Ch. [10]

Never Too Late





Day 15. 


"Ahh~ It's been a while since the last time we played~," Siwon grinned widely, humming along the song that was playing on the radio.  


"Don't get so excited, Siwon," Kyuhyun frowned. "I didn't invite you." 


"But Hyuk did!" Siwon laughed for himself. "And his invitation weights even more than yours." 


Kyuhyun glared at Siwon, quickly turning to the road when he thought about dying in a car accident. If he was going to die, he didn't want it to happen with Siwon 


As soon as they arrived, Kyuhyun frowned deeper, seeing how Minho and Hyukjae were chatting oh so happily as he was left there, with Siwon by his side. "I am such an unlucky man," he sighed deeply. 


"You wish you were," Siwon said as he turned around to look at Hyukjae and Minho, taking off his seat belt. "You are actually the luckiest of them all," he glanced at Kyuhyun before going out from the car, jogging towards the others. 


Kyuhyun stayed inside and turned to look at Hyukjae. His smile was perfect, so wide it would reflect how kind and loving he was. He smiled absent minded, chuckling as he saw Hyukjae looking back at him, his smile growing.  


"Now I wouldn't mind dying," Kyuhyun mumbled before going out from his car towards the three males that were now laughing loudly." 




"What?" Kyuhyun frowned deeply, pressing his lips together harshly because seriously, which side was Henry taking? 


"Minho hyung with mommy and Siwon hyung with you," Henry nodded, grining widely. "This should be a fair game." 


"Henry," Kyuhyun massaged his temple. "How can it be fair like that? I'll be with Hyuk and Siwon and Minho together." 


"But they'll win easily!" Hyukjae pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. "Kyuhyun, you're not thinking about this right," he said. "They're both good soccer players and we're both awful at it, you kick to the right and the ball goes to the left. We wouldn't stand a chance." 


"Doesn't matter," Kyuhyun frowned and shook his head, turning away because Hyukjae was being way too adorable for his own good.  


"Well, it's done! Come on Kyu! We have to win!" Siwon grinned widely, surrounding Kyuhyun's shoulders with his arm, pulling him closer.  


Kyuhyun didn't say anything as Siwon just dragged him and he could only see how Minho and Hyukjae got together and laughed and chatted happily as Henry grinned up at them. "That little boy-" 


"So, the winner can ask anything from the loser!" Henry said, having the ball in between his small hands.  


Kyuhyun smirked.  


 The match started and Kyuhyun had to focus to not hurt anyone in there because he was raging at the way Hyukjae and Minho laughed together.  


 Their teamwork was perfect. Minho passed it to Hyukjae and then Hyukjae to Minho until they scored. Kyuhyun's rage was increasing. 


"Yah! Kyuhyun! Block Hyukjae!" Siwon exclaimed and Kyuhyun grinned, hugging Hyukjae from behind tightly.  


"K-Kyuhyun!" Hyukjae exclaimed, blushing slightly as he turned his head up to see Kyuhyun's face. "Yah! This is against the rules!" he pouted, wiggling to free himself.  


"I don't care~," Kyuhyun sang, hugging Hyukjae's body tighter as he rested his chin comfortably on Hyukjae's shoulder.  


Hyukjae groaned lowly and tried to free himself, groaning lowly because his hands were trapped against his body, surrounded by Kyuhyun's strong grip. "Kyuhyun! yah!" 


Minho and Siwon seemed pretty busy trying to snatch the ball away from each other as to worry to free HyukjaeSiwon was frowning and Minho had his lips pursed in determination  


"GOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!" Henry screamed and Hyukjae grinned widely.  


"Yes!" Hyukjae exclaimed, setting himself free from Kyuhyun's grip to run and hug Minho tightly in a celebration ceremony for the two of them. 


Kyuhyun gasped and glared at Siwon, walking towards him before punching his arm harshly. "Yah! How could you?!" 


"You were'nt helping at all!" Siwon exclaimed, rubbing his sore arm. "How dare you hit a model's body?" 


"Shut up," Kyuhyun groaned, feeling his face heat up in anger when he saw how tightly Minho was hugging Hyukjae and he clenched his fists as he saw the younger of them all pull Hyukjae up, making the smaller laugh loudly. 


"Dad, aren't you worried that maybe they'll ask something embarrassing for you?" Henry asked and Kyuhyun looked down at his son, frowning.  


"What?" Kyuhyun wasn't in his full senses, but one thing he was sure of, was that that celebration hug was way too long already.  


Henry sighed, shaking his head. "Nothing," he said, looking up to see his father not being able to take his eyes away from Hyukjae and Minho and Siwon laughing as he poked Kyuhyun's cheek, singing about his jealousy showing.  


