
Power is the Root of All Evil

To her surprise, Emilia managed to get out of the building undetected, and decided it must have been down to a good distraction from Mir. She wasted no time in running on wobbly legs the short distance to the safety of the trees at the bottom of the hill it turned out the house was on, and forced herself to plough on despite being half blinded by the much missed ultraviolet light. Only when she was a safe distance into the trees did she allow herself a small break to pant against a tree and laugh in relief. Then she looked around for the temple. It took her about 10 minutes of walking before she found it. In the middle of a clearing, an old abandoned temple stood proudly, despite its crumbling pillars. But she frowned as she examined it. Surely if B.A.P went out looking for her this would be the first place they’d come? She decided to trust her saviour and cautiously entered the once magnificent building. She chose a hidey hole behind a pillar to sit and wait for Mir to come and tell her the next move, her heart beat seemingly echoing off the heavy stone walls as she stayed tensed for B.A.P to enter at any second.


After an hour or so her guard was more or less down. That’s when Mir made his appearance. Not that she noticed until he was standing looking down at her, almost giving her a heart attack.

“Ya! How are you so silent?!” She demanded angrily and he shrugged.

“How are you so at hiding?” He replied calmly and Emilia frowned. She’d thought she’d found a pretty good spot. “And don’t say ya. I’m older than you and I just saved your arse. You ought to have more respect.” He muttered, turning and walking away. Emilia scrambled up and hurried over to him.

“S-sorry and, err, thank you.” She said awkwardly. She wasn’t used to thanking people. She wasn’t used to having help. In her world, Emilia looked after herself and she did a pretty good job of it. Things had got pretty out of hand in the last couple of days though…Mir grunted in acknowledgement. Suddenly she thought of something.  “Mir-sshi?” She asked and he turned around, crossing his arms. She took that as a cue to continue.

“Why were B.A.P so interested in me?”

“Because you’re G-Dragon’s sister, I’d’ve thought they would’ve told you that.” He muttered and Emilia shook her head quickly.

“No I mean…why are they interested in my brother? And…how do you know him?” Mir chose to ignore both questions, taking a watch out of his pocket and frowning at it. “Are you friends?” She asked and this time he looked up.

“More like acquaintances.” He said slowly, as if he was choosing his words carefully. “We…help each other out from time to time.” Emilia frowned.

“Then…why did you help me?” He didn’t reply, but instead frowned into the distance.

“We better go. They’ll come looking soon.” He paused and frowned at her, thinking. “Do…you want to come and stay with me?” He asked. She shook her head. It was time she took control back of her life.

“I want to get back home more than anything.” Mir shook his head.

“Not tonight. No, you’ll be safer at my place. They don’t know where I live.” Emilia nodded. It hadn’t really been a question. She followed Mir out of the temple and into the trees. He walked briskly and confidently and she struggled to keep up. She wondered how he knew his way so well through the dark and dense wood. He certainly wasn’t normal. He was like a soldier or…a spy? But she guessed that he didn’t work for the government, since he didn’t have any backup. She wasn’t really sure how this stuff worked so she gave up on it. She’d interrogate him at his place.

All of a sudden they were out of the trees and faced with barbed wire. Mir effortlessly slipped underneath and Emilia followed suite. They walked down an eerie back alley and came to a wider back road, where a posh black car was parked. It unlocked and Emilia looked up to see Mir holding a key. He got in the driver’s seat and she climbed in next to him. As soon as the doors were shut he sped off into the night.

After driving down numerous identical streets they suddenly swerved and pulled into a garage. Mir climbed out of the car and Emilia did too, to see the garage door closing behind them, engulfing them in darkness. Emilia blinked blindly and jumped as someone grabbed her arm and pulled her strongly forwards.

“Stairs.” Mir stated and sure enough as Emilia made to put her right leg forwards it collided with something hard. She lifted it up slightly and managed to somehow pull herself up the rest of the steep staircase. Finally they were at the top and Mir switched a light on to reveal a small but modern living area. He shrugged and smiled a lopsided smile. “Welcome home.” He said, kicking off his shoes and heading for the kitchen. “Cup of tea? Coffee?”

“Tea please” Emilia said gratefully as her tummy rumbled loudly. Mir grinned and opened the fridge.

A short while later Emilia was sitting up to the breakfast bar with a steaming cup of tea and a plate piled high with buttery toast. She tucked in ravenously and Mir watched her, amused as he sipped at his own black coffee. They sat in silence until Emilia finally finished gulping down everything in front of her. A huge yawn escaped her lips and Mir nodded.

“You can have my bed.” He said. “I’ll take the sofa.” Emilia shook her head.

“No.” She said firmly, some of her old confidence returning with her strength. “I’ll take the sofa, its cool. You’ve already done too much for me.” Mir looked at her, his face expressionless for what seemed like an age. Then he nodded slowly.

“Ok.” He left the room and returned with some sweats and a towel. He nodded to a door to her right. “Bathroom. Night.” And with that he left the room. Emilia made her way gratefully to the bathroom and the luxury of the shower.


It was some time after midnight and Emilia was lying awake on the sofa, her head too full of thoughts to sleep. Just then she heard noises behind the door and tried to sit up, but to her dismay she realised she was tied to the sofa. What was going on? She wriggled and tugged at the ropes in vain as painfully slowly the door opened…to reveal an all too familiar blonde face. Bang Yongguk smirked and shook his head, clicking his tongue.

“You really thought you could escape the B.A.P?” He laughed and suddenly Emilia was surrounded by the 6 demons. She pulled again at the ropes but she was tied tight and they were all laughing and coming closer with knives in their hands and…

Panting Emilia sat up straight in bed and looked around the room as she wiped her sweaty brow. It had all been a dream. Or had it? Something shifted in the shadows and she let out a piercing scream. All of a sudden a hand was covering and she looked up terrified to see…Mir looking down at her. She exhaled shakily as he removