Chapter 8




Okay, so this story is probably going to come to a close in a few chapters. I'm really sorry if it seems rushed, but I don't want to drag it on. To be honest, Admin Li and I didn't really plan out the event of this story since we were writing off of what each other wrote, so I'm just kinda trying to wrap it up and still have it make sense. But, I do hope you all enjoy! ~Admin Kelc


"I can't believe Chunji made me come all the way over here just to get him a croissant," L.Joe muttered to himself as he walked down the street, "We just finished filming and he wants me to get him food."

He approached the small café and stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as he passed by the window.

"______-ah?" he whispered, feeling his heart drop into his stomach, "You're with Myungsoo hyung?"

L.Joe watched you smile sweetly at the boy sitting across the table from you as he animatedly told you a story. He felt a sick feeling in his stomach, like he was going to throw up at any moment.

Was it jealousy? Was it anger? Or was it heartache?

L.Joe didn't know.

Exhaling loudly, he gripped the handle and swung the door open before walking inside.  


"But when you started stuttering, I just," Myungsoo stopped midsentence when broke down in laugher as he leaned back in his chair and clapped his hands.

"That was not funny!" you pouted, "I was really nervous. And it was so embarrassing when everyone started laughing at me."

"Don't worry, they weren't laughing at you. I'm pretty sure they were laughing at how adorable you were," Myungsoo glanced down at his empty coffee cup, "I know I was."

You blushed for the twentieth time and stared down at your cup that was empty as well.

"Wow, look who it is."

You looked up from your cup and your eyes widened when you saw L.Joe standing next to you, an icy look in his eye.

"L.Joe," you breathed, frozen in shock as he continued to stare you down.

"Yah, what are you doing here?" Myungsoo asked with irritation in his voice.

L.Joe shifted his eyes to look Myungsoo who was sitting back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest, and an eyebrow raised.

"I came here to pick up some food for my members," L.Joe scoffed, "I just never would have imagined seeing you two here. What is this? A date?"

You opened your mouth to answer him but Myungsoo beat you to it.

"Yes, it is actually," he smirked, "And we would like to return to it."

L.Joe looked at you, hurt visible in his eyes.

You opened your mouth to say something but were cut off once again, this time by L.Joe.

"This is why you chose Strong Heart, huh?" the rapper let out a harsh laugh and shook his head, "Well, at least I got to kiss you."

Your eyes widened in horror, not believing that he just said that, right in front of Myungsoo's face.

"What did you just say?" Myungsoo asked between clenched teeth as he stood up from his chair and faced L.Joe.

Although Myungsoo was taller and more intimidating looking, L.joe didn't seem fazed.

"You heard me," L.Joe said straight to his face, "I kissed her."

'Yeah, on the cheek,' you wanted to say but the words just wouldn't leave your mouth.

You at the two boys who were standing a mere two inches away and glaring at each other as if they were trying to create holes in the other's head.

"Well, at least she accepted a real date with me," Myungsoo quickly raised his eyebrows, "Like you said, she did choose Strong Heart over Running Man."

"Well, we dropped formalities first," L.Joe retorted.

"At least she calls me by my real name," Myungsoo argued back.

L.Joe scoffed at the older boy, "I let her call me whatever she wants. Isn't that right, ______-ah?"

The two boys looked at your chair to find it empty.

"Where did she go?" Myungsoo looked around the café.

"She left," the elderly women walked up to the table and took your empty coffee cup along with Myungsoo's.

Before Myungsoo or L.Joe could get another word out of their mouths, the women walked away with the dirty dishes and disappeared into a room behind the register.


You tugged your jacket tighter around your body as you walked down the street by yourself. You tried to blink back tears of frustration that were in your eyes.

"I knew this wouldn't end up good," you shook your head and stared down at your feet, "I shouldn't have gotten involved with other idol boys."

The worst part about this whole situation wasn't that you were stuck in the middle, it was that you were the reason that two friends were being driven apart. Their friendship that they have had years before they even met you was crumbling before your eyes. Guilt was eating your insides and you felt like you just couldn't take it anymore.

"I should just detach myself from both of them," you mumbled as you sat down on a bench next to a bus stop.

But you knew it was already too late for that. Both of those boys were really stubborn and persistent, you knew that for a fact. You knew that they wouldn't stop until you chose one. But which one? That was the question.

You pulled your phone out of your purse and dialed your manager's number.


"Oppa, can you pick me up?" you said into the phone, your voice sounding thick and rough.

"______-ah, what's wrong?" he asked with concern.

You could hear the car door shutting in the background, "Nothing," you said softly, shaking your head even though he couldn't see you, "I'm sitting at the bus stop on the same street as the coffee shop."

"Okay, I'll be there in about 15 minutes."

"Okay," you whispered before ending the call.

 You bounced your knees, trying to keep warm, as you waited for your manager to pick you up. You glanced around to see if Myungsoo or L.Joe decided to chase after you, hoping that they wouldn't.

And thankfully, they didn't.

You stood up off the bench and walked up to the curb when you saw your manager's van in the distance. He pulled up to the curb and you quickly hopped in.

"So, how was your date?" he smirked.

"Oh, I don't want to talk about it," you muttered. 

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Chapter 6: Aww I want to call L.joe oppa tooooo..but Im his noona. Thet both are my bias but i will go with L.joe
Chapter 10: HAHAHAH! Your such a sneaky author :p
And this is awesome (Y)
Chapter 10: I imagined L.Joe <3
Chapter 10: LOLOLOL.
sweet-suzy #5
Chapter 10: Oh wow! Didn't really expect that ending! its actually a really smart idea! Well done authornims!

Amazing story by the way! I loved it!
Chapter 10: When you write the last chapter, you think bout Myungsoo right :P
Although Byunghun are my bias but I can't imagine him as the boyfriend >o< (WHHYYY T.T)↲
Btw great story authornim ! ^^;
Chapter 10: OH YAY. :D

It was a great idea to leave the end open. Loved it~
MissCrayon #8
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO NEW! I have never once read a story with an ending like this! :) yay that way I can keep fantasizing! :D great story!
Chapter 10: I love the ending ♥