Break Up

You're Weird

That whole weekend I spent locked up in my room. I had turned of my phone, so I wouldn't be disturbed in my mental suffering. There were no other choice but for me to talk to Kyuhyun as soon as I went back to school, and I wasn't looking forward too it. It was unavoidable more me to not break his heart, and it was no doubt that everyone would hate me for it. And I wouldn't have Heechul either. I would be alone.

The moment I stepped inside the school's doors, I got the feeling that everyone was giving me looks. I bent my head down, letting my hair cover my face, before I quickly walked to my locker. There was no sign of Kyuhyun, who normally would spot me as soon as I arrived at school, and only that made me feel worse. 

The lessons before lunch passed faster than I wanted too. It was right then and there I had to talk to Kyuhyun, or it would eat me up from inside. Instead of enetering the cafeteria, I waited outside. He had to pass me if he was going to eat. I leaned against the wall, feeling exhausted and sad. I stared down at my feet, wishing that I could just go home and sleep, and when I would wake up, everything would be back to normal. But that wasn't how the world works.

"Sunhye?" I heard a voice in front of me.

I looked up, and locked eyes with Kyuhyun. At first he looked worried, but then his face tightened and he straightened up a little. I bit my lip and forced the tears away, standing up straight from the wall.

"I have to talk to you", I said.

"Yes. I think you do", Kyuhyun agreed.

I started to walk, heading for the roof. He followed me, and he was careful not to walk beside me, but a little behind. Once we reached the roof, I turned to him. The weather was a little chilly, but the sun was shining down and there was no wind, making my hearing horribly clear. Kyuhyun stood about one meter away from me, and he had his arms crossed, clearly not happy.

"About friday... Sorry for running away", I begun, starting with an apology.

He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. I took a deep breath, not really knowing what I should say.

"And I'm sorry for not answering your calls", I said.

"It was true, wasn't it?" he asked, ignoring my words.

"What?" I asked.

"What Heechul said. About you not being in love with me?"

That was it. It was officially time for me to break his heart. I choked on my voice, and his expression softened, and he looked so sad. 

"Kyuhyun..." I started, feeling that the tears wasn't far away.

"Don't. Just, don't", he stopped me, backing away from me.

I raised my hand as he turned around, but I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. What could I possibly say to make it better? He was just about to leave the roof, when he faced me again, and my own heart broke when I saw the tears in his eyes.

"You know, I really like you. I really did", he said, and then he left me there, feeling smaller than ever. 

The tears streamed down my face, and the world around me seemed to crumble. The worst part was that there was no excuse for what I'd done, and I couldn't blame anyone else but myself. Me knees gave up under me, and I fell down on the hard cement under me. The pain that shot through my knees was nothing compared to the pain in my chest. 

I probably sat on the roof for one hour, just crying out every single tear there was in my body, before I found myslef able to get up from the ground. My knees pained extremely bad, and I had two big bruises on them. But I couldn't stay up there forever. I didn't go back to class, instead I got my things from my locker, and then I walked home, ignoring everyone who said something to me. I probably looked like a mess, with red eyes and limping instead of walking. But I couldn't stay. 

As soon as I fell down in my bed, the tears reappeared, soaking my pillow. I had really hurt Kyuhyun, and he had done everything for me. But for some reason, I thought of Heechul. I didn't cry only because of Kyuhyun. I had hurt Heechul too, and even if he had hurt me just as badly, I still felt guilty. He had always had a special place in my heart, and it felt painfully empty. Sure, he was annoying, cocky, weird, full of himself and egoistic, but I needed him. He was something I needed to survive, and now I had to learn to live without him. 

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Chapter 11: (Y) this is really nice! :)
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh!! So cute!! The only thing I am sad about is the fact the story is over.
Chapter 9: Um is this really complete?
Chapter 9: Holy crow! I just read the chapter before this and this one. Hmm shehas definitely got to tell Kyuhyun how she really feels. She may be trying to be nice but the longer she lets this go on the more hurt kyu will be. As for Heechul well, maybe you should tell your best friend out right how you feel instead of what you just did. I really don't think she gets it. These last two chapters were amazing!
Chapter 6: I feel bad foe her. Heechul you still could have helped!
Chapter 5: You two need to get over your stubbornness and talk! About Kyuhyun, you should tell him how you feel .it will save you and him some heartache
Chapter 4: Oh wow! I bet he was shocked she said that. This story is really good!