too far from here." Jae adjusted her bag strap so it would sit more comfortably on her shoulders.

"Come on, I'll walk with you."

The first bell hadn't rung yet, but students were piling in. It was almost impossible to maneuver your way through the hordes, especially for someone who was only 5'3 like Jae. 
Niel on the other hand was several inches taller and passed through with ease.
Jae clung to the back of Niel's coat in an attempt to not get trampled. Once they finally pulled away from the crowd, he realized Jae was holding onto him.
She let go and straightened herself out.

"Sorry. I just didn't wanna die in there." 
He chuckled.
"It's fine."
It was pretty cute how Jae stuck to him like a scared child.

"So are you going out with him?" The tall boy questioned, walking further down the hall.

Jae was right by his side. "We're not 'going out', we're just hanging out." She knew he was talking about L.Joe.

"Because that's different." The sarcasm oozed from him.

"It is." Jae tried to defend herself but even she knew that was a said lie.

Soon enough the first bell had rung, telling everyone to get to class. The two had already reached Jae's class though, they bid each other goodbye and Niel took off in some other direction. 

Like always the day passed by in the blink of an eye, that is until the end of fourth period. The bell rang and Jae leisurely placed her items into her bag as everyone else rushed out. She barely stood up before Kyungmi swooped in and yanked her out of class.

"Hey!" Jae called, but Mi wasn't listening.

She dragged her all the way to the lunchroom and threw Jae down at a table way in the back. Mi plopped down in front of her.

"Tell me everything." Mi leaned in and waited for Jae to speak.

"Tell you what?" Jae asked still confused. 

"You blew off L.Joe."
It wasn't even a day, yet Kyungmi knew. That wasn't very surprising though, she seemed to know everything.

"I didn't blow him off, I just wasn't feeling great."

"Yeah're going out today though right??" Kyungmi could hardly contain her excitement.

"Look, if I tell you everything tomorrow, can we just eat?"

Kyungmi knew she would get the truth out of Jae one way or another so she dropped it for now. She realized how hungry she was anyway.


Jae walked into sixth period, expecting to see L.Joe in his usual spot with his head in his hands. 
He wasn't there. He might be late though. Jae waited. The bell rang. Nothing.
He could just walk in late, that seems to be his style. She waited 5 minutes more. 10 minutes, 20 minutes, soon the class was over.

"I guess he's not here." Jae mumbled under her breath.

When the last bell of the day rang, Jae blindly walked to her locker. Maybe if she was paying attention she would have seen the blonde patiently waiting at her locker. She might have even noticed how he began to approach her. She realized it a bit too late however.
He waved his hand in front of her face. That snapped her out of it.

"Were you dreaming of me?" L.Joe smirked.
Jae's cheeks burned up.

"No I was not." She sternly replied.

"Ouch, no need to be so rude."

Jae scoffed and pushed her way to her locker.

"Where do you wanna go?" L.Joe returned to her side.

"Don't care." Jae shoved books into her locker and lightened the load of her bag.

"Good. I have a great place in mind."


It took a lot of walking but L.Joe finally arrived at this so called amazing place.

A park.

"We could've gone to the park down the street from the school instead of coming all the way here."

L.Joe shook his head. He grabbed Jae's arm and pulled her through a large brush of trees. The loose branches snagged at Jae's clothes and skin.

"Ow!" Jae exclaimed as a certain branch slit her leg.

"Here, walk in front of me." L.Joe pulled Jae ahead so her back was facing him. He held onto her shoulders so as to lead her to avoid an further injuries. She could feel his hot breath on her neck and it sent chills down her spine.
Finally, they reached an opening. Jae quickly made her distance from L.Joe and was able to calm her nerves. When she took notice of her surroundings, her jaw dropped.

It was a beautiful little oasis with tall grasslands growing and a small 2 foot cliff. At the bottom were many weeping willow trees perfectly set over a serene little stream, with fish flopping in and out. The setting sun added the perfect ambiance.

"Told you it was great." Jae turned her attention back to L.Joe, who was examining her response.

He took her hand and sat her down at the edge of the miniature cliff.

"How did you find this place?" Jae asked in awe.

"I just sort of stumbled across it. You know, I don't bring just anyone here. Only special people."

Jae knew that was a line he used on all the girls but she couldn't stop her fluttering heart. In her mind she knew she should be cautious. But her damn heart just wouldn't let her. Why was L.Joe so damn charming?

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Chapter 12: I like thick-lipped couple but i like short-lengthed couple too X'D I'm not making sense lol x'D UPDATE SOON DPNA
Team Neil Woot Woot. Please don't look down on me. (*--)
Dat thick lipped boi. ^^ Saranghae <3
OriannaGoldelle #3
Chapter 7: omo i fell in love with this fic.please update soon :)
Chapter 4: Plz update more :)
Chapter 4: Creeper L.Joe... >.< Updae Soon!
Chapter 3: Yay! Very nice! Better update again soon~
continha_troll #7
Chapter 2: Author-nim, where's our update? *cries*
I miss this story already lol xD
Chapter 2: It's good :) update soon~