Let Me Help You

Rescue Me, My Love

You: Mir-ah, Do you know who Eun Mi is?

Mir stumbled and caught his balance

Mir: w..w...wae?

You: Ah, Aniyo, Its just I heard Joon sleep talk yesterday, he kept saying that name.

Mir: ah, well I might as well tell you, since you're going to be living with us for a while

Mir was hesistant and then began.

Mir: Eun Mi was Joonie hyung's girlfriend. She has been dating him way before debut. For about 2 years before debut. Yeah that sounds right.

You: (in your mind) 2 years? Girlfriend?

Mir: She and Joonie had a good relationship but after debut, we were so busy with schedule they barely had anytime to go out. Even if they did, Joonie hyung would have to go undercover and always have to be on the look out.

You: Ah, is that so?

Mir: mm, she passed away the 1 year after we debuted so that makes it her 2 year death anniversary.

You stopped in your tracks and dropped your grocery bags.

Mir: Noona? Are you okay?

You: How..ho..how did she die?

You quickly picked up the grocery bags and continued walking.

Mir: She got hit by a drunk driver. She and Joonie hyung were arguing that night and she ran out.

You: So, thats why.

Mir: MM, trust me, Joonie hyung didn't have this split personality back then. He was happy, made jokes and was like a child. But ever since then he has kept to himself. It's like he's a completely new person.

You: Ah, is that right.

You guys quickly got home and started cooking.


Everyone sat down and ate together. You sat in between Joon and Cheondung.

Cheondong: Here, Noona eat this.

Cheondung made you a wrap. You ate it. Soon after that each member made you a wrap.

Seungho: Ya, Joon, aren't you going to give Soo Yi-ssi a wrap? She's worked so hard these last 2 days.

The members looked at Joon and you also built courage to look at him.

You: Aniyo, if he doesnt then he doesn't have to. its okay really.

Joon started making a wrap. When he was done had reached it and fed it to you. You ate it and smiled.

You: Wah, sooo good

You smiled and made a wrap and gave it to Joon. He ate it and then he looked at you and gave  you a smile. That smile. The smile you were waiting for. After seeing that smile in person you made up your mind. You were going to recover his heart and bring the old Joon back. That's right, aid him and help him move on.






Sorry for a short chapter. I'm out of ideas. Wrote 4 chapters in one night! My head is out of ideas. I'll update soon!


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Chapter 16: Sequel!!!!!!
Chapter 16: Sequel !!!!!
mangasanji12 #3
Chapter 15: ok I'll read it...
you made me kinda sad....
I tought you had an update :'(
but I'll check the other one though :')
mangasanji12 #4
Chapter 14: waah nice, unni!!!
love joonie forever n.n
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 14: awww, nice story indeed ;)
Chapter 14: I loves this so much! I'm glad I stayed with it even if I got frustrated with it because of short chapters...THAT'S GOOD THOUGH~! Don't worry they leave me wanting to know more....and usually crying from feels...
Chapter 14: Whoaaaaaa!
khunhojjang #8
tini1kero #9
Chapter 11: Please continue....I really really want to know what happened...I like it
Chapter 7: Woah Eun Mi is pregnant.....did not expect that...:P