
The Red String

Chunji's POV

I don't blame him. I don't blame his decision.

I don't blame anyone, but myself.

But let's be reasonable here. The blame can't be all on me, can it? There had to be a good share towards my so called 'girlfriend' too, who is an ex now, by the way.

If I just didn't believe her the first time when she had told me that L.Joe made a move on her. If I didn't try so hard on her, then maybe I would've realized that what I wanted the whole time, was here all along.

But now it's gone. Because he's gone.

I didn't follow his tracks, I didn't even budge from my position. I wanted to at least see him off, to at least wave him goodbye.

And when I leave here, I'll leave behind the memories we shared as well. I'll leave behind the memory of our constant disputes that were a little less than friendly. I'll leave behind the memory of his comforting touch during the time he held me when I was crying over someone who wasn't even worth it. I'll leave behind the memory of his voice that always seemed to soothe me no matter what he said whether it was an insult or a stupid question. I'll leave behind the memory of the warmth of his hand when it held tightly onto mine, the only time I ever felt right at home, the only place I wanted to be, to stay. I'll leave behind the memory of him in general, his eyes, his face, his hair, his smile, his laugh, and most of all his way of making me feel this way.

I'll leave it all behind.

I know I'm giving up a lot, but it's only fair that way.

I can't be the only one remembering. I can't be the only one trying. I just can't be the only one carrying this burden.

There was a towering window beside me that allowed people to view the planes taking off, one by one.

And I knew that L.Joe was already seated on one of them, prepared to leave this place for however long he wanted to. And if he ever came back at all, I'd be more surprised than relieved. After all, what is there to return for?

Feelings that didn't matter?

My reflection stared back at me, exposing the saddened expression that I worked so hard to cover up. If I cried now, would it be any good? Would it bring L.Joe back?

One by one, the planes drew white lines across the sky, filling the empty spaces between the clouds that hung above us. And I stood there, waving my weary hand back and forth as each one left no traces of return. No traces of bringing L.Joe back to me. Back to the way things were.

"I guess this is goodbye." I whispered, gently pressing my fingers against the glass as the last plane flared away into the distance.

And in less than a second, he was gone.

Just like that.

I let a sigh escape my lips, feeling all of the energy mustered up inside of me wither away, leaving a body with a broken heart to mend itself.

I guess, in a way, I was kind of hoping he'd come back. I was kind of hoping that he'd have tackled me down and scream out, "Did I scare you?" like he always did when I would go to the back room alone to pick up items we were running low on only to turn around and find L.Joe so close up to me with a stupid little grin on his face.

"Did I scare you?" He'd say.

Of course he scared me.

But the thought of him actually gone frightened me a whole lot more.

And I rather deal with a few shocks of death, rather than going to work everyday and knowing that

he would never be around anymore.

He would never stack the candy bars sloppily out of boredom when customers were scarce. He would never mop up the floors after me right before we were prepared to close. He would never write stupid notes on the napkins during his break, only to scatter them on the counter so that when I'd open the next morning, I'd find them there.

And each time, there were different messages. But all of the time, I smiled when I read them. No matter what kind of term we were on. Whether we weren't talking, or if things were okay, I'd smile anyway.

But that's all gone now, isn't it?

And at that moment, I felt tears slide down my cheeks. If I only knew how important he was to me. If I only knew his feelings. If I only knew how to love.

None of this would've happened.

A familiar touch invaded the empty space that surrounded me, it was one I knew fairly well of, yet it was strange at the same time.

Trailing my eyes downward, there were two arms wrapped neatly around my waistline.

"Did I scare you?" 


No. He's gone.

Am I imagining things?

Studying the arms further now, I noticed one of the hands held a plane ticket, ripped in two. 

Now I must be dreaming. Because there's no way in hell he would've done that.

I lifted my gaze onto the window now, finding my reflection still the same way it was moments before, but the arms around my waist were evident as well including half of a face I couldn't make out from the tears that were still streaming down my cheeks. 

L.Joe, right?

It has to be him.

"Is that really you?" I asked, nearly in a whisper.

"Who else?"

"But your flight--"

"Screw my flight."

I let my head turn halfway to look at the shorter boy, hesitantly, because there was a side of me that still didn't believe it was him.

But he was there.

And he was wearing his stupid smile like always.

"You were crying?" He asked with slightly narrowed eyes fixed onto mine.

"No, well..."

"You were..." He said, "Was it because I nearly left...?"

"Why else would I be crying, idiot?" I let out, wiping at my tears.

"Well, the last time this happened, you were crying for someone else."

That was true. And I knew I couldn't say anything to deny that.

But the last time this happened, the person I cried for wasn't there.

Unlike now.

"Why did you change your mind?" I asked softly, keeping my head slightly turned to watch him.

He was silent, but his smile was still evident, his arms still fixed around my waist.

"Let's just say I found a reason to stay."

"You did?"

"No, I didn't find one. I've had one all along."

"What's the reason?"

"The reason is you, Chunji-yah. It's always been."


*A/N: I HATE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH LET ME JUST FLIP EVERYTHING. asdkljdslkj I'm no good with fluff, or any of that. Plus, sorry for my bad grammar. I didn't know my grammar was that bad until accused of it in school. OTL I hope it's still readable though.

As of right now, I'm working a lot harder on my Cupid story only because I like the storyline more. I hope this story has been a nice read for you guys, but I'm fixing to end it in a few chapters because I'm not sure how to keep it running. ;; Thank you for all of the comments/subscribes & upvotes! I greatly appreciate it! ;;

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Chapter 13: I hope you'll continue this! How could you leave it at that!! It's really good
Chapter 13: You
Stop messing with my feeling T^T! I thought they were going to have their happy ending, rainbows and fireworks and everything :c HOWEVER! I've come this far, so there's no turning back now. Like I said before, I hope this gets better for chunjoe >.< fighting once more ♥
Chapter 13: Are you still going to update the story? I just found this and regretted for not doing so last year >.<
Chapter 1: made the right choice by picking this story! chapter 1 is great! i`m not a big fan of chunjoe, but your story seems really nice!
the foreword sounds promising! gonna read this one!
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #6
Chapter 13: L.Joe should just tell him even if Chunji would believe him or not
Chapter 13: oh god I thought it was over and it was so nice but then I saw there was another chapter and I got so happy thinking "oh! another adorable ending!" but wow was I wrong and it's fANTASTIC HNNGHFJEIO;AWE I THINK I'M CRYING I'M SO EXCITED
Baravois #8
Chapter 13: Oh no.....LJoe should clear everything up with Chanhee before anything drastic happens
I really love your Fanfic :)please update soon ^^
Chapter 13: Whether it ends here or not it'll be on my subcribtions list! /stubborn/ lol