Chapter 10.

Oops! I think you're Gay!


Chapter 1O


It was a rainy day, you could almost touch the dark atmosphare with your hands.

It was Monday, and Yeon Mi had gone to school alone. Sehun still needed to talk to Luhan and she certainly didn't want to be there when someone cries. Well, she thought Luhan would cry when hearing the news.


"Everyone seems so gloomy today." Hye Yin pouted and lay her chin on the table, Yeon Mi was sure that sitting position was not healthy.

"Well, as far as I know someone is going to break up today.." Yeon Mi let out a sad sigh.

"What? Who?" Hye Yin sat up straight, looking at her with wide eyes,"Did they really love each other??"

Yeon Mi shrugged,"I think so. They still seem to care much about each other. Yet one of them wants to break up because they found somebody else."

"Aww," Hye Yin looks down sadly,"That must be hard for the person who is left behind."

"Of course, of course." Yeon Mi nodded her head, closing her eyes for a dramatic effect.

"Who though??" 

"Uhm, some friends of mine."

"Oh. Well, try to cheer up your friend who gets left behind then." Hye Yin held up two thumbs up,"That friend would need it. Personally, maybe, I would even be angry with the other person, depending on how they said it."

"Really? Well then, I'll cheer him up later!" Yeon Mi held up a fist, eyes shining,"I'll find him a new lover!"

"Him? It's a guy?" Hye Yin blinks,"Aw, poor guy."

"Ehe, yeah.." Yeon Mi gave a nod, retreating her arm back on her lap, slapping herself mentally for the little information she spilled.

"Do I know him?" Hye Yin asked curiously.

And just in time, Luhan sat down next to Yeon Mi with a loud bang of his bag being thrown on his table. The girls looked at him, he shocked them. "Are you okay?.." Hye Yin asked, titling her head,"You startled us, Luhan!" She gave him a smile.

Luhan gives a forced smile back,"I'm okay, just a little annoyed by this day."

His gaze wanders to Yeon Mi who only stared back at Luhan's rather sad smile.

"H-How about eating ice-cream with me today, Luhan?" Just like that, it slipped out of . He looked so sad, what would you do??

"Wah~ really? Of course, I would love to!" Luhan gives a bright smile. Yeon Mi and Hye Yin smile at his reaction.


"It's him, isn't it." Hye Yin sighed, it wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"Uhm, yes." Yeon Mi looked down. It was lunch break.

"But why would they break up? Man, I knew they are so gay and I also thought they would marry since they seriously seemed to love each other.. I guess, I was wrong." Hye Yin pouted.

Yeon Mi shrugged, her gaze still down on the grass surrounding the bench they sat on,"Sehun leaves him for a girl."

"So, he is biual? That means I have a chance!! Ouch." Hye Yin rubbed the spot on her arm her friend hit her,"Yeah yeah fine. I'm too shy to talk to him in that way anyways.."

"Well, anyways, I was thinking about getting Luhan together with a new guy! Someone better!" Yeon Mi grinned, a great idea to her.

"You know, I think Sehun is already somehow perfect so how to get someone even more perfect?" Hye Yin raised her brows in a 'you're not smart at all' way. 

"Psh, In my opinion the guy I have for Luhan is a million times better!" Yeon Mi smirked.

"Oh really?" Hye Yin almost laughed as if--


They both looked up and met eyes with a giant, is he taller than Sehun?

"Ah, Wufan! Come sit down!" Yeon Mi greeted him and patted the empty place beside her,"So.. you're gay, right?"

Wufan narrowed his eyes,"I never--"

"I saw it all, it's okay. I actually want you to meet someone." Yeon Mi nudged his arm in a playful manner,"He is really cute and all, I'm sure you'll like him!"

"Oh really?" he had the same expression as Yeon Mi earlier, full of disbelief and judging.

"Do you know Luhan? You're not from our school either, right?" Hye Yin asked him. He nodded,"I actually--"

"Okay, then it's clear! Wait here! I'll just go and get him." with that Yeon Mi disappeared.


"Where are we going??" Luhan helplessly asked, while Yeon Mi dragged him down the halls by his arm.

Yeon Mi stopped and turned around in a split second, making Luhan almost knock her over. Luhan looks down at her in confusion.

"I want you to meet someone," she says like a robot, serious face and gaze. And with that she starts dragging him again. 

"Yeon Mi~" Luhan's muffled whine was heard.


"Wufan?" Luhan asked, frowning,"What are you doing here?"

"Oh..?" Yeon Mi watched in confusion, her arm still linked with Luhan's,*They know each other already? Perfect!*

Hye Yin nudged Yeon Mi by the side, whispering,"Yeon Mi, this is going to be awkward for you.."

Yeon Mi frowned at her, asking with her gaze,*Why?* She looked up at Kris, who was looking at her in a very unamused way.

"This is what I wanted to tell you before you left," Kris said,"Luhan is my cousin, so hooki--"

Yeon Mi had ran over to his side to cover his mouth. "Shhh! Don't say it out loud!" she hissed quietly at him.

"How did you know Wufan was in Korea, Yeon Mi?" Luhan grinned happily, gaining the attention of the three confused (annoyed, in Wufan's case) others. "I'm so happy! Actually I was going to meet Kris on the weekend but this is really cute of you." he gave her a warm smile. 

She slowly took her hands away from Wufan's mouth, mouthing an apology to him then looking at Luhan,"Really?" 

"Lucky." Yeon Mi breathed out, relieved.

"You're such a good friend! You made my day!" Luhan hugged her thightly. 

*I'm such a good friend.* Yeon Mi mentally patted her own shoulder,"No problem, Luhan. I saw you felt bad today, so you deserve some good time."

He let her go and ruffled her hair one last time before walking over to his cousin, also giving him a hug,"How have you been, Wufan?"

Wufan hugged him back, looking at Yeon Mi with narrowed eyes,"Good, how about you? Where do you know Yeon Mi from?"

They let go of each other and Luhan smiled at him,"She lives with me and Sehun!" But with the fall of the name 'Sehun', Luhan's bright aura dimmed a little and he looked over to Yeon Mi,"We go eat ice cream today, right? I'm so happy that you're here for me."

Yeon Mi nodded at him, holding back her dramatic tears,*What a time to be alive. Don't worry, friend. I still know more good gay guys for you.*

Hye Yin side-eyed her, whispering,"You're not thinking what I am thinking you are thinking, right?"

"Hmm, I don't know what you mean!~" Yeon Mi sang and skipped away (literally), leaving Hye Yin, Luhan and Wufan alone.




(A/N) Hi guys! Updateu. 
I hope you liked the chapter!
Do you guys know a good graphic shop?
I want a new poster and don't want to make it myself (lol).
Comment and tell me your opinion. c:


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Chapter 10: omg, im so sxcited for the next chapter!! i really love this story!! So funny and awesome! :D
Chapter 1: HAHAHA!!!
To perfect to be straight~! XD
yullicamden #3
Chapter 9: Update soon :)
Maddie1234 #4
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon c:
katsu-sayuri #6
Chapter 8: ahhhhh! XDD
katsu-sayuri #7
Chapter 7: i preferrrrr kyungsoo & yeonmi! ouo ... no? okay. / A \
Chapter 6: Finally you updated!
Lol, lulu is so cutie. Keke~
I really wanna know whut happen next.
xiseyre #9
Chapter 1: The story is interesting. There's a lot of flaws in your English. But who cares anyway. As long as your story is attractive. I like it! (New reader)
Chapter 5: Oh yeahhh. they lived together.I'm curious what hunhan will do if they know that she is the one who spreads the rumors. keke~
New reader ^^