Chapter 6.

Oops! I think you're Gay!

Chapter 6.


"So.. and this is your room." Mrs Lu led her in, after showing her the whole house. "Thank you." Yeon Mi bowed politely with a smile, then looked around,"Really pretty!"

Luhan and Sehun both got stuck in the door, quietly arguing and struggling.

"I hope you'll have a nice stay here!" Mrs Lu smiled,"Your only job here is to wash the cars, be friendly and do the grocery shopping, I'll give you the keys in like two days since they're not done yet."

She nodded,"Thank you, I'll do my best!"


Mrs Lu and Yeon Mi turned around, only to see Sehun and Luhan rubbing their arms.


"What are you doing?" Mrs Lee asked, raising a brow. Yeon Mi chuckled.

"N-Nothing." Luhan shrugged. 

Sehun shrugged also,"We got stuck in the door."

"You.. got stuck in the door." Yeon Mi said again to herself, mentally laughing out loud.

"Oh guys," Mrs Lee sighed, walking past Luhan & Sehun to the door and leaving,"I'll leave now, my hubby has a presentation today. If they do something they shouldn't, just call me, okay Yeon Mi ? My number is saved in the house phone!"

"Uhm, okay." Yeon Mi blinked, and looked at Sehun and Luhan from the corner of her eyes,*Awkward.*

They heard the front door shut close.



"So..uhm.. why are you here?" Luhan tried to begin a conversation, after they were sitting in the living room for half an hour in awkward silence.

Yeon Mi scratched her head,"I needed a place to stay and money, and I got this here offered."

"How did Mrs Lu find you? Or how did you find her?" Sehun asked, blinking curiously at her.


"I was walking around at the mall and looked for jobs, and she accidently heard me asking someone I think, so she walked up to me and we talked." Yeon Mi explained.

"Ah~ so it's like that!" Sehun nodded.


"Well.. I hope you'll have a good stay here!" Luhan smiled at her. "Me too!" Sehun added, smiling also.

"Thanks, Luhan. Thanks, Sehun." she smiled back,*Uh, awkward.. they still don't know whose fault it is with the rumors?*

She stood up,"So.. then I'll go in my room.. bye.."

Luhan and Sehun both gave a nod.




"She's acting weird today, don't you think?" Sehun looked at Luhan.

Luhan shook his head,"Nah, she's propably nervous. That's normal!"

"You think so? Hmm." Sehun started to think about it.


"I heard tonight is a football game! Let's watch it!" Luhan interrupted Sehun's thoughts in a cheerful tone.

Sehun made a face at him,"Since when do you get so excited over a football game?"

He shrugged,"I just want to watch it okay.. Come on. And I'll also go and get Yeon Mi so she can watch with us!" He stood up and made his way upstairs.

"Hyung~!" Sehun whined.



After about 10 minutes Luhan came back with a happy grin, being followed by Yeon Mi with a pissed expression.

And Sehun who was still making a pokerface, still sitting in the middle of the couch.

"What did he do ?" Sehun asked.

"I bought myself a cupcake. And right in the moment I wanted to eat it he snatched it away and fought with me over it! And he actually won !" Yeon Mi whined and sat down beside Sehun.

Luhan laughed and sat down on Sehun's other side,"You said you wouldn't come down!"

"I wanted to eat my cupcake!" she pouted and crossed her arms,"What now?"


"We're going to watch a football match!" Luhan cheerfully answered.

Yeon Mi facepalmed herself,"But I don't even like watching football!"

Sehun, between them, chuckled to himself,*Luhan hyung will annoy her much I guess!*


Sehun stood up and the TV, the football match was beginning right now.

"Blanket." he murmured and took the blanket on the other couch, then sat down between Yeon Mi and Luhan.

*I hope she stays for a long time..* Luhan smiled to himself, his eyes glued on the TV.

*Let's hope she stays for long~..* Sehun thought and glanced at Yeon Mi. 





(A/N) Hi~
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Chapter 10: omg, im so sxcited for the next chapter!! i really love this story!! So funny and awesome! :D
Chapter 1: HAHAHA!!!
To perfect to be straight~! XD
yullicamden #3
Chapter 9: Update soon :)
Maddie1234 #4
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon c:
katsu-sayuri #6
Chapter 8: ahhhhh! XDD
katsu-sayuri #7
Chapter 7: i preferrrrr kyungsoo & yeonmi! ouo ... no? okay. / A \
Chapter 6: Finally you updated!
Lol, lulu is so cutie. Keke~
I really wanna know whut happen next.
xiseyre #9
Chapter 1: The story is interesting. There's a lot of flaws in your English. But who cares anyway. As long as your story is attractive. I like it! (New reader)
Chapter 5: Oh yeahhh. they lived together.I'm curious what hunhan will do if they know that she is the one who spreads the rumors. keke~
New reader ^^