Chapter 4.

Oops! I think you're Gay!


Chapter four.



"Yeon Mi, I'm really mad right now." he sighed.

Yeon Mi gulped. Looking in his eyes, she could tell he meant it. He was mad. So she didn't say anything for now and just looked at him.


"I don't exactly know who but.." he heaved a sigh again,"..someone actually put an article on the schools newspaper. You know about it, too, right? That's why you didn't want to see me or Sehun, right?"

*Eh.. doesn't he knows that I'm the one who brought the information?* Yeon Mi blinked and nodded,"I know about it.. but-"


"Some Minho guy and an anonymous reporter of the schools newspaper team made the article. I think they misunderstood something. So I came to you!" Luhan looked up and smiled.

"To m-me?" Yeon Mi pointed confused to herself,*Oh yeah, no one really knows that I'm part of the newspaper team.. I'm an idiot.*

"Yes, because I keep your `secret´ I want you to try to clear that misunderstanding. No one listens to me after they read that article you know." Luhan looked at her with hopeful eyes,"Please help me out a bit?"

*How can I say no? I'm the one who caused this trouble.* Yeon Mi sighed,"Okay."

"Yay!" he hugged her happily,"Thank you, Yeon Mi!!"


She blushed and awkwardly hugged back,"Uhm.. n-no problem?"

"Well, see you in class then! If you need help, call me!" Luhan let her go, gave her a last smile and walked out the library.


"But I don't even have your number, Luhan.." she pouted and watched him go.




Hye Yin laughed around,"Really? Hahhahaha! I can't believe it! You were scared for nothing! And then you got a hug from him! You're so lucky, Yeon Mi!"

Yeon Mi made a face,"Thank you for your supportive words, Hye Yin."

"Don't be so lame." Hye Yin smiled,"Just ask Minho to do it for you."

"Nope, that would be unfair. It's my fault anyways." Yeon Mi shrugged,"I'll go with Krystal to the announcement room and we'll announce the mistake."

"Oh really? That's good!" Hye Yin nodded,"Good luck."



Luhan and Sehun sat down at their seats, greeting Yeon Mi with a friendly smile.

"I'll need it." Yeon Mi sighed,*Sorry, for disturbing your privacy Sehun and Luhan.. Gay people should reveal their relationship only if they want to! Not when someone else wants, geez.*


The teacher stepped in class and interrupted her thoughts; class began.

"This will be a loooong day." Yeon Mi mumbled and rested her head on her palm. 



While Luhan fell asleep during class, Sehun had something else in his mind,*Yeon Mi.*
She was concentrated on class, not talking. Only taking notes and listening as good as she could.


He frowned a bit, while he studied her face. The whole class long he noticed many things; when she's thinking hard about something she always does something with her hair, playing or ruffling it lightly. Sometimes she even puffed her cheeks and frowned cutely. Her eyes were brown like those from a dog, only cuter, Sehun thought. Her skin was nice and looked soft. 

Then his eyes landed on her lips,*Light pink. No lipgloss at all. Sweet lips, I guess!*


"Sehun, what are you looking at?" Luhan suddenly woke up and noticed his friend staring at something, uh, someone. Sehun looked very concentrated, but quickly snapped out his thoughts and looked to Luhan,"Hm? Oh, I was just... looking out the window! Nice weather!"

"Oh," Luhan smiled and looked over to the windows,"You're right."

It was a sunny day, not too warm not too cold. It was practically perfect.


"Luhan hyung, today a girl will move in. Are you excited?" Sehun asked in a whisper, not wanting to catch the attention of the teacher.

"No, not really." Luhan shrugged,"I already have a girl to look at for this year. And you?"

"Hmm, a bit.. What girl?" Sehun blinked surprised.

Luhan smiled. Or was it a smirk? "The girl next to me." he whispered and turned to the front, and listened to what the teacher was saying.


Sehun titled his head, confused,*Luhan... do you mean you like her? Or you only have interest in her? Because... hmm...* Then he turned back to the front too,*Let's wait and see.*






sorry for not updating
since... forever? ;n;
I was in the hospital the last days.
I could go only with my cell phone,
but that's , honestly.
Well, I hope you liked this chapter!
Sehun is an intelligent guy in this story,
he is quick in analyzing things and all. His grades are
super too. Luhan is on his level too, but not as smart
as him, hehe. Well, you'll learn more about
the chara's, chapter by chapter! :3
And I hope it isn't too short or something~!

Tell me your opinion and comment! ^-^

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A new update comes soon~^^


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Chapter 10: omg, im so sxcited for the next chapter!! i really love this story!! So funny and awesome! :D
Chapter 1: HAHAHA!!!
To perfect to be straight~! XD
yullicamden #3
Chapter 9: Update soon :)
Maddie1234 #4
Chapter 9: update soon
Chapter 9: update soon c:
katsu-sayuri #6
Chapter 8: ahhhhh! XDD
katsu-sayuri #7
Chapter 7: i preferrrrr kyungsoo & yeonmi! ouo ... no? okay. / A \
Chapter 6: Finally you updated!
Lol, lulu is so cutie. Keke~
I really wanna know whut happen next.
xiseyre #9
Chapter 1: The story is interesting. There's a lot of flaws in your English. But who cares anyway. As long as your story is attractive. I like it! (New reader)
Chapter 5: Oh yeahhh. they lived together.I'm curious what hunhan will do if they know that she is the one who spreads the rumors. keke~
New reader ^^