Moving Day

Bad Boy

"Come on. Be a man!" Jaehwa urged.

Her father groaned as he carried the box of Jaehwa's many books. His legs shook as he trudged up the never ending flight of stairs.

"Easy for you to say. You took the easy box!" Her father scolded from behind the box.
"Why are there so many stairs?!?"

Jaehwa chuckled as she trotted up the stairs with a box labeled "Pillows" in her arms.

Finally crossing the threshold, Mr. Jung threw the box to the floor. The contents spilled out across the floor.

"My books!" Jaehwa screeched as she threw the box of pillows over her shoulder with ease. She kneeled to the ground to try and save the paperbacks from bending.

"Relax...we can always buy more. Besides you've read all those at least 3 times." Her father said as he helped his wife carry in the other boxes.

"No! This is a limited edition signed copy!" Jaehwa said shoving a laminated book in his face.

"Nerd..." Mr. Jung scoffed.

This exchange was a common thing in the Jung household. Jaehwa was used to her father's joking comments and childish behavior. She continued to clean up the pile of books and amazingly was able to save them all. She hauled the box into her new room.

"I don't know what he was complaining about. The box isn't even that heavy."

"Your father's always been on the weak side." Mrs. Jung said entering her daughters room.
"What do you think?" Her mother asked, throwing an arm around her daughters shoulders.

"Well....the walls are white. Perfect." Jaehwa smiled as she examined her new canvas.

"Artists..........but what do you think of the new house?"

"It's not a house, it's an apartment. I guess I'll get used to it." Jaehwa said a but unsatisfied.

"Jae, the whole reason we moved to Seoul was for your new fancy arts school." Her mother reprimanded.

"I know, I know but how is it my fault I'm such an amazing artist? And I hate cities, they're way too busy. Sometimes I wish we could just move back to Bucheon." She sighed.

"I know me too, but this is good for you. Now, come help me with the rest of the boxes." Jae followed her mother out.

There weren't many boxes left, so with only a few trips up and down the stairs, all the boxes were finally brought up.

"Okay, the moving truck with the rest of the furniture will be here in 2 hours! So until then, start unpacking!" Mrs. Jung instructed.

Mr. Jung was assigned to unpack the living room and all the other little things for the hall closets. Mrs. Jung unpacked all the kitchen utensils and her and her husbands new room. Jae, on the other hand focused only on her room.

She was still waiting on her TV, bed, and dresser. All she really had was her book shelf and desk. Instead of putting away her clothes, she shoved every bit of furniture and boxes out into the hall. She kept one box labeled "Art Supplies" with her.

"Time to get to work." Jae mumbled to herself.

She pried the box open and dug inside and pulled out a stained tarp. The tarp was spread against one of the walls in the room. Jae then proceeded to fish out a set of house paints. She took her brush and firmly planted her feet on the tarp. She stained her once pure white walls with pitch black paint. The walls were covered with intertwining vines that met and opened up at the area where her bed would be placed.

"Jae! Get your out of the hall!" Mr. Jung commanded.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Jae responded adding finishing touches on her walls. Once finished, Jae hurried to pack up all her paints and fold up her tarp as she heard the motor of the moving truck pull up. She quickly raced to the kitchen, which was surprisingly completely unpacked, and grabbed a paper towel and wet it. She walked back into her room and cleaned any paint that had dripped onto the floor, before it dried completely.

The movers walked in as Jae was furiously scrubbing the floor.

"Oh...sorry." She said and stood up and got out of their way.
"Please don't let and furniture touch the walls. They're still wet." Jae informed them.

"Mhm.." One of the men mumbled in response.

She watched as they placed the bed frame, dresser, and TV directly in the middle of the room, as they left the mattress out in the hall.

"Thank you." Jae called out after the movers.

She sighed. There still was still so much work to do. She dragged all the boxes and furniture into the room, with the exception of the mattress, which she left out in the hall.

Clothes came first. Jae carefully hung up the clothes in the closet and folded the rest and put them into her new dresser. She left her shoes on the floor of her closet.
She then shoved all her school into one of the drawers in her desk and placed her laptop on the top. Jae began shelving her books when she realized her plain black dresser and bookshelf seemed so boring. Once she finished with her books, Jae took out her paints once more and painted the same pattern as the one on her walls, only this time in white paint.

Jae continued unpacking and when the walls finally dried she placed her bed frame in the center of the room, against the wall. She placed her dresser and book shelf on the right side of the room and her desk adjacent from them with her TV next to it. All this furniture filled up Jae's tiny room.

All that was left was her drawings and art supplies. Jae first dragged her mattress in and threw it onto the frame and adjusted it until it was perfectly centered. She draped the bed sheets she had designed herself over it. She then looked up at the window directly above her bed and brought out the matching curtains for it. Jae stepped back and smiled at her progress.

"Sweetie?" Mrs. Jung knocked on her door.
"Wow.......your room looks good." She smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "Dinner will be ready in half an hour." Mrs. Jung said and left

"So, I have half an hour to swagify my door and put up all my pictures." Jae thought aloud.

She decided to start on her door. She took her paints out for the last time that day and painted on the outside of her door: "Jae's Studio" in her best English cursive, with black and red paints.

Jae rushed to open her box of drawings. She got a chair stranded in the hallway to reach her ceiling. She covered her entire ceiling in her drawings. Just as she climbed down her mother came in to inform her dinner was ready. Jae quickly shoved all her art supplies on a shelf in her closet and threw in chair back into the hall where she found it. She ran to wash the paint off her hands.

Jae walked into the kitchen to find her parents serving food.

"Took you long enough." Her father stated.

"Well excuse me." Jae shot back, taking her plate and filling it up.

She wasn't surprised to find her whole apartment was already unpacked. Her family was very efficient.

"Are you excited for your new school?" Her parents asked, beginning to eat.

"I'm too exhausted to be excited." Jae said with full.

"Jung Jaehwa, I taught you better than that." Her mother reprimanded her daughters gross eating habits.

"Sorry." She mumbled with full again.

The Jung's finished their meal in silence. Once all had cleaned up they said their goodnights and headed into their respective rooms.

Jae quickly changed out of her paint stained clothes and got into whatever pajamas she found first. She shut off the lights and plopped into bed
Usually if Jae was moving to a new school, she'd be too excited to sleep. But after this extremely tiring day she had, all she had to do was shut her eyes and she was out like a light.



Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Sorry for the extremely long introduction but I wanted to give you all a taste of Jae's and her parents personalities. I promise L.Joe will come in very soon.


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Chapter 12: I like thick-lipped couple but i like short-lengthed couple too X'D I'm not making sense lol x'D UPDATE SOON DPNA
Team Neil Woot Woot. Please don't look down on me. (*--)
Dat thick lipped boi. ^^ Saranghae <3
OriannaGoldelle #3
Chapter 7: omo i fell in love with this fic.please update soon :)
Chapter 4: Plz update more :)
Chapter 4: Creeper L.Joe... >.< Updae Soon!
Chapter 3: Yay! Very nice! Better update again soon~
continha_troll #7
Chapter 2: Author-nim, where's our update? *cries*
I miss this story already lol xD
Chapter 2: It's good :) update soon~