


Author's note at the bottom :)


"They're ready for you in five minutes, ______-sshi, can you please follow me to the stage?"

You nodded your head and placed your phone in your bag before following the stagehand out of the dressing room.

You nervously wrung your hands as you walked down the crowded hallway, weaving through other idols and staff members. Four months after promoting your first single, you just released a new mini album and today was your first official comeback stage.


You jumped a little and turned to your side to see your boyfriend smiling down at you.

"What are you doing here?" you asked as he placed a kiss on your cheek and fell into step with you, "You're not even promoting right now."

"Wow," he raised his hands up in surrender, "Don't kill a guy for wanting to watch his girlfriend's comeback stage."

You rolled your eyes and pushed his shoulder playfully.

"Nervous?" he asked when he heard you let out a shaky sigh.

"Just a little," you mumbled.

"Why? It's not like this is your debut stage."

"This is worse!" you exclaimed, "People know what I can do so they have expectations now. I just don't want to let them down."

He swung an arm around your shoulder and planted a kiss on the top of your head, "You'll do great. I know you will."

The two of you entered the elevator that would take the both of you up the stage with the stagehand. Just as the door was about to close, a hand latched onto it and pulled it open.

"Whew, just made it."

You looked up to see you best friend smirking as he entered the elevator.

"You too?!" you asked, your eyes bugging out of their sockets, "Did you two plan this?!"

Myungsoo and Byunghun just laughed as they stood on either side of you as you crossed your arms and stared at the elevator door in anger.

"We didn't plan this," Myungsoo shook his head.

"In case you forgot, we were both vying for your heart at one time," Byunghun laughed, "Of course we're still on the same brain wave when it comes to things like this."

You rolled your eyes as the elevator doors opened and followed the stagehand out. You glanced over at the two boys standing next to each other as other staff members hooked up various wires to your earpiece and handed you a microphone.

"So when's you're next comeback?" Myungsoo asked.

"A few months," Byunghun responded.

Myungsoo stood up straight and faced the younger boy, "Oh, us too!"

"Really?" Byunghun asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Yeah," Myungsoo nodded, "Maybe there'll be another Teenfinite collaboration stage for all the Angels and Inspirits."

"Hopefully this time we'll actually perform together," Byunghun thought back to their last collab stage where they didn't even stand on the stage at the same time.

"Hopefully," Myungsoo smiled.

"Okay, I see you two are okay here," you smiled as you walked up to them, "I'm just going to go sing my comeback song now," you pointed to the stage where all of your backup dancers were getting into their positions.

"Wait, not yet," your boyfriend latched onto your arm and pulled you closer to him, "You need something for good luck first."

Your eyes widened in shock when he leaned down at placed a tender kiss on your lips. When he pulled away, he couldn't help but laugh at your shocked expression and place another kiss on the tip of your nose.


The two of you looked to the side to see the other boy standing there with his arms crossed and shooting the two of you a glare.

"Can you not do that when I'm standing right here?" he deadpanned, "The wound has still not completely healed, you know?"

The two of you laughed and you detached yourself from your boyfriend's arms. You walked up to your best friend and threw your arms around his neck, squeezing him in tight hug.

You laughed when you felt him stiffened and kept his arms at his side, making no move to hug you back.

"I'm sorry," you pouted, "Thanks for coming to support me."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he rolled his eyes and wiggled out of your hug, "Just go perform your song."

You laughed and took a deep breath before walking towards the staircase that led up to the stage. Your boyfriend gave you an encouraging pat on the back as you passed him and you felt yourself relax a little.

You climbed the stairs and smiled at the dancers that worked just as hard as you, if not harder, for this comeback. You turned towards the crowd in front of the stage that was screaming your name.

"Hello everyone," you bowed to your fans, "Thank you all some much for coming to my comeback stage. I know that it's been a while, but I hope you love the song and support me well!"

They all screamed in approval as you took your placed behind a mic stand that was in the center of the stage.

"One minute until we start recording," a woman's voice sounded over the speakers as you clipped your microphone onto the stand.

You glanced around at the dancers standing around you and you gave each other nods, wordlessly telling each other good luck.

"Thirty seconds!" the woman's voice was heard again.

You glanced to the side to see your boyfriend and best friend standing next to the stage, watching you carefully.

When your eyes met with theirs, they both gave you a smile and each raised a fist in the air.

"Fighting!" they yelled loud enough for you to hear them.

"Fighting!" you mouthed with a smile and slightly raised your own fist as well.

"Ten seconds!"

The lights on the stage turned off and the crowd started to go crazy.

You closed your eyes and took a deep breath.

The first note to your song played over the speakers and you opened your eyes, singing the first note as a single spotlight shined down on you. 


And that's a wrap!!! LOL so who did she pick? We will never know kekeke ¬‿¬ So this was the only thing me and Admin Li actually planned out before writing the story. We wanted you (the reader) to get to choose who she ends up with. Therefore, an optional bias chapter and no clear explanation of who is the boyfriend and who is the best friend. But thank you to all of those who followed this story or just read it all in one go! Thank you all so much for the support and I'm actually working of another chaptered fic (this one will be TOTALLY planned out and NO love triangles ... maybe :P) so please look out for that one! But I hope you all enjoyed Spotlight!!! ~Admin Kelc

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Chapter 6: Aww I want to call L.joe oppa tooooo..but Im his noona. Thet both are my bias but i will go with L.joe
Chapter 10: HAHAHAH! Your such a sneaky author :p
And this is awesome (Y)
Chapter 10: I imagined L.Joe <3
Chapter 10: LOLOLOL.
sweet-suzy #5
Chapter 10: Oh wow! Didn't really expect that ending! its actually a really smart idea! Well done authornims!

Amazing story by the way! I loved it!
Chapter 10: When you write the last chapter, you think bout Myungsoo right :P
Although Byunghun are my bias but I can't imagine him as the boyfriend >o< (WHHYYY T.T)↲
Btw great story authornim ! ^^;
Chapter 10: OH YAY. :D

It was a great idea to leave the end open. Loved it~
MissCrayon #8
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO NEW! I have never once read a story with an ending like this! :) yay that way I can keep fantasizing! :D great story!
Chapter 10: I love the ending ♥