Kyuhyun walked towards the other two and stuck in between them, grinning widely. "So, should we go and have something to eat?" 


Hyukjae laughed softly. "I made some food!" 


They walked back home, Hyukjae holding Henry's hand and Kyuhyun walking by the other side of Hyukjae just to make sure no one took his place.  


As soon as they arrived, they went to the back garden, where Siwon cooked the most delicious meat Henry had tasted before and Minho was still filled with energy, running around playing with the small kid. Hyukjae was by Siwon's side and Kyuhyun was close, glaring at them.  


The afternoon went by rather quickly, and they ended up talking and laughing all side by side. 


Hyukjae had Henry sleeping in his arms as Kyuhyun talked with Siwon about their next schedule. "Should I take Henry in?" Minho asked and Hyukjae smiled, nodding. 


"Would you, please?" Hyukjae asked. "I'll take in some dirty plates. 


They stood up and Kyuhyun couldn't find a good excuse to follow them and he was left with Siwon. "Don't worry, Kyu. My wife would never cheat on me." 


Kyuhyun glared at Siwon. "My wife, Siwon." 


"Yes, but you'll divorce," Siwon nodded. "And I'll become his charming prince." 


Kyuhyun punched his arm harshly. "Siwon, I'm being serious, stop it." 


Siwon chuckled and pointed at the house. "It may be not me though." 


Kyuhyun turned around quickly, frowning deeply when he saw through the window how Minho was holding Hyukjae's arms. He couldn't see more than Hyukjae's back but he could see Minho's worried and sad expression. 


Kyuhyun stayed quiet, clenching his fists tightly as he saw how they talked, words that he would never hear. Just a minute later, Kyuhyun saw how Minho pulled Hyukjae in his embrace and Kyuhyun stood up angrily, walking determined towards the house. 


He stopped when he saw Hyukjae hugging back, almost desperately.  


Jealousy was replaced with something else and Kyuhyun didn't want to admit that it was nostalgy. He wanted to be the one hugging Hyukjae like that. He wanted Hyukjae to show his weak side to him to support. He wanted Hyukjae to be that honest and whiny wife he had been for him before. He wanted to see his wife crying in front of him, whining, getting mad at him. 


Kyuhyun didn't want to only see Hyukjae's smile.  


He wanted to make Hyukjae smile, even in the hardships.  


It was in that second, when he saw how they broke the hug and Minho dedicated a wide smile to Hyukjae, that he understood. 


Kyuhyun loved Hyukjae. As much, or even more, as before.  




Day 16. 


"Good luck!"  


Kyuhyun looked at Hyukjae. He smiled when he noticed the tint of sadness in the smaller's voice. "Thank you," he said gently, leaning in to kiss Hyukjae's lips softly. "I'll bring you something, ok?" 


"I don't need anything, Just come back safely," Hyukjae said. He was worried, and Kyuhyun liked it. 


"I will," Kyuhyun nodded, cupping Hyukjae's face with his hands before leaning down to kiss his lips firm and gently, closing his eyes to enjoy the way Hyukjae kissed back with the same passion. "It's just a concert, Hyuk...," he whispered against Hyukjae's lips. 


Hyukjae parted away slightly, letting their lips brush against each other. "In another country, Kyu." 


KyuOh, how much Kyuhyun loved Hyukjae. 


"I'm a big boy, I know how to take care of myself," Kyuhyun grinned widely, childish posing his hands on Hyukjae's hips, shaking their bodies along like a small kid. 


Hyukjae gave Kyuhyun a playful glare, shaking his head before cupping the taller's cheek with both of his hands, looking into his eyes. "I know you're a big boy, but that's exactly what worries me," he sighed. "You're just a small boy in an adult's body..." 


Kyuhyun smirked, making Hyukjae gasped at the sudden change of attitude and he leaned closer to whisper into Hyukjae's ear. "I'll make sure to make adult stuff with you as soon as I come back." 


Hyukjae blushed deeply, hiding his face against Kyuhyun's shoulder. "How can you be this childish and erted at the same time?" 


"You like my erted side, don't lie," Kyuhyun grinned, kissing Hyukjae's temple before wrapping his arms around the smaller's waist. "Thanks for bringing me to the airport." 


Hyukjae laughed softly. "We're in the bathroom, Kyuhyun, you know you need to go out soon, right?" 


Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. "Details," he said before giving Hyukjae a playful grin. "And also," he chuckled. "We used to have fun in bathrooms." 


"Isn't your plane going off soon?" 




