Chapter 2



The shining lights and the screams from the crowd gave you a boost of confidence, just like it always did. For exactly 3 minutes and 45 seconds you forgot all about the two confessions that had happened during the interview and you focused on the thing you loved the most in your life, music.

But unfortunately when the music stopped and you were doing the end pose of your choreography, reality came back. You looked around you and smiled at your fans, but you didn’t even have to look over towards the interview stage to see two amazing guys staring straight at you. When the stage went black you fanned yourself while the stylists wiped sweat off of your face and removed your ear piece.

After the show was over you went backstage and hung out in the waiting room. You were waiting for your manager to come and steal you away from the building to go to another practice or recording. But just to your luck Teen Top and Infinite walked into the room to get their stuff. Your heart raced at the sound of them entering the room.

‘Omo why is it so hot? Why does this room seem to be getting smaller?! Manager Oppa where are you?!?!?!’ your thoughts going through your mind at a million miles per hour.


Teen Top walked into the waiting room. L.Joe couldn’t get over the fact that his best friend for years admitted he liked the same person as him; never in a million years would he think his best friend would be his rival.

He was the last of Teen Top to enter the waiting room and he was suddenly brought out of his thoughts when he heard his dongsaengs whispering. He looked up and saw you sitting there. His mind went blank and he couldn’t think of anything to say, he really wanted to talk to you and get to know you but he was nervous.

“Hyung look she’s right there!” Ricky whispered to L.Joe.

“I have eyes you know!” L.Joe shot Ricky a glare, which made Ricky snicker and run away to talk to Changjo.


“That was an awesome performance guys! L congrats on not falling for once!” Sunggyu joked as Infinite walked off stage and headed towards the waiting room to grab their stuff.

L just glared at the back of his head. He had so much running through his mind. You were all he could think about, the way you were so shy during the interview but once the music played and you performed your song it was like you were a totally different person. But the thing that bothered him the most was when he looked over at Teen Top during your performance, he saw that look in L.Joe’s eyes that look that he had when he was serious about a girl. The look he’s only seen once in before out of their whole lives, and that girl was his first love. As much as L didn’t want to fight with his best friend over a girl, he couldn’t let you go. You weren’t like any girl he had met before, you were… different.

He was so lost in thought that he didn’t even notice that the rest of the members had suddenly stopped walking, and he walked right into Sungyeol.

“YAH! WHY DID YOU STOP LI-” he was cut off when Sungyeol covered his mouth.

“She’s right there! Don’t yell or she might think you’re crazy!” Sungyeol whispered to him.


You took deep breaths to try and calm yourself down. You were so nervous, you didn’t know how to face neither L nor L.Joe after they confessed on stage like that. You decided to put in your earphones and play some music so you wouldn’t have to face them. But you jumped at the slight touch of someone tapping your shoulder. You took out your earphones and let out a breath.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, _______-sshi… But the dongsaengs were asking if you would take a picture with us… You know like how everyone does holding up the Show Champion logo…” L.Joe said as he looked down at his feet, “but you don’t have to if you don’t want to!” L.Joe cleared his throat and smiled shyly at you.

You looked over at the three younger ones in Teen Top and they gave you the most adorable faces you would ever see, begging you to take a picture with them.

“Sure why not” you smiled and stood up.

You walked over to the rest of Teen Top and stood in the middle of them holding the Show Champion logo. You took a few selcas with the different members before your manager dragged you out of the room to go to your next schedule.

Right as you were walking out, you heard someone call your name so you turned around and saw someone running towards you.

“You. Forgot. This.” He said as he was trying to catch his breath.

“L.Joe sunbae?” you tilted your head in confusion.

“This is your phone right?” he said holding out a phone to you.

“Omo! It is! Where was it?”

“It was on the couch where you were sitting”

“Gomawo sunbae!” you bowed to him and he handed your phone to you.

“You can just call me oppa” he smiled and walked away.

As he walked away a piece of paper slipped out from under your phone, you picked it up and looked for L.Joe but he was already out of sight. You shrugged and looked at the paper closely it had your name written on it. You were just about to open it when your manager called. You quickly rushed out to the van and headed off to your next recording which was going to be at music bank.


“Come on kids we have to get to the next recording!”

“Where do we have to go now?” Sungyeol whined as he yawned.

“We have to do our recording for this week’s music bank.”


While you in the car, on your way to the music bank set, you decided to read this note that L.Joe gave you.


You did great today. You had an amazing performance.

I really hope to see you again… Fighting!


p.s. I really meant what I said on today’s show and I hope we get to know each other better.

Your heart skipped a beat when you read the last line of note. You quickly stuffed it into the pocket of the jacket you were wearing when your manager stopped the car and told you, you had arrived at the music bank set.

You got out and was greeted by a bunch of your screaming fans.

“UNNIE!” you heard the girls calling, so you smiled and waved.

“NOONA! SARANGHAE!” you giggled softly at the sound of your fanboys screaming for you in the crowed.

You couldn’t believe how much fans you had, it had only been about two weeks since your debut but you already had a bunch of fans. You had just entered the building and headed straight towards your dressing room. In this moment the halls were very crowded because a sunbae group had just finished their performance and were walking off. You greeted them with a bow as the girl group, Sistar passed. You exchanged a few words and then headed to your dressing room to prepare for your performance.

Once you were finished getting ready for your performance you cleared your mind of all thoughts and mentally prepared yourself for another performance. You went through the whole choreography in your mind, making sure you wouldn’t forget anything.

“Alright _____-sshi lets go you’re on in 5” a worker said.

You nodded and walked out of the room. Just as you walked out of the door, your heel got stuck in the threshold and you fell forward. Luckily you landed in the arms of someone. You turned looked up at your savior and turned red when you saw who it was. You quickly stood up, and bowed.

“Mianhae L sunbae~”

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Chapter 6: Aww I want to call L.joe oppa tooooo..but Im his noona. Thet both are my bias but i will go with L.joe
Chapter 10: HAHAHAH! Your such a sneaky author :p
And this is awesome (Y)
Chapter 10: I imagined L.Joe <3
Chapter 10: LOLOLOL.
sweet-suzy #5
Chapter 10: Oh wow! Didn't really expect that ending! its actually a really smart idea! Well done authornims!

Amazing story by the way! I loved it!
Chapter 10: When you write the last chapter, you think bout Myungsoo right :P
Although Byunghun are my bias but I can't imagine him as the boyfriend >o< (WHHYYY T.T)↲
Btw great story authornim ! ^^;
Chapter 10: OH YAY. :D

It was a great idea to leave the end open. Loved it~
MissCrayon #8
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO NEW! I have never once read a story with an ending like this! :) yay that way I can keep fantasizing! :D great story!
Chapter 10: I love the ending ♥