First Date

You're Weird


I threw the clock glances with even intervals. Kyuhyun would come by at seven, and there was three minutes left before it would be exactly seven. I didn't really know how he knew where I lived, but I didn't really care either. I was soon going on my very first date, and I was painfully aware of myself. Every little movement was careful, since I really didn't want to mess up, like I had a habit to do. I was sitting on the edge of my bed, nervously shaking my legs. Since I didn't want to risk dressing up too much, I'd just chosen jeans and my nicest sweater. My mom had found it incredibly amusing that I was going on a date, and teased me endlessly ever since she'd found out about it. The weirdness runs in the family. When I heard the doorbell ring, I jumped up on my feet, almost loosing balance. I heard my mom open the door, and say something to the person who stood there. I ran out of my room, and down the stairs, trying to reach them before my mom said something extremely embarrasing. My mom stood infront of the doorway, talking to Kyuhyun, who smiled politely down at her. He was dressed just as casually as I was, and that made me relieved. He must've heard me when I ran down the stairs, because his gaze shifted from my mom to me. I felt all of my blood rush to my face, as his smile became bigger and brighter when he saw me. My mom turned around, and gave me a not so discrete thumbs up, winking. I rolled my eyes at her dorkiness, and hurried forward to them.
"Hi", I greeted Kyuhyun, sounding breathless.
"Hi", he replied.
"Okay, I'm going to let you two crazy kids go now, but you have to promise me to be careful", my mom said, patting my back.
I shot her a glare, and took my jacket from the hanger.
"I promise, Mrs.Yang", Kyuhyun said, making me roll my eyes mentally.
"Okay, we're going now", I said, gripping Kyuhyun's arm, dragging him out the door.
"Don't come home too late!" my mom called after us.
I only waved lazily with my free hand at her, not bothering to turn around. We walked for a while, before I realized that I was still holding onto Kyuhyun's arm. I let it go instantly, blushing. He chuckled quietly at my act, and then took my hand in his. 
"No need to be shy", he said when I looked at him in surprise.
Oh my gosh, was he trying to make me permanently red in the face? But I did take a light hold of his hand too, smiling down at the ground. I was such a dork. We walked in silence, but it wasn't awkward at all. Actually, it was quiet nice, walking hand in hand with someone without saying a word. After about a walk on twenty minutes, we arrived at a familiar building. I looked at Kyuhyun in disbelief, and he replied with a smile.
"The aquarium?" I asked him.
"Yes. My dad works here, and he left the security-system off for tonight", he smiled at me.
"Okay. This is going to be interesting..." I said, trying not to say something stupid. 
I wasn't really interested in sea-animals, or water for that matter. We walked up the stairs to the entrance, and he pulled out a key from his pocket. I highly doubted that the staff was allowed to use their benefits for personal use, but I didn't point it out. Well inside, Kyuhyun took my hand and led me past the front desk, further into the building. When we reached the centre of the aquarium, there was two chairs placed in the middle of the room, who was surrounded by water. It was only thin glass that held the water in, and to be honest, I found it a little terrifying to imagine what would happen if the glass would break. But Kyuhyun didn't seem to have any concerns as he pulled me to one chair and placed me there. He sat down beside me, and I noticed a little bag between the two chairs. He leaned back in his chair, and I repeated his movement. I looked at the fishes behind the glass, and I had to admit, they were beautiful. It was like one big explosions of color, and then at the bottom, there was corals. I lost track of time, watching the fishes swim around, and jumped when I felt a hand touch my arm. I looked at Kyuhyun, who smiled lightly at me. He held out a sandwhich for me, and I hesitantly took it.
"It's dinner. I didn't have time to get something else, sorry", he explained.
"Oh, no it's fine!" I hurried to say, smiling a little too big.
He chuckled and shook his head slightly, and then took his own food. We sat and just watched the lives of the fishes for a few minutes, before his hand found mine. I turned my head to hide a smile, but he must've seen it, because he laughed quietly.
It was... a new experience. I had fun, and I did laugh more than once, but it wasn't the best thing that ever had happened. Honestly, I had hoped to get more... excitement? But no. When we were walking home again, Kyuhyun took my hand in his, but I felt nothing besides the warmth around my hand. It was disappointing. When we arrived outside my house, he stayed infront of me, smiling.
"I had fun", he said happily.
"Me too", I answered, truthfully, and smiled back. 
It got quiet, and my could feel my cheeks become red under his intense stare. Luckily it was dark outside, so he couldn't really see it. To my shock, he started to lean forward, and my whole body froze. When he were so close that his nose touched mine, I closed my eyes as a reflex, and seconds later, I felt his lips on mine. They were warm and soft, and a small, tingling sensation built up in my stomach. That was my first kiss. His hands gently cupped my face, and when he pulled away he smiled affectionately at me, and my cheek with his thumb.
