Flight [HIATUS]

A/N: Sorry for the late update, holiday make me become lazy to even move a finger for typing, hehehe...


Flight 10


Right when the sun rises, they heading out from meadow to Heechul's house.

“Hatchiu...” Heechul sneezes…again. He had red and runny nose now.

“Are you okay?” Siwon asked in concern but his young boyfriend only glared at him.

“That's your fault, ert ajusshi. If we didn't sleep at meadow maybe I-hatchiu-will be fine.”

“But you didn't object at all.” Siwon was trying to defend himself and a smack on his arm was the clear warning that he had gave the wrong answer.

“That's your fault and will always be your fault.”

“I-...fine, that's my fault. That's always be my fault. I'm sorry little boy.”

“I'm not little boy!” Heechul stomping his foot in annoyance.

“See,” Siwon pointing his finger to Heechul, “You're definitely a little boy. So childish.”

“I'm not!” Heechul yelled, “See, that's why I didn't want become your boyfriend. It's so tiring become an ajusshi boyfriend.” He retorted.

“But you confessed to me.”

“That because you always confessing your love to me.”

“Still, in the end you were the person who confessed with all of your heart.”

Heechul's expression dropped slightly, “So, all this time you just playing with me? You're not serious?”

“Of course I'm serious all this time. God! Look at yourself little boy. Your mood changed quickly like a girl in PMS.”

“And you had become as annoying like this in our first day as lover.”

“That's because you're so selfish.”

“You're so stubborn.”

“You're so demanding.”


“Both of you better stop bickering now before I cook both of you as Henry's breakfast! Gosh! it's too early for an argument battle show.” Zhoumi snapped at both of them. He was nurturing his flower garden in peace before two annoying loud bickering destroying his moment with beautiful flower and make him irritated.

Heechul and Siwon startled after they heard Zhoumi's voice and in instant, their bickering stopped. They were too engrossed in their bickering until they didn't realized they had arrived in front of Heechul's house.

“Good morning, Zhoumi gege.” Siwon smiled sweetly, ignoring Heechul who purposely bumping his shoulder when he walks pass him and entering the house. For a moment, silence erupted as Zhoumi and Siwon just watching Heechul’s retreating back. Zhoumi turned to Siwon.

“I happen listen when my cousin talk about you becomes his lover. Is that true?”

Siwon nodded.

“And you already bicker? Why?”

“That's...” Siwon was nervous. He just scratches his head with sheepish smile. He couldn't imagine Zhoumi's reaction when he tell the truth. That he and his dearly nephew was already doing something intimate last night and make his nephew got flu now. “...nothing actually.”

Zhoumi narrowing his eyes, “But that wasn't just nothing for me.”

“It's nothing, I swear. It's just because we need to know each other better.”

“It's better nothing or you know the consequences. Get in, I'll make breakfast now.”


“He hasn't come back yet?” asked Jimi’s father.

“Not yet appa.” She reply meekly.

“I'll send Junsu to look for him.”



“What if Siwon oppa didn’t want to engage with me?”

“So you better make sure him willing to engage with you from now before he change his mind.”


The breakfast so normal and Siwon was very happy. He could make a list about things that make him happy today. First, he finally could breakfast peacefully with people ate with him and not stare at him. Second, the atmosphere so cheery and relaxing one. And he found Heechul's family consist of person with different character, he already know about Zhoumi and his eccentric, this morning he found out about Hankyung and his calm personality and Henry with his cheerful personality and a naive person if he can added and the last thing and definitely the best was because his Heechul, sat beside him.

But still, his younger boyfriend's pout never disappear and he uses all of his will power to not kiss the pout away. He didn't want to make Heechul angrier or the worst Zhoumi will kill him and accuse him had corrupting his precious nephew. It's kind of awkward actually, with Siwon kept glancing and Heechul kept ignoring him, once awhile he would wipe the snot that coming out from his nose sometimes he sneezes. Zhoumi was notice about the strange behaviour between them even Hankyung was notice too, but unlike Zhoumi, he still respecting their privacy. While Zhoumi, he just asking straight away without beating around the bush, “I know something fishy happened between you.” His gaze changed alternately between Siwon and Heechul, “Now tell me. How many times both of you had behind my back?”

“Zhoumi!” Hankyung exclaimed in surprise and immediately covering Henry's ears before rushes took him out away from adult talk that definitely will start now. Siwon choked on his soup and coughing few times while Heechul didn't show the surprises too much

“You know?” Heechul asked calmly.

Zhoumi rolled his eyes and folded his arm, “Oh, please. Hankyung and I were more than both of you doing. Let me guess. The secret meadow, last night.”

“How can you know Zhoumi sshi?” asked Siwon.

Zhoumi rolled his eyes again, “Was that dry grass stuck on your hair, Siwon sshi? And the red mark on both of your arm was caused of a plant that was obviously a kind of grass. Except if both of you dumb enough lying on grass in the middle of cool autumn so I guess the possible reason was because you were doing some ‘activity’.” He said while make a quotation mark to emphasize his hypothesis.

“You’re good enough Mimi. What you’ll do to Siwon?” asks Heechul.

“Let see…” Zhoumi smirks.

Siwon gulped in nervous. Now the breakfast time with Heechul family had changed to interrogating time.


“Are you still angry?” ask Siwon carefully as he approaching his boyfriend when his interrogation time with Zhoumi had ended.

Heechul shook his head. “Push me.”

Siwon comply his request. He watches the swing goes back and forth, the wind playing with Heechul's brown locks and an innocent smile on his lips. If someone saw him like this, no one would know he had going through terrible life, no one would knew his family was abandoning him, no one would knew except if Heechul himself who let them for knew.

“You’re lucky Zhoumi didn’t kill you.”

