Time's Up.

The Red String

L.Joe's POV

There was something about that morning that gave me a sense of belonging, a kind of light feeling where I knew today was the going to be the start of a new beginning. My life will change today, and I don't understand how I knew this, but I just knew that it was going to be for the better. Whether Chunji was going to still be a part of it or not, that didn't matter. For the first time in a long time, I woke up wearing a smile.

I had packed the day before, cramming all of my belongings into my suitcase, and persuading my mother to let me go live with my dad in the United States for a while. When I would be back, I wasn't quite sure of that. Because I was still uncertain if I wanted to return here at all.

During breakfast, my mother gave me a pair of worried eyes, watching my expression to see if I was wavering on my decision. And I was sure that if I hinted at any sign of uncertainty, she would jump at it, begging for me to change my mind.

But my mind was already set. And I had no intention of changing it.

On the way to the airport, the car was consumed of pure silence. There was no words spoken, but I could hear my mother's heart weeping.

But I knew that she'll be okay. Due to work, we barely got to see each other anyway. I'm sure not much will change if I leave for good.

The car screeched to a stop, parked in front of the airport that will take me away. My mother shifted to put her gaze of watchful eyes on me, her lips quivering of lost words. But she did her best to put a smile on, so that the last memory I will have of her in a long time, will be a smile. A smile just for me.

We clung onto each other, murmuring our soft goodbyes. And as much as I hated goodbyes, I knew this was for the better. If she knew about the red string, if she knew about my feelings, if she knew about Chunji, she'd be drowning in her own tears.

Eventually, I released my embrace on her and kept the smile on my face evident until she drove away, sweeping off into the distance while I vanished where the airport swallowed me whole.

Instantly, a new wisp of air brushed against my face. It had a scent that freshened up your thoughts, your heart, your whole existence. 

It didn't smell like Korea at all.

It didn't smell like home.

But, I knew I'll get used to this scent. And sooner or later, this smell would be the smell of my home. It will be the smell of me.

I checked the time after heading to the security check, it was still somewhat early. I had 10 minutes until my flight would be landing, and I will be leaving.

I had 10 minutes left here.

Before I could take a seat to wait for my flight, there was a violent tug on my arm, causing me to turn forcefully. It was right then that my eyes landed on someone I didn't expect to see. The last person I would've ever guessed to show up.

An angry Chunji.

He was breathing loudly, and his expression was exhausted with his cheeks flushed to pink and his eyebrows furrowed together viciously. Was he running to get here?

"Chunji-yah?" I asked to clarify myself that he was really here. It was still unbelievable. Almost like a dream. 

He nodded wearily.

"What are you doing here?"

"You're.... You're an ."

My eyes narrowed out of instinct, "All I did was ask you a question, God damn."

"That's not all." He responded, straightening his back and composing his posture to look down on me menacingly. He was still breathing abnormally, but it was becoming somewhat even again.

7 minutes left.

"What else did I do then?"

"You didn't tell me you were leaving. I had to find out from the manager."

I scoffed. "You didn't ask."

"You didn't let me."

My gaze quickly converted to a glare, "Look, just tell me why you're here already. I have to leave soon."

He shook his head, gripping my arm tightly to the point where I could feel my blood stop circuiting through it.

"Yah, let go of me! That hurts!!" 

5 minutes left.

I struggled to break his grip, but it didn't budge, and neither did his harsh expression. "I'm not dragging you onto the plane with me." 

"I know you're not, because you're not going."

I stared at him with disbelief , "Why aren't I?"

"Because I won't let you."

I continued to shake my dangling arm that he held firmly, "It shouldn't matter to you if I go or not. Look, I don't have time for this. The plane is going to be here soon."

"You're right." He replied, his eyes flooding with regret that was evident the last time I had talked to him. Except now, it was obvious. "You're right that it shouldn't matter to me if you leave or not. But it does."

3 minutes left.

"Look, Chunji-yah, I don't have the t--"

"Just hear me out." He cut me off abruptly, and his expression hinted desperation, causing me to feel sick in the pit of my stomach. 

I nodded very, very slowly, partly because I was uncertain if I wanted to listen or not, and the other reason was because I was stalling for time to pass by quicker.

I wouldn't regret listening, would I?

"The day... the day after you... you kissed me.." He started, glancing over at the clock everso often. I could hear his mind beg for it to slow down, just enough for him to get his point across. " Yeah, that day, I just.. couldn't stop thinking about it. At first, I just thought it was scarring because it was the first time a boy had done that to me. But then... then I thought about why you had done what you did. You liked me, right? But that thought, that thought just sounded so crazy to me."

1 minute left.

"But that wasn't what bothered me the most. What bothered me was... was that I.. I wanted it again. I wanted to be there again, with you. And no one else. Not even my ex-girlfriend. Not anyone, but you." He gulped, putting his eyes on me again, "The day you came back to the cafe after so long, looking awfully tired because of me, I'm sure. That day... I wanted to tell you. I just wanted to tell you that I... I liked you."

Time's up.

I watched his eyes, watching me, almost frightened from what I'm sure was because he was on the verge of losing me.

But in my eyes, I could only see the boy in front of me, his desperate eyes trembling in their sockets that were now starting to water, his lips shuddering with words that he can't seem to grasp, his body weak from spilling out what it had kept within itself for so long now. And all that was around him was just a blur, indefinite figures that scurried here and there to get to their flight.

Like mine.

So now the challenge here was whether I were to stay or to go. To stay here with Chunji, or to leave him behind.

But I already made up my mind.

So I ripped my arm away from his grip, and gripped my plane ticket tightly, turning around and trailing off.

I didn't hear footsteps following behind me, because I'm sure he only wanted me to know these things before I go. And all that he said, it was his way of trying. He did all that he can.

And that was enough for me.

Those words were enough for me.

I stood in front of the entrance of my flight, listening to the rush of people, the constant voices of confusion echoing around me, and the announcer that urged everyone to hurry in. I stood there, last in line, my ticket in my hand, holding it up to the employer that collected them. 

And I tore it.


* y way to end a chapter, but I decided to keep progressing on the story. SO YAY, IT'S NOT ENDING AFTER ALL \o/ AND 99 SUBSCRIBERS WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING LOL. Omfg though, I love all of you, thank you. TT You could probably guess that they're together now right, right? RIGHT? If not, then I just at writing omg.

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Chapter 13: I hope you'll continue this! How could you leave it at that!! It's really good
Chapter 13: You
Stop messing with my feeling T^T! I thought they were going to have their happy ending, rainbows and fireworks and everything :c HOWEVER! I've come this far, so there's no turning back now. Like I said before, I hope this gets better for chunjoe >.< fighting once more ♥
Chapter 13: Are you still going to update the story? I just found this and regretted for not doing so last year >.<
Chapter 1: made the right choice by picking this story! chapter 1 is great! i`m not a big fan of chunjoe, but your story seems really nice!
the foreword sounds promising! gonna read this one!
Shy-And-Awkward-Girl #6
Chapter 13: L.Joe should just tell him even if Chunji would believe him or not
Chapter 13: oh god I thought it was over and it was so nice but then I saw there was another chapter and I got so happy thinking "oh! another adorable ending!" but wow was I wrong and it's fANTASTIC HNNGHFJEIO;AWE I THINK I'M CRYING I'M SO EXCITED
Baravois #8
Chapter 13: Oh no.....LJoe should clear everything up with Chanhee before anything drastic happens
I really love your Fanfic :)please update soon ^^
Chapter 13: Whether it ends here or not it'll be on my subcribtions list! /stubborn/ lol