"I think I really like you", he said, and since his face was only inches away, his hot breath hit my face, making it all warm.
I bit my lip, and smiled, but I didn't reply. I didn't really have any idea how I felt for him. We looked at eachother for a few seconds, before our moment got interrupted by a familiar voice.
"But have you seen that! Sunhye. With a boy!"
Kyuhyun dropped is hands from my face, and both of us turned to the sorce of the voice, over the street. Heechul came strutting over, smirking at me. He didn't bother to look at Kyuhyun.
"Who's that?" Kyuhyun whispered to me.
"Nobody", I answered stiffly.
"Now, that's not a very polite way to introduce your best friend", Heechul said, now standing right infront of us, still with that smirk on his face.
"Heechul, what are you doing?" I asked him, showing him how annoyed I was.
"What? Can't I come and talk with the two of you?" he asked innocently.
"Uhm..." Kyuhyun said, looking between the two of us.
"Oh hi, I'm Heechul. You're Kyuhyun, right?" Heechul said, turning to him with a smile.
"Yeah", Kyuhyun answered hesitantely.
"Yeah, yeah, I know who you are. Your mum is dead right?" Heechul asked him, looking him straight in the face.
"Heechul!" I hissed.
"No, no it's okay", Kyuhyun said, smiling at me.
"No, it's not okay! Heechul, what the hell do you think you're doing?" I almost yelled.
"Getting to know your new boyfriend. That's not bad, is it?" he asked me with a matter-of-factly tone.
"Would you just leave?" I asked him.
"That's not very nice to say, is it?" he retorted.
"No, Sunhye, it's okay. I'm going now, anyway", Kyuhyun interrupted our argument.
I turned to him with an apologetic expression, but he just smiled his kind smile at me.
"Well, see you", he said, a strand of hair out of my face, before he left.
I watched him go, and then I slowly turned back to Heechul, gritting my teeth. He looked at Kyuhyun's disappearing figure, and then opened his mouth.
"Well, that wasn't very nice. He didn't say good bye to me", he said, not looking at me.
"Heechul. What. The. Hell?" I asked him, not in the mood for his bull.
He turned his gaze to me, looking relaxed.
"'Your mom is dead, right?'", I repeated.
"Well, she is", he pointed out.
"But you don't say those kind of things!" I exclaimed.
"Why not? He's ignorant if he doesn't accept the fact that she's gone."
I could've slapped him in the face that instant. I had never been so mad at him, and he didn't even seem to take it serious. It was different when it was me he was talking to, but when he said those kind of things to people he didn't even know, it was over the line.
"Are you serious right now?" I asked him calmly.
"Why wouldn't I?" he asked.
I took a deep breath to collect the calm I needed to get him to understand what I would say next.
"You have to apologize to him", I said.
"Why? He said it was okay."
"Because he's nice, Heechul! Some people actually have something called good manners!"
"Are you calling me rude?" 
That made his eyes go dark. He hated being insulted.
"So, you're going to apologize to him", I said slowly, holding my ground.
"And if I don't?" he asked just as slowly, challenging me.
I looked into his eyes for a while, until I said it.
"Then we're not friends anymore. I don't want to have a friend that has such a bad personality", I said, almost not believing my own words.
Heechul's face went blank, and he stared at me. I stared back at him, not saying anything.
"Are... Are you choosing him over me?" he asked me.
"I'm not choosing him over you. I'm letting go of you, since you're not the kind of person I want to spend my time with", I said. 
And then I turned around, and walked into my house. When I closed the door, I saw that he was still standing there, staring after me. For some reason, my eyes begun to burn, and I hurried upstairs, ignoring my mom's voice. As soon as my door closed behind me, the tears started to fall. Never had I and Heechul fought that badly. It felt real. And I had broken our friendship.
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Chapter 11: (Y) this is really nice! :)
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh!! So cute!! The only thing I am sad about is the fact the story is over.
Chapter 9: Um is this really complete?
Chapter 9: Holy crow! I just read the chapter before this and this one. Hmm shehas definitely got to tell Kyuhyun how she really feels. She may be trying to be nice but the longer she lets this go on the more hurt kyu will be. As for Heechul well, maybe you should tell your best friend out right how you feel instead of what you just did. I really don't think she gets it. These last two chapters were amazing!
Chapter 6: I feel bad foe her. Heechul you still could have helped!
Chapter 5: You two need to get over your stubbornness and talk! About Kyuhyun, you should tell him how you feel .it will save you and him some heartache
Chapter 4: Oh wow! I bet he was shocked she said that. This story is really good!