Always Those Tears

You're Weird

"You. Look. Fabulous", Minsee spelled out for me. 

I looked at her in disbelief and then down at the dress again. I did fit into it, but it didn't look good. For the first, it was green. Dark green. I looked weird in dark colors, since I had that kind of skin. I was naturally tan, but it was not a pretty tone, and wearing dark clothes made me look even darker. And for the second, it showed a little more skin that I wanted it too. It reached down to above my knees, and didn't have any straps or arms, leaving my shoulders and arms out in the open. Atleast the skirt wasn't tight against my legs, but loose. 

"I don't know..." I said, wanting to let her down easy.

"Oh please, they will not know what hit them", she said, pulling a little in the skirt.

"No, and neither will I. Minsee, it's really nice of you to do this, but I don't think that it's right for me", I said, looking at her with an apologetic expression.

She pursed her lips and squinted her eyes while she looked at me. 

"Do you not want to go?" she asked after a while.


"Do you no want to go to the ball?" 

I stayed quiet, not knowing what to answer. Did I? In the end, I shrugged.

"I don't know", I said.

"But come on! It's like, the most important thing of the whole year!" she said, throwing her arms out in frustration.

"Maybe I'm not that kind of girl", I said.

"Oh, please. Every girl likes to dress up and be pretty. And you have Kyuhyun!" she pointed out.

But instead cheering me up, she made me feel guilty. Kyuhyun. The guy I was together with, even though my feelings for him was neutral. I sighed, and looked down at the dress. To be honest, the one reason I still was with him was because I didn't want to go to the ball by myself. It was low, I knew that. It was mean and horrible, but even if I said it was because there might be something inside me that felt something for Kyuhyun, that was the real reason. And if I did break up with him and go by myself, the harrasment from Heechul would never end, and I would rather die than having to endure that. And Kyuhyun did made me feel safe and loved. But I was with him for the wrong reasons.

"Hello? Are you awake?" Minsee asked, snapping her fingers infront of my face, bringing me back to reality.

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm just tired", I said.

"Okay, you're tired. But you still have to wear this dress! It looks perfect on you", she said, gesturing towards me.

"Minsee... I don't-" I started, but didn't get to finish my sentence before the tears appeared.

I groaned, and looked down on the dress. It really wasn't my style. But I didn't have the money, and it did fit me. I looked up at Minsee, and when I saw how close she was to actually start crying, I gave in.

"Okay, fine", I sighed in defeat.

And gone was the tears, and the sunshine smile reappeared.

"Yeys! You can take it with you home, and I can take it back after the ball!" she said, starting to walk around her room, looking for something.

"Yeah..." I mumbled.

I really needed to stop falling for those tears every time she used them. She wasn't even sad for real, she just used them to get what she wanted, and it was a bad habit. Suddenly, she stood up straight, holding up a bag, big enough to fit the dress in.

"If you go change out fo the dress now, I can put it in this", she said, holding the bag up.

I nodded lightly, and then made my way to the bathroom, where my other clothes waited. It was a zipper in the back of the dress, and the only thing I had to do was to pull it down, and then the dress just fell off me. I quickly dressed myself, and immediatly felt more comfortable. I walked back to Minsee's room, where she eagerly took the dress from me and folded it and put it down in the bag. 

"Trust me, Kyuhyun's going to love it", she said cheerfully, smiling brightly.

I nodded and forced a smile to my lips. I hoped he would. Then I wouldn't be so selfish, giving him some joy. Or that was what I told myself.

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Chapter 11: (Y) this is really nice! :)
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh!! So cute!! The only thing I am sad about is the fact the story is over.
Chapter 9: Um is this really complete?
Chapter 9: Holy crow! I just read the chapter before this and this one. Hmm shehas definitely got to tell Kyuhyun how she really feels. She may be trying to be nice but the longer she lets this go on the more hurt kyu will be. As for Heechul well, maybe you should tell your best friend out right how you feel instead of what you just did. I really don't think she gets it. These last two chapters were amazing!
Chapter 6: I feel bad foe her. Heechul you still could have helped!
Chapter 5: You two need to get over your stubbornness and talk! About Kyuhyun, you should tell him how you feel .it will save you and him some heartache
Chapter 4: Oh wow! I bet he was shocked she said that. This story is really good!