Chapter 5


SHAME! It's been almost a month since Admin Li posted Chapter 4 and I'm only posting Chapter 5 now. I'm so sorry guys ;~; But to be quite honest, I'm actually pretty happy with how this chapter turned out. I didn't know how I was going to respond to Admin Li's last update, but I somehow came up with this. It's been a while so you might want to refresh your memory or catch up with the story HERE! I hope you all enjoy! ~Admin Kelc


"That's a problem," your manager said to himself as he read a message on his phone.

You looked up from your plate and wiped your mouth with a napkin, "A problem?"

"It's nothing big, don't worry," he reassured you as he placed his phone down on the table, "Just a message about a scheduling conflict."

You nodded your head and thanked a waitress as she refilled your water.

"What did the message say?" you asked, twirling your noodles with your fork.

"The company somehow got you to make an appearance on Strong Heart."

"Strong Heart?! Really?!" you asked wide-eyed, "Only the biggest stars are on there! How did they get me to be on the show?"

Your manager shrugged, "I don't know. I guess it's because you're the 'next big thing' to come out of the company."

"Wow," you sighed and leaned back in your seat after setting your utensils down.

You mused the thought on being on one of your favorite talk shows in silence but knitted your eyebrows together when you realized something.

"Wait, you said there was a problem. Is it a scheduling conflict?" you asked.  

Your manager nodded, "You know how you are scheduled to make a guest appearance on Running Man?"

"Yeah, with Teen Top," you smiled, remembering L.Joe's text message.

"Well, it just so happens that the recordings are on the same day," he informed you.

"What?" you asked disappointed, "You can't be serious!"

"Sorry, kiddo," he apologized, "I don't make the recording times."

You let out a huff and let out an exaggerated whine, "Well which one am I going to?"

"The president said to let you decide," your manager said, pointing his fork at you.

"Really?" you raised an eyebrow.

"Yup, and you better decide quickly so I can tell the secretaries which show to call," he said as he dusted off his hands and stood up from his chair, "Are you ready to go?"

You nodded and grabbed your bag before following him out the door.


"Don't think about it too much," your manager said while he drove you back to your dorm, "Just do whichever one you want to do."

You were silent for most of the drive, only answering his question with short replies. You were just so torn at to which show you wanted to do. You've always wanted to be on Strong Heart, even before you became a trainee. You wanted to make people laugh and cry with your stories about the pre-debut you.

But on the other hand, Running Man was fun and exciting. And you would also get to spend more time with L.Jo - no, Teen Top. You would get to spend more time with Teen Top.

'Well, if Strong Heart wanted me now, they could always want me later on when I'm more established,' you reasoned in your head.

"So which one are you going to do?" you manager asked.

"I think I'm going to do Ru-"

You were cut off by your phone vibrating in your bag.

"Hold on," you mumbled pulling out your phone and finding a new text message alert on the screen.

You slide the bar across the bottom of the screen and your heart jumped a little when you saw the sender, who happened to be the visual of a certain seven member idol group.

My manager just told me that we're both going to be on Strong Heart this week, funny how we keep ending up in the same place at the same time huh? I still owe you that coffee, maybe we could go after the recording? Let me know ^^


"Ugh!" you groaned and threw yourself back into your seat.

"What's wrong?" you manager asked, obviously confused at your sudden mood change.

"Nothing," you muttered, "Just drive the car and leave me to my thoughts."

"Whoa, okay Ms. Moody," he laughed.

You groaned again and turned to look out the window, watching the city lights pass by.

'When did this get so complicated?! I thought I was supposed to have less boy problems after debuting!'


"So text me which show you want to be on, okay? I'll come to pick you up tomorrow morning at six to take you to your interview," you manager said out the passenger side window.

"Got it. See you tomorrow," you waved as he drove off.

Your your heels and headed up to your dorm.

You punched in your pass code and threw your bag and jacket onto the couch in the living room area. You then trudged into your bathroom to take off all of your makeup before you would regret not taking it off in the morning.

After ridding your face of makeup, you walked into your bedroom and changed your clothes before throwing yourself face down onto your bed.

You rolled over onto your back and stared at the ceiling, thinking about your dilemma once again. You knew that it wasn't just about picking between Strong Heart and Running Man anymore but between L  and L.Joe.

"L and L.Joe," you said to yourself, "It's even more ironic how they have similar stage names on top of having similar tastes in girls."

You sighed and turned your head to the side to see a teddy bear a fan gave to you after your debut showcase.

You got up and sat cross legged in front of the stuff bear.

"I have a problem," you said to it, "I don't know who I should pick. They're both just so nice and sweet. Not to mention really good looking," you said the last part in a low voice.

"But that's besides the point," you shook your head as you continued to talk to the bear, "L.Joe has this bad boy thing about him and it's really interesting. I just want to know more about him. But L, has this innocent, princely aura about him. And I've always wanted a prince to come into my life and sweep me off my feet."

You sighed as looked up at the bear, "What do I do?"

You pursed your lips as you continued to stare at the teddy bear as if it would give you the answers to all of your problems.

You bit your lip before quickly hopping off your bed and running into the living room to grab your phone out of your bag.

You swiftly returned to your room, phone in hand, and laid down on your bed, your head next to your teddy bear.

You unlocked your phone and stared at the message from L. You typed a response and stared at it for a while, your hovering over the send button.

Holding your breath, you quickly tapped 'send' and locked your phone before slamming it down on your bedside table and burying your face into your hands.

You took your teddy bear into your arms and rested your chin on it head with a sigh.

"I hope I made the right choice."


"Hyung, your phone rang," Sungjong said as he passed L his phone, "I think you got a text message from you-know-who."

"Oh, thanks," L said as he took his phone from the maknae, "And shut up!"

L rolled his eyes as Sungjong snickered and left the room.

The visual bit his lip nervously while swiftly opening the text message.

His lips slowly stretched into a smile eyes ran over the message.

That is pretty funny, maybe fate is trying to tell us something? :P But coffee after the recording sounds perfect! Well, see you at the studio ^^


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Chapter 6: Aww I want to call L.joe oppa tooooo..but Im his noona. Thet both are my bias but i will go with L.joe
Chapter 10: HAHAHAH! Your such a sneaky author :p
And this is awesome (Y)
Chapter 10: I imagined L.Joe <3
Chapter 10: LOLOLOL.
sweet-suzy #5
Chapter 10: Oh wow! Didn't really expect that ending! its actually a really smart idea! Well done authornims!

Amazing story by the way! I loved it!
Chapter 10: When you write the last chapter, you think bout Myungsoo right :P
Although Byunghun are my bias but I can't imagine him as the boyfriend >o< (WHHYYY T.T)↲
Btw great story authornim ! ^^;
Chapter 10: OH YAY. :D

It was a great idea to leave the end open. Loved it~
MissCrayon #8
Chapter 10: OMG THIS IS SO NEW! I have never once read a story with an ending like this! :) yay that way I can keep fantasizing! :D great story!
Chapter 10: I love the ending ♥