Hyukjae's intention wasn't to blush as he remembered Kyuhyun's words. He let out a soft sigh as he finally reached the building to pick up Henry from his violin's lessons.  


His phone went off and he raised an eyebrow at the unknown number. Being a parent himself, he picked up, thinking it could be one of his student's parents. "Hello?" 


"Hello, is this Hyukjae?" A girl's voice, Victoria's? 


"Yes, may I know who is this?" Hyukjae asked, looking at the door opening to let Henry run out towards his car. He simply leaned ahead to greet the instructor, looking how Henry fixed himself on the back seat.  


"It's Victoria," the girl didn't seem offended by the question. "I would like to see you," she said. "Personally."  


Hyukjae frowned slightly, humming. "Of course, Just let me know the place and the date." 


"Right now, in the café near your house," Victoria said and Hyukjae was almost sure she had a polite smile on her lips.  


"Of course, I'll be there in a few minutes," Hyukjae didn't have the chance to even greet goodbye when the call ended and he sighed, looking back. "Hey baby, how was your day?" 


Henry smiled sleepy. "Tiring, mommy." 


Hyukjae laughed softly. "Let's go home." 


Henry promised to wait patiently for Hyukjae to come back home, but Hyukjae knew he was probably going to sleep all the afternoon.  


He hurried himself and went to the café where Victoria was waiting for him and he went to sit on the table of a suspicious woman right away, dedicating the other a warm smile. "Victoria-shi, what a nice surprise." 


"I wish I could say the same," Victoria smiled, taking off her shades and Hyukjae had to resist the urge to snap back. 


"May I know why was I called here?" Hyukjae asked, declining the offer of the waiter to bring him something to drink. 


"I wanted to talk," Victoria said, grinning so widely it was scary. "About Kyuhyun." 


My favorite topic. Hyukjae chuckled. "What about him?" 


"Last night, he was with you, right?" Victoria asked, playing with the fork in between her fingers.  


"And some friends, but yes," Hyukjae answered, trying to not tear his eyes away from hers. He knew he lost the war already, but he didn't want Victoria to know how weak he was.  


"Please don't," Victoria said. "Don't make him continue all this stupid game." 


Hyukjae frowned. "What game?" 


"The deal with you," Victoria seemed annoyed already. "Don't force him to spend time with you." 


Hyukjae pressed his lips together. "I'm not forcing him." 


"He has to if he wants to get you sign the divorce papers," Victoria said. "That's forcing it." 


Hyukjae stood up. "Look, if he wants to back away, that's fine for me, but he should be the one telling me." 


"He told me he wants to postpone the announcement of our wedding," Victoria suddenly said, making Hyukjae stop his tracks. 


Hyukjae thought about it for a second before looking at the girl in front of him. "Why should I care about it?"  


He didn't want for her to reply before walking out of the café.  






 A/N: I'll hide forever because wow- why didn't I update before.

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Chapter 13: This story is so beautiful but heartbreaking. I love it so much! Please continue writing them
Ashee21 #2
Chapter 13: This is so sweet i hope u will continue this story...
Chapter 13: OMG... why didn't I know about this earlier!!?:(( this is so beautiful and.... sadx( what is wrong with hyukkie!!? I really want to know!!! Please, is there any chance that you will update this again...:"( I really love this story♡♡♡
Kerupu_sama #4
Chapter 13: I know it's been like 5 years and I'm almost 100% sure that you won't continue this masterpiece. But of you do, please don't make it end like ChanBaek's 10080 :"((. I was traumatized for like 5 weeks after reading that fic (no kidding). I would be more traumatized if this story ended like 10080 since kyuhyuk moments would last for a month so it'd hurt more if...*cries*, and then there's Henry that makes it more heartwarming, and Kyu seems really happy with Hyuk, and.. and... I'm sorry, but the hospital and Minho give me bad feeling about how this story end :(((. Anyway, I can feel the warmth of their happy little family. Thank you for this magnificent fanfiction. I hope you will update ;)
Chapter 13: Just found this. It was really good. I'm curious what secret Hyukkie and Minho are hiding. Hope there will be an update soon.
Lichoiyin #6
Chapter 13: I miss you and your updates. Hope you are well. Update soon xxx
sleepyhopeu #7
Chapter 13: This is such a great stories. I feel full when i read it.
Interesting plot lines, character. I love you, thank you so much for creating a beautiful fic. Please update. Once again thx for ur hardwork <3
eeeeuuuunnnn #8
Ah, i miss this story, re read all the chapter.. Authornim when will tou update this???,
sonujks #9
I really miss this fic...please show some mercy and update soon authornim..