You're Jealous

You're Weird


"Why are you so smily?" Heechul asked, slightly annoyed.
He was sitting accross the table, doing some homework. I hadn't even noticed that I was smiling until he pointed it out, and quickly covered my mouth. 
"No reason", I said, failing miserably not to sound happy.
He threw his pen away, so it rolled over the table, and leaned back in his chair, putting his hands behind his neck.
"And you want me to believe that? You at lying", he said.
I sighed and placed my elbow on the table, leaning my chin into my hand.
"Well. If you're in that mood, I don't think I'm going to tell you", I said, teasing.
"Knock it off, and just tell me", he said, getting visibly annoyed.
I smirked at him and raised my eyebrows. It was way too funny to . 
"Naah, I think I'm going to keep this to myself", I said.
"Damn it woman, would you just tell me!" he said, slamming down his fist in the table.
That only made me laugh, but when I saw how frustrated he was, I calmed down. He was a very curious person, and on top of that he was impatient. Not a very good combination.
"I have a date to the ball", I announced.
At first he looked slightly shocked, his mouth dropping a little, but he then reassembled his expression to a bored one.
"And you think that's a big deal?" he asked me.
I grimaced at him, and he smirked back at me.
"Well, have you gotten one?" I challenged him.
"Haven't chosen yet", he said and shrugged.
"That means that I got mine before you", I said smugly.
He rolled his eyes, and reached out for the pen. Both of us went back to our studies, and I felt extremely satisfied that I actually had a date and Heechul didn't.
"Who is it?" Heechul suddenly asked.
"Huh?" I asked and looked up at him, but he looked down at his book.
"Who's your date?" he asked me irritated, not looking up.
"His name is Kyuhyun", I answered proudly.
He snorted loudly, finally looking at me
"What?" I asked him, my turn to get irritated.
"I know who that is. He's a geek", he mocked me.
"Shut up! You're just jealous", I snapped at him.
"Of what? Because 'you got a date before me'?" he asked, imitating me.
I glared at him for a moment, him smirking back at me, before I rolled my eyes and went back to my work. I heard his snort, but chose to ignore his attempt to make me crack. When he left, I closed the door after him a little harder than necessary, making it clear that I was frustrated with him. It was almost like I could hear his laugh. I stomped all the way up to my room and threw myself on the bed. He was a pain in the . 
The rest of that week, I treated Heechul coldly, and he wasn't exactly the person to apologize, so he treated me the same way. I did sulk about it, but as soon as I saw Kyuhyun in the corridor that friday, all my thoughts about Heechul disappeared. When Kyuhyun saw me coming, his earlier serious face lit up in a bright smile, and he started walking with me when I passed.
"Hello!" he greeted.
"Hi", I greeted back, answering his smile with my own.
"Ready for tonight?" he asked, making me blush.
"As ready as can be", I answered. "Where are we going, by the way?"
He smiled secretly and shook his head. "I'm not telling."
"Why not?" I whined.
It was really surprising for me to find that I was actually sounding like a girl around him. Maybe it was because he was the only guy that ever had shown me any kind of interest.
"Because I want to surprise you", he answered. 
That only made me blush harder, and he looked very pleased with my reaction. 
"Relax, it's going to be great. But I got to run, see you", he said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.
It had the same reaction on me, even if he had done it everytime he said bye to me. My cheeks got red as soon as his soft lips touched my skin, and it frustrated the hell out of me that a guy had that kind of power over me. But at the same time, I loved it. I watched his back disappear, and then I continued to my own class.
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Chapter 11: (Y) this is really nice! :)
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh!! So cute!! The only thing I am sad about is the fact the story is over.
Chapter 9: Um is this really complete?
Chapter 9: Holy crow! I just read the chapter before this and this one. Hmm shehas definitely got to tell Kyuhyun how she really feels. She may be trying to be nice but the longer she lets this go on the more hurt kyu will be. As for Heechul well, maybe you should tell your best friend out right how you feel instead of what you just did. I really don't think she gets it. These last two chapters were amazing!
Chapter 6: I feel bad foe her. Heechul you still could have helped!
Chapter 5: You two need to get over your stubbornness and talk! About Kyuhyun, you should tell him how you feel .it will save you and him some heartache
Chapter 4: Oh wow! I bet he was shocked she said that. This story is really good!