Chapter 1


“Are you ready?”

You glance up at your manager and gave him a shaky smile, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Don’t worry,” he laughed, “You’ll do great. You already have a pretty good sized fanbase.”

You nodded your head as you tried to will some confidence into yourself. You were sitting in your dressing room with your manager and stylists, waiting for one of the crewmembers to call you to the stage. You had just debuted a few days ago and it was your first time on Show Champion. It didn’t really calm your nerves that you were a solo artist and people were bound to compare you to other idols like IU, G.NA, Ailee, and Juniel.

You looked up at the door to see a woman with a clipboard and a headset standing in the doorway.

“______-sshi, you’re needed on stage.”

You nodded and stood up, smoothing your dress as you gave your manager a wary glance.

“I’ll walk you there,” he said as he held the door open for you and followed you out of the dressing room.

You bit your lip as you ran the list of interview questions that was given to you earlier that day, trying to sort out your answers so you wouldn’t sound too rehearsed.

“Calm down,” you looked up at your manager as he threw an arm around your shoulders, “It’s not like you’re going to be the only one on that stage. Teen Top and Infinite are here too.”

“How is that supposed to make me feel better?!” you almost yelled, “Now, if I embarrass myself, I’m going to do it in front of 13 really good looking and talented boys!”

Your manager just laughed at your panic.


“So I apparently that new solo artist ______ is going to be on the show today too,” Hoya said as he took a sip of water.

The other members nodded their heads in acknowledgment as they continued to walk towards the stage.

“Well, that’s good news for Myungsoo,” Sungyeol snickered.

L shot him a look, “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Oh, come on, hyung,” Sungjong scoffed, “We all know you have the biggest crush on her ever since you met her at Inkigayo.”

L was about to protest but saw all of the other members giving him a look.

“Tch, whatever,” he muttered, a blush starting to creep on his cheeks as all the other members lightly .


You clapped your hands as Infinite took their seats after doing their introduction. You clasped your hands and rested them on your lap, you eyes trained on Shindong and Shinyoung. You didn’t have any other choice but the look at them. If you looked to your right, it would seem that you were staring at Teen Top, if you looked to your left, it would appear that you were staring at Infinite.

‘I just can’t win,’ you thought bitterly. But you were pulled away from your thoughts when you heard Shindong’s voice boom through the speakers.

“Wow, we have some pretty talented young people today on the show, don’t we?” Shindong asked his cohost.

“That’s right!” Shinyoung said as she glanced around at the idols on stage, “Why don’t we ask them a few questions. Ummmm,” she glanced down at her cue cards, “L.Joe-sshi?”

“Yes?” you turned your head to see L.Joe looking a Shinyoung but not failing to send a smile to the screaming fans in the audience.  

“Ah, one of Teen Top’s rappers and visuals,” Shinyoung nodded and took another glance down at her cards.

“I’m pretty sure this is a question that a lot of fans would want to know the answer to,” Shindong said, “Is there any idol that you would say you have a bit of a crush on?”

You jumped a little from the screaming that came from the audience but willed yourself to maintain your composure and wait for L.Joe to answer the question.

“Uhhh,” the rapper let out an embarrassed laugh, “There actually is.”

Screams of complaints and denials came from the girls in the audience.

‘Wow, I didn’t expect that,’ you thought as you focused on L.Joe, curious as to what he answer was going to be.

“What?! Really?!” Shindong yelled, “Who?!”

“Ummm,” L.Joe his lips, “It’s actually ______-sshi.”

Your eyes widened and your quickly took your eyes off L.Joe, ‘ME?! Why me?! Oh! Shoot! Thank him, ______!’

You turned about around and gave him a small bow. He returned the bow and shot all the other members of Teen Top a look when they started to .

On the other side of the stage, all the members of Infinite stiffened and took worried glanced at L. He had his poker face on but was still sending an icy glare across the stage at L.Joe. He and L.Joe had been friends for years. He never would have imagined that he would ever be his competition for anything, especially a girl.

“WAH! Daebak!” Shindong laughed.

“Why do you have a crush on ______-sshi?” Shinyoung asked.

“Well, she’s very talented and very confident on stage,” L.Joe explained, “And I find that very attractive.”

You bit your lip to hide your smile and looked down at your lap. Your manager would always tell you how many of the male idols would start developing crushes on you or naming your as their ideal types, but you always thought he was just joking. Even though you did think there was a chance of it happening, you didn’t think that it would happen this soon.

“Wow, I am speechless,” Shinyoung laughed and then turned to the Infinite members, “How about we ask the same question to a member of Infinite? L-sshi?”

L looked up when he heard his name called, “Yes?”

“Do you have a celebrity crush?” she asked, hoping to get another surprising answer.

All the members looked at their visual, wondering what he was going to say.

L thought for a moment before nodding his head, “I do.”

Another round of yelling came from the crowd as you craned your neck to see L.

“WHAT?!” Shindong yelled, not caring that he was totally overreacting, “WHO?! Tell us now!”

A small smile appeared on L’s face as he looked down at his lap, “______-sshi.”

Your jaw dropped as L bit his lip and looked at you, not caring about the screaming and yelling coming from all the girls in the crowd as well as the two MCs on stage.

“We actually met once before,” he continued, “and she has this really innocent and pure personality and I really like that about her.”

“T-thank you,” you stuttered quietly as you gave him a small bow.

L looked over to L.Joe to see him staring at him in shock. L gave him a little smirk before turning back to the MCs and sneaking a glance at you.

“Okay, well it seems that we have a little competition here,” Shinyoung laughed. 

Shindong nodded his head, still a little shocked at the whole situation, “It appears so,” he laughed, “______-sshi, what do you think about all of this? I mean two members from Infinite and Teen Top just confessed to you!”

You glanced between the two boys, “I really don’t know what to say, but I’m really thankful for their compliments and I hope Angels and Inspirits don’t get mad at me,” you ended with a small laugh.

“Waaah, what a modest answer,” Shinyoung said, “Well, why don’t we give ______-sshi the stage and allow her to perform her debut single!”

You nodded your head and stood up from your seat, quickly making your way off the interview section of the stage, carefully making sure you didn’t make eye contact with L.Joe or L.

When you were out of the view of the cameras and the audience, you placed your hands on the your cheeks as crew members fluttered around you and hooked up different wires to your earpiece. You couldn’t deny that both L and L.Joe were attractive, but you didn’t expect both of them to take interest in you.

‘Ah, what do I do?’ you worried to yourself.

“Okay, you’re all set,” one of the crew members smiled at you, “Good luck.”

You smiled back and gave a small bow. You took a deep breath and walked out to the middle of the stage as the spotlight shone down on you. 


You're move Admin Li kekeke ^^v

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Chapter 6: Aww I want to call L.joe oppa tooooo..but Im his noona. Thet both are my bias but i will go with L.joe
Chapter 10: HAHAHAH! Your such a sneaky author :p
And this is awesome (Y)
Chapter 10: I imagined L.Joe <3
Chapter 10: LOLOLOL.
sweet-suzy #5
Chapter 10: Oh wow! Didn't really expect that ending! its actually a really smart idea! Well done authornims!

Amazing story by the way! I loved it!
Chapter 10: When you write the last chapter, you think bout Myungsoo right :P
Although Byunghun are my bias but I can't imagine him as the boyfriend >o< (WHHYYY T.T)↲
Btw great story authornim ! ^^;
Chapter 10: OH YAY. :D

It was a great idea to leave the end open. Loved it~
MissCrayon #8
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO NEW! I have never once read a story with an ending like this! :) yay that way I can keep fantasizing! :D great story!
Chapter 10: I love the ending ♥