
Rescue Me, My Love

It had been 2 months since you left to Busan. Everyone back in Seoul thought you were in Europe. You were going to get groceries one day when you saw the news. MBLAQ was doing well. You had follow everything they did and sent them food and clothes under a fan name. Whenever you saw them on screen you were happy. When you saw Joon on screen smiling, you wondered if he already forgot you. You walked out and a flyer caught your attention. Mblaq concert in Busan. You hesistated for a moment, but decided that maybe it would be okay if you saw them again because they didn't have to see you. You purchased tickets.


The members were ont he way to Busan. They had a concert there. Joon sat at the window seat with headphones in although the music didn't help. He thought of Soo Yi everyday. A couple days after she left her sister had come to see Joon. She had told Joon that Soo Yi was innocent, she loved Joon before she knew what they did. After that they started to look for her but it turns out she wasn't in Europe. No one knew where she was. He wanted to look for her everyday. He loved her and really missed her. He could even forgive her. If only she knew.

(The day of the concert)



You walked into the concert hall. Fans were everywhere. You bought a more expensive ticket and sat near the front where you would see them perform clearly.

You held your breath as the lights dimmed and the guys came on stage. The miute you saw Joon your tears started falling. He smiled and was so beautiful. They performed their music and you enjoyed it alot. At the very end they each said something to the fans. When it was Joon's turn he took the mic and hesitated.

Joon: Soo Yi -ah

You heart literally stopped. It was the first time Joon had ever said your name.

Joon: I really miss you. I know you're here and I want to see you.

You looked up at Joon. How did he know you were here?

Joon: please, Soo Yi ah, forgive me. Please let me see you again.

You didn't noticed but while Joon was talking the members had spotted you. Before you knew your face popped up in the screen behind Joon. He turned around and saw your face. He was in shock too. He thought Mir was lying about seeing you earlier but there you were on the screen. He quickly turned back to scan the crowd.

You got up quickly and started to leave. The members noticed you leaving. Seungho ran backstage into the lighting room and blasted the spot light right on you.

You quickly turned around and immediately met with Joon's eyes. He was wide eyed. He also looked happy.

No, this is not supposed to happen. Why did you even come. You notice Joon running off the stage so you quickly took off. You weren't ready to see him yet.

You ran out of the hall and into the corridors. You could hear Joon calling your name. Aish why did he have to be the active member in the group.

You lost you thought when he grabbed a hold of your arm and turned you around to face him.

Joon: Why did you run from me?

You were panting and so was Joon.

You: Joon, this isn't right, if you had any feelings you'd let me go. What are you thinking?

Joon: I can't let you escape me again. I just can't.

You: Why? After what my unnie did...

Joon: I can forgive you. I really can, the time apart was all I needed. I know I said bad things to you that day and I regreted every single day after you left. I was so worried when your unnie told me you weren't in Europe.

You looked at him. He had started to cry.

Joon: please, forgive me, let's start over again.

You looked at Joon. You had loved this man fromt he start and you had never stopped loving him. Before you knew it Joon pulled your face to his and your lips met his. This time it felt right. After a while he broke the kiss.

Joon: So, what do you say my love?

You: Joon, Im so happy.

You hugged him tightly. From the first time you met him until now you cherished every moment. And you future was clearn now, You and Joon's future.

The End.




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Chapter 16: Sequel!!!!!!
Chapter 16: Sequel !!!!!
mangasanji12 #3
Chapter 15: ok I'll read it...
you made me kinda sad....
I tought you had an update :'(
but I'll check the other one though :')
mangasanji12 #4
Chapter 14: waah nice, unni!!!
love joonie forever n.n
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 14: awww, nice story indeed ;)
Chapter 14: I loves this so much! I'm glad I stayed with it even if I got frustrated with it because of short chapters...THAT'S GOOD THOUGH~! Don't worry they leave me wanting to know more....and usually crying from feels...
Chapter 14: Whoaaaaaa!
khunhojjang #8
tini1kero #9
Chapter 11: Please continue....I really really want to know what happened...I like it
Chapter 7: Woah Eun Mi is pregnant.....did not expect that...:P