Siwon frowned, “Why he wants to kill me?”

Heechul sighed, “We had last night, remember? As your information, my first boyfriend just kisses my cheek at our first date and the next day he broke up with me. He said, last night a tall man with Chinese accent came to his dorm and threatened would cut his little brother into tiny pieces if he touches me once again. Could you see the difference? He just kisses my cheek and Zhoumi was more than ready to castrating him and you, you were done more than him but Zhoumi didn’t voice out a protest at all.”

An amused smile spread on Siwon face after him listening Heechul’s monologue, “Maybe because I was the perfect person for you.”

Heechul snorted upon hearing his reply, “He’s much more better than you, ahjusshi. Seriously, what spell you put on Mimi until him practically is listening every sentences or story from you, without caring you was telling the truth or the lie one?”

“Was your ex boyfriend better than me?” Siwon asks back. All the while, keep pushing the swing.

“Mmm...In some aspect, yes. He’s younger than you. He was in same age with me.”

“Well, that’s the reason why Mimi didn’t let him pursue a relationship with you. I have everything that he didn’t have. I have love, affection, wealth, maturity, patience, I can offer an assurance of a stable relationship, a promise for always makes you happy, and…Can I keep talking?”

Heechul pouted, he was supposedly knew better that he won’t win against Siwon, “No, stop! You just were boasting yourself.”

“I’m not boasting Chagi. I tell the truth.”

“But you couldn’t give my other happiness for me.” Heechul murmured softly but Siwon hear it nonetheless and he really understands the meaning of other happiness is.

He pushed the swing again and suddenly an idea struck him. “Chagi?”


“Do you want to meet with your father?” Siwon thought the only way to make Heechul’s happiness become perfect again was bring Heechul to meet with his biological father.

The swing stopped after Heechul put his feet on the ground and for seconds he just staring at Siwon with disbelief looks.

“I can help you, if you want of course.” He said again, to assure Heechul that he was serious and not just joking around.

“I-I want to meet him Ajusshi.”

“Okay, tonight I'll wait you near Kim's mansion. I'll go home now to prepare everything, okay?” Siwon bent slightly and kissed his boyfriend lips. “See you and I love you.”

He walks out from Heechul's house without aware that someone was watching him. The man inside the car gripped the steer wheel tightly until his knuckles turn white.


Like a balloon pierced by needles, Siwon's happiness burst in instant the moment he entering the Kim mansion and there was sat Jimi with annoyed expression.

“Where have you been, oppa?” she asks in demanding tone.

“Hang out with friend.” He replied calmly and start walk, heading to his room.

She grabbed his arm, “Oppa, we haven't finishes talking yet.”

“Jimi, let go. I'm tired.”

“I'm your fiance; you couldn't treat me like this.”

“You're not my fiance and maybe never will be.” He said coldly and removing her grip from his arm without blinked or felt pity for the, now in shock, girl.

“Oppa...how could you?” her voice choked when sobs and tears threatening to escape.

“I'm sorry Jimi. I...we talk again tomorrow.” He made way to the bedroom hurriedly and locked it. He rubbed his face furiously. He's angry to himself for saying those words. He didn't want to hurt Jimi's feeling, she's actually a nice girl but this time, her attitude and her words was unacceptable in Siwon's opinion. He sat down on his bed while biting his nail, he must find way to make Heechul meet with his father, no matter how and he knew the right person for this.


Jimi sat on her usual spot at Kim's family library. She still angry at Siwon's words but half of her mind scolded her for not being patient as usual. Her heart suddenly trembled as if the bad thing will happen to her. She couldn't name it or foresee about what will coming not before the door suddenly flung open, and her father stood on doorway with very pissed off face, “Useless girl, what I said about not screwed up the plan huh?” He hissed, not loud enough to disturbs all of people inside Kim's mansion from doing their usual routine but enough to make Jimi shivered when the cold venomous word entering her ear and seeping inside her heart.

“Appa…” she whispered softly. Her eyes closed in own accord when the door slammed closed behind her father's back. It’ll be a long hours for her at that day. And she already knew the subject of their conversation.



Reply for chapter 9

Aki_Hikari : Ahahaha, we had discussed about that, right?

hanchulovekyumin : Really? But I think I didn't have talent writing y stuff.. T__T

radictator : Thank you for your comment ^^ Honestly, writing y stuff make my brain and my body acted differently. Inside my mind their ‘activity’ was more than that but when I typing that, the result was...yeah, like what you read, hehehe.

sunpetals9 : Thank you for your comment ^^

loser220 : Ahahaha…

mangafrick : Update…!!!! Sorry for the late update.

Sahee689 : Ahahaha, they’re indeed a beast.

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cherryaizawa #1
please mae a squel fir this story authornim
choiheenim #2
Chapter 20: ouuww...i love both the final end...
but..the last end...did you mean there is flight II in future??

author~nim...saranghae, i'll wait the sequel :-D..
choiheenim #3
Chapter 15: i know its toooooooo late for comment...but...
i can't stop my will to say this story is amazing..
that's all..
keep rocking author~nim...
thanks for the story
samirajoon #4
Chapter 20: in my opinion both end of this story was good and also happy.thanks for your grat story
samirajoon #5
Chapter 18: you described death scene so clear and great.wow.i really appreciate it.
samirajoon #6
Chapter 17: this is a complicated situation.and so bad for sichul
samirajoon #7
Chapter 16: jay is so jerk.i don't like him
samirajoon #8
Chapter 15: yesssssssssssssss.siwon is just so clever
samirajoon #9
Chapter 14: no no no plzzzzzzzz.why this happened to them?that jerk ...if i catch him,i'll cut his head.
samirajoon #10
Chapter 13: oh it saddened me so damn much.