
The Red String

L.Joe's POV

"Excuse me." I silently tapped the shoulder of a woman who had just stepped out of a taxi nearby, and watched as she turned around to face me with a surprised expression.

"Can I help you?" She asked unsurely, darting her eyes about.

I nodded, holding out the purse she had dropped moments ago with an awkward smile set on my face, "You dropped this."

Immediately, her eyes lit up as her lips widened into a grin and her voice filled itself with contentment, "Oh! I guess I did. Why thank you!" 

I returned her bright smile and shook my head, "Don't thank me. I wasn't the one who picked it up. That man over there was. He was too shy to tell you though." I explained, pointing my eyes over to a man nearby who was glancing over at us every now and then with a cup of coffee gripped in his shaky fingers. 

The woman tilted her head, studying the face of the stranger who I had mentioned with a light smile before nodding at me and casually pacing over to the man to make a conversation.


I fled before the woman could even start questioning me on why I lied to her, knowing that, by now, the man was probably giving her a questioning look while she asks him why he was too shy to approach her.

But from my point of view, which was from the corner of a bakery across the street, they seemed to be getting along.

Mission success.

I closed my fingers into a fist and gave myself a mental pat on the back for the effort I just made and the lying I had accomplished.

This was getting easier. Lying, that is.

I thoughtlessly smiled to myself as I got carried away, watching the new couple bloom before my eyes, and it was all because of me. Well, me and my new ability.

Which by now, you're probably wondering why I'm not frantically running around to go find my soulmate.

And it's easy. I simply don't want to know who it is yet.

Curiosity kills the cat, they all say. And well, my curiosity isn't going to kill me. Or anyone for that matter.

Besides, I'm fated to meet this girl anyway. So what's the rush?

After a good few minutes, I took my eyes off of the couple, scanning the area for a new pair of victims, er, patients, to help, which had gotten excessively harder considering a lot of them have already been paired up. Because I've already played cupid to so many people, it's now difficult to find a pair that happens to be in the same area at the same exact time.

My eyes race from person to person, tracing their red strings for a good match, and to my luck, I found one.

Fortunately, they weren't very far from each other either. I must be extra lucky today.

Without waiting any longer, I ditched the bakery and hurried over to the girl, who looked to be around my age, standing outside of an ice cream shop. My lips parted to speak before I could even come up with a good excuse as I stopped directly infront of her, watching her eyes grow a bit wider out of shock.

The moment I had thought of something to say, another guy popped into the picture.

"I bought your ice cream for you- Yah, who are you?" He questioned, nodding over at me and handing the girl, who I'm guessing is probably his girlfriend, the treat.

I started to panic inside of my shoes, shaking my head and hands in front of me uncontrollably, "I-I uh.." . Now my mind goes blank...

"Well?" They both stared at me, having the same questioning look on their faces.

I hesitantly took a step back, trying to ease my fast heartbeat, "I-I just wanted to say I liked her shoes..!"

Bad excuse.

Everyone's eyes drifted downwards to see what was so remarkable about them that I had the need to compliment.

It was only a matter of seconds before the guy started to burst into laughter, and I couldn't be anymore embarrassed than I already was.

"You like heels?" He asked, settling his arm around his girlfriend's shoulders.

I gave an uncertain nod, feeling sweat forming on my forehead underneath the brown strands of hair, "W-well not on me!! They just looked good on her- But I'm not hitting on her or anything like that- I'm just- I-....... Aish..." 

The guy chuckled as I ruffled my own hair in discomfort, having no words to explain the whole situation anymore. 

"Yeah, yeah. I know she's pretty." He nodded with a bright smile, "You're pretty funny, nothing like how you look like, which is kind of intimidating." Light laughter escaped his lips and he held his hand out to me, "I'm Chunji, by the way."

I looked up to meet his eyes, giving him a smile in return and reaching my hand out to touch his, "Ah, well it's nice to meet you, Chunji-yah. I'm L.Joe." Something caught me off guard though. Something about his hand. His finger. The thread that was wrapped around it.

I pulled my hand away and my eyes widened in complete devastation. As I brought my hand back, the string stretched out from the other boy's finger... to mine.

No way.

No way in hell.

My eyes shook in their sockets after discovering what I was always afraid to find out. What I've always been avoiding to figure out.

There was a thin line between me and the stranger.

They were connected.

No, not they.

We were.


Hey guys! I hope it's not too sloppy for you. OTL I'll do better next time, I promise. ;;;;; I really don't like first chapters sobs. And thank you for subscribing, guys. TT TT I hope I didn't scare you away omf


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Chapter 13: I hope you'll continue this! How could you leave it at that!! It's really good
Chapter 13: You
Stop messing with my feeling T^T! I thought they were going to have their happy ending, rainbows and fireworks and everything :c HOWEVER! I've come this far, so there's no turning back now. Like I said before, I hope this gets better for chunjoe >.< fighting once more ♥
Chapter 13: Are you still going to update the story? I just found this and regretted for not doing so last year >.<
Chapter 1: made the right choice by picking this story! chapter 1 is great! i`m not a big fan of chunjoe, but your story seems really nice!
the foreword sounds promising! gonna read this one!
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #6
Chapter 13: L.Joe should just tell him even if Chunji would believe him or not
Chapter 13: oh god I thought it was over and it was so nice but then I saw there was another chapter and I got so happy thinking "oh! another adorable ending!" but wow was I wrong and it's fANTASTIC HNNGHFJEIO;AWE I THINK I'M CRYING I'M SO EXCITED
Baravois #8
Chapter 13: Oh no.....LJoe should clear everything up with Chanhee before anything drastic happens
I really love your Fanfic :)please update soon ^^
Chapter 13: Whether it ends here or not it'll be on my subcribtions list! /stubborn/ lol