Chapter 7.

Oops! I think you're Gay!


Chapter 7.


It was a nice saturday morning. Yeon Mi woke up, did her morning routine and walked downstairs to the dining area. It seemed like she was the only one awake so far.

She pulled out her smartphone,"It's 10 o'clock.. Usually I sleep till 2pm on weekends." She shrugged,"Well~ where is food ?"

"Why don't you ask a Maid ?" 

"Oh?" she turned around and met eyes with Luhan who stood by the door while crossing his arms,*Awkward moments already in the morning, well .*

She cracked a smile,"Uh, I didn't want to bother ?"

"Why are you asking me that? I was just joking, the maids have a day off today." he laughed and approached her,"What do you want to eat?"

She shrugged,"I don't know. Something."

"Ah~. Something? I heard, it's delicious and a guy named Luhan can cook something good!" he punched her shoulder in a joking manner.

"Can you really cook?" Yeon Mi looked curiously at him,*Woah, gay men are perfect!*

He shrugged,"I can, but Kyungsoo & Kai are coming over to eat breakfast with us, so I don't have to cook."

She stared at him,*More................. boys.* She mentally fainted.


He looked up and caught her staring, what made him grin,"Yah, if you continue to stare your eyes will burn off. I'm hot, I know."

She blinked and came back to reality, blushing,"Oh.. Oh! What- NO. I wasn't staring at all!"

He chuckled,"Calm down, Yeon Mi. Just joking."

"Ah.." she nodded, looking down.

The door bell rang, and Sehun's voice was heard,"Who is it again in this morning!"

"Propably Kai and Kyungsoo!" Luhan yelled back, walking out the kitchen to meet his friends at the door.


Yeon Mi blinked a couple times, and cluelessly followed. Well, It's her 'job' to be friendly, also to guests.

"Hey, hey!" Kai greeted, and Yeon Mi caught his eye,"Who is that?"

Kyungsoo's expression was going to O u O,"Oh~ is that the girl who moved in here?" He went to Yeon Mi and grinned,"Hello~ I'm Kyungsoo! Do you like it here?"

*Aww, he is like a little squishy! I want to keep him in my pocket!* she smiled back, bowing,"I'm Yeon Mi, and yes I like it here so far!"

Kyungsoo nodded,"Good to hear."

Kai popped in the conversation casually with a wink at Yeon Mi,"I'm Kai, hope we can be friends."

She smiled, blushing,"Neh, I'm Yeon Mi."

Sehun walked over with Luhan. "Yah, Kai, you shouldn't flirt with her that early!"

Kai only gave back a grin.



Since Kyungsoo decided to make breakfast, the others were doing random things in the living room.

Kai and Luhan were busy on the laptop. Sehun was reading a book.

And Yeon Mi ?

She just sat there, looking around uneasily.

She decided to take a look what Kyungsoo is doing,*Maybe I can help or something..*

"Hello?" Yeon Mi walked in. 

Kyungsoo turned around with a smile,"Oh, hey!"

"Can I help?" she smiled,"I am really bored, you know."

"Sure." he gestured to the table,"How about you prepare the table?"

She nodded,"Yup."



Luhan finally looked around, noticing that Yeon Mi isn't here anymore,"Yah, where did Yeon Mi go?"

"Kitchen." Sehun answered, not looking up from his book.

"Kitchen?" Kai looked up also,"Ah, she is propably helping Kyungsoo."

"I'll go and take a look." Luhan stood up.



"Okay~ I'll call the others!" Yeon Mi beamed, everything was finished. She skipped to the door and

bumped to Luhan. She almost fell.

Almost, because Luhan caught her in time,"You okay?"

She nodded quickly and adjusted herself,"Hu-uh. I'm okay.. Uhm, breakfast is ready!"

"Oh okay, I'll go and call the Kai & Sehun." Luhan smiled at her and was gone again.

Yeon Mi felt her heart flutter,*Oh.. I must be hungry and excited for Kyungsoo's food.*


"Oh my god.." Yeon Mi melted by the taste of the delicious food,"It's really delicious, Kyungsoo. Why don't you try being a chef ?"

Kyungsoo smiled cheepishly, blushing,"Hmm, maybe, someday."

Sehun was silently eating, taking few glances at Yeon Mi though. He was still analyzing her, just to make sure she is no bad person. But for him, she actually seemed like a good & innocent person, so far.

"You remember those rumors, I told you about?" Luhan suddenly broke the silence.

Yeon Mi nearly choked on her food,"Oh shi...t" She quickly grabbed her water and drank, then looked up, seeing that everyone was looking confused at her,"Ehh, continue..?"

The guys chuckled.

"So well," Luhan continued,"We kind of solved the problem."

"You mean, that someone said you and Sehun are together?" Kai laughed,"Oh, that must have been awkward!"


Sehun shot Kai a glare,"Sure, it was."

Kai shut up. "Well, Yeon Mi helped, too." Luhan smiled at Yeon Mi,"Thanks again."

*Why are you so nice to meeeeh~..* she mentally rolled around, but cracked a smile on the outside,"Haha, no problem.. I didn't do much, hah..ha..ha."

"I knew it was your voice!" Sehun chirped up,"A Thank you from me, too!"

*He realized that it was my voice?!* She choked again,"No problem!"


"Shh, you should eat a bit more careful, Yeon Mi." Luhan patted her back, since he sat next to her.

Kyungsoo, who sat opposide of her, gave her the water bottle,"Drink something!"

"Yeah, thanks.." Yeon Mi took the water bottle,*This is so... uh, I can't even find words for this. Why did I have to notice that they are together..* she sighed.


"Why?" Kai asked. 

"Huh, why what?" Yeon Mi blinked. Luhan nudged her playfully,"Stop sighing! I like your smile much more, you know."

Yeon Mi blushed and looked down at her plate,*Don't forget to breath, Yeon Mi!*

Sehun laughed at Luhan,"You're so greasy."

"I am not; just saying the truth!" Luhan took some rice in his mouth and pouted.

Kyungsoo raised a brow, thinking to himself,*So maybe.. Luhan likes Yeon Mi ?*






(A/N) Hello!
Sorry, for ma late short update.
I am so.. /sigh.
How is this chapter? I think it will get more interesting later on though..
'cause I have a plan. *evil smirk*

Who do you prefer more? Luhan & Yeon Mi, or Sehun & Yeon Mi ? o u o
LOL, hope you liked this chap; comment and tell me your opinion!
BTW; I have a new Myungsoo fic! HERE. *click*
See you~♥


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Chapter 10: omg, im so sxcited for the next chapter!! i really love this story!! So funny and awesome! :D
Chapter 1: HAHAHA!!!
To perfect to be straight~! XD
yullicamden #3
Chapter 9: Update soon :)
Maddie1234 #4
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon c:
katsu-sayuri #6
Chapter 8: ahhhhh! XDD
katsu-sayuri #7
Chapter 7: i preferrrrr kyungsoo & yeonmi! ouo ... no? okay. / A \
Chapter 6: Finally you updated!
Lol, lulu is so cutie. Keke~
I really wanna know whut happen next.
xiseyre #9
Chapter 1: The story is interesting. There's a lot of flaws in your English. But who cares anyway. As long as your story is attractive. I like it! (New reader)
Chapter 5: Oh yeahhh. they lived together.I'm curious what hunhan will do if they know that she is the one who spreads the rumors. keke~
New reader ^^