Harder than I thought

Bad Boy

Jae was too lost in her own thoughts to realize Kyungmi had dragged her all the way to her class. Kyungmi stopped in her tracks and Jae's face made harsh contact with Kyungmi's back.

"Ouch....." Jae said rubbing her forehead.

"Here we are!" Kyungmi announced ignoring Jae and untangling their arms. 

"That was faster than I thought....." Jae mumbled.

"Maybe because someone wasn't paying attention. Anyways I gotta get to my class, see ya later." Kyungmi her heels and began to walk away.

"Wait! Kyungmi!" Jae called before she was completely lost from sight.

"Hmm?" Kyungmi responded, making her way back to Jae.

"Who was that guy earlier?" Jae asked still curious about the blonde who captivated her thoughts.

"He's no one." Kyungmi stated firmly once more.

"You can't keep it from me forever." Jae's hands mounted on her hips.

Kyungmi sighed in defeat.

"Fine I'll tell you. But not now, later okay? Now I really have to go or I'm gonna be late." Kyungmi waved goodbye as she jogged down the hall in an attempt to make it to class on time, all the while bumping into people with the same purpose as her.


"Jung Jaehwa."

Jae was so tired of having to introduce herself for what seemed to be the millionth time that day. At least the next class was the one Kyungmi said they had together. As Jae took her seat some neighboring student's began to make small talk.

"How's your first day so far?"
"Make any new friends?"
"A few."
"Are you having trouble getting around?"

Actually, thanks to Kyungmi's map, Jae was getting around just fine. She kept up the pointless conversations until her curiosity got the best of her.

"If Kyungmi's knows him.......other people might too....."

Jae gulped as she prepared to ask her long awaited question.

"Do you guys know this guy with blonde hair who's pretty short, but good looking." Jae looked at her classmates with hopeful eyes.


The girls just stared at her until one, whose name was SunJung, spoke up.

"Why do you wanna know about him?" She asked, still emotionless.

"He tried talking to me this morning, but my friend pulled me away."

"Your friend's smart." Another girl piped up as she examined her nails, absentmindedly.

"You don't wanna get involved with him?" SunJung answered.

"Why does everyone keep telling me that?!?!" Jae thought frustrated. 

"Why?" Jae cocked her head.

"You just don't." SunJung restated.

"Can you at least tell me his name?" Jae asked.

SunJung sighed, "Fine, someone should warn you. His name is Lee Byunghun or better known as L.Joe."


"Walk with me!" Kyungmi chirped as she pulled Jae out of fourth period and straight to lunch.

Although she has just met Kyungmi, Jae was already used to her bubbly personality and didn't mind being dragged along. She was focused on L.Joe. Again.

"Should I get pizza? I'll get pizza." Kyungmi answered her own question and grabbed a slice of pizza.

Jae grabbed a slice as well and followed Kyungmi down the lunch line.

"Hey, Mi?" Jae called.

"Oooh, Mi?" 'Mi', as Jae said, wiggled her eyebrows.

Jae rolled her eyes and payed for her lunch.

"Wassup?" Mi asked grabbing a seat at an empty table, as Jae sat in front of her.

"When are you going to tell me about  L.Joe?"

Mi stopped what she was doing and slowly looked up at Jae.

"How do you know his name?" 

"Some girls in one of my classes told me. Now stop stalling and tell me already." 

"Fine, you deserve to know." Kyungmi rubbed her temples.

"Lee Byunghun or L.Joe, is the School Prince." Mi scoffed. "More like School player. He flirts with every girl until they fall for him. Which isn't very hard considering half the girls are head over heels for him anyways." Jae listened intently. "He uses them to get what he wants and then he leaves them heartbroken. So stay away from him. I don't want him hurting you!" Kyungmi looked desperately into Jaehwa's eyes.

"I promise. I'll stay away from him." Jae raised her right hand in allegiance.

"Good" Mi smiled and reached for her pizza hungirly.

The two finished their meal, discussing Jae's first day and swapping numbers. When lunch finally ended they parted ways with smiles on their faces. Jae's smile faded as she was on her own again. She took out her very helpful map and found her way to sixth period. She walked into class dreading having to introduce herself again.

"Class, this is Jung Jaehwa, she just transferred here."

"Annyeonghaseyo, Jung Jaehwa imnida, but please call me Jae."

"Okay now, Jae you can take a seat next to......" Mrs. Seo examined her seating chart. "Minkyung."

Jae smiled and bowed and walked over to the boy known as Minkyung. She smiled at him and took her seat. As Jae began talking to Minkyung she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to find a smirking L.Joe.

"Jae, huh?" L.Joe said, leaning forward. "I'm L.Joe. Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other."

So it seemed.

Jae slumped in her seat. Staying away from him was going to be harder than she thought.



Sorry for taking so long to update but everytime I was gonna write something got in the way. But I hope you enjoyed and sorry again for the short chapter :/

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Chapter 12: I like thick-lipped couple but i like short-lengthed couple too X'D I'm not making sense lol x'D UPDATE SOON DPNA
Team Neil Woot Woot. Please don't look down on me. (*--)
Dat thick lipped boi. ^^ Saranghae <3
OriannaGoldelle #3
Chapter 7: omo i fell in love with this fic.please update soon :)
Chapter 4: Plz update more :)
Chapter 4: Creeper L.Joe... >.< Updae Soon!
Chapter 3: Yay! Very nice! Better update again soon~
continha_troll #7
Chapter 2: Author-nim, where's our update? *cries*
I miss this story already lol xD
Chapter 2: It's good :) update soon~