
You're Weird

The next day, my mom let me stay at home, in understanding, but I was forced back to school on wednesday. But to my surprise, almost no one gave me a special look. I thought it was pretty weird, but I wasn't complaining. When I was standing at my locker, Minsee came bouncing up to me.

"Hey, Stranger!" she greeted me, leaning back against the locker next to mine.

"Hi", I replied, keeping my eyes on my moving hand.

"I heard you and Kyuhyun broke up", she said, and she sounded pretty sad.

I dared to look at her, and she looked back with sympathy. Hadn't Kyuhyun told anyone about the reason why we broke up?

"Uhm, yeah... He told you?" I asked, trying to be discrete.

"No, he told Ryeowook, who told Sungmin, who told me", she answered.

"Ah", I said. "You're still together with Sungmin?"

"Yeah... He's adorable", she sigh, loosing track.

It was a relief, knowing that Kyuhyun hadn't spread around my cruelty to the rest of the school, but that quickly exchanged to guilt. He was being too nice to me, I didn't deserve it. 

"Anyways", Minsee said, who had snapped out of her daydreaming. "Are you okay? You know, since you broke up."

"I'm fine", I quickly said.

"You sure?"


"Okaay. So that wasn't the reason why you wasn't in school yesterday?" she asked me cleverly.

I gave her a look, shutting my locker. 

"Yes, it was. But I'm fine now", I lied.

She looked me up and down, as if she could tell whether I was lying or not that way, then she shrugged.

"If you say so. But I got to go to class! See you!" she said, disappearing in the crowd.

For some reason, that made me feel better. Atleast I had Minsee, even if she wasn't the same thing as Heechul. I started to walk to class, and just when I was about to enter the classroom, I saw Kyuhyun in the corner of my eye. I stopped and turned my head to look at him. He was talking to some guy, and he hadn't noticed me yet. He smiled slightly, but he looked tired and a little sad. I bit my lip, feeling guilty. I felt an urge to walk up to him and beg for forgiveness, but I knew that it would only make it harder for him if I did. Right that moment, he turned his head and we locked eyes. I caught my breath, and his expression went blank. I pressed my lips tight together, but before I could do anything, he looked away from me. Even if I knew I deserved it, it still hurt. I shook my head to collect my thoughts, and then I walked into the classroom.

When it was time to go home, I was the first one to get out of the building. It had been like everywhere I went, Kyuhyun was, and it had made the day somewhat unbearable. But as soon as the fresh air hit my face, I relaxed. The walk home was fast, since I didn't want to risk Kyuhyun coming up behind me on his way home. But just when I was about to reach out for the door handle, I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey! Heartbreaker!" it called from behind.

I turned and saw Heechul come strutting forward. My stomach turned, and I tensed up immediatly. I had no idea what he could possibly want from me, and I didn't know if I wanted to hear it either. He didn't stop until he was really close, then he just stood there and watched me.

"What do you want?" I asked him, feeling that that was the safest thing to say.

"I heard you and Kyuhyun broke up", he said, kind of ignoring my question.

"So?" I asked.

"Nothing. So you actually told him the truth?" he asked, clearly mocking me.

"Go and die, Heechul", I hissed.

I turned around and put my hand on the door handle and opened the door. I was about to go inside, when a hand took a firm grip around my arm. I swirled around to glare at Heechul, and to my suprise, he looked sad.

"I'm sorry", he mumbled.

"What?" I said in pure shock.

"I said I'm sorry!" Heechul yelled, making me jump.

We stared at each other for a moment. I didn't really know how to react. He never said sorry. Never. Until then.

"You're sorry?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes! I'm sorry for being such an ! Okay? I don't know why, but I am, and I'm sorry for it!", he said, sounding both angry and confused.


"I just don't want to loose you, okay?! I've missed you so badly, you know that?!" he continued, and to my horror, tears was beginning to form in his eyes.

"Heechul, I-" I tried, but got interrupted again.

"It's just that... I got jealous, okay? I got jealous, and you know why? Because I love you!"

My eyes grew wide, and I stared at him, and tears started to fall down his cheeks. But somehow, even if he was crying, he still managed to look beautiful. He released my arm, and irritably whiped away the tears.

"There! I said it. I love you, okay?" he said with a shaky voice, staring into my eyes.

Suddenly, my heart swelled up, and I felt weirdly happy. He had said that he loved me. Since he hadn't let me talk, I decided to show him that it was okay. I raised one hand and touched his cheek. He rested into it closing his eyes, and I whiped away some new tears with my thumb.

"Please love me too", he whispered, not opening his eyes.

I slowly leaned in, till our lips touched lightly against each other, and then I pulled back. He opened his eyes and gave me a confused look.

"Are you really sorry?" I asked.

He nodded eagerly. "Yes."

I pressed my lips together, trying to hide a smile, and then I tilted my head to the side.

"Exactly what are you sorry for?" I asked, wanting him to suffer a little.

"For being such an towards both you and Kyuhyun", he said, and I could tell that he was telling the truth.

I nodded, keeping a serious expression on.

"But you should apologize too", he said, while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"For what?" I asked, trying not to blush.

"For choosing him over me", he said, dead serious.

I nodded slowly, and then smiled brightly.

"I'm sorry for choosing Kyuhyun over you. But does it feel better if I told you I love you?" I asked.

He smirked, and then leaned in, making our noses touch.

"Maybe", he answered.

"I love you", I said, not caring how badly I blushed.

His smirked became a smile, and then he kissed me. That, for me, was our first real kiss. The first one out of many. 

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Chapter 11: (Y) this is really nice! :)
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh!! So cute!! The only thing I am sad about is the fact the story is over.
Chapter 9: Um is this really complete?
Chapter 9: Holy crow! I just read the chapter before this and this one. Hmm shehas definitely got to tell Kyuhyun how she really feels. She may be trying to be nice but the longer she lets this go on the more hurt kyu will be. As for Heechul well, maybe you should tell your best friend out right how you feel instead of what you just did. I really don't think she gets it. These last two chapters were amazing!
Chapter 6: I feel bad foe her. Heechul you still could have helped!
Chapter 5: You two need to get over your stubbornness and talk! About Kyuhyun, you should tell him how you feel .it will save you and him some heartache
Chapter 4: Oh wow! I bet he was shocked she said that. This story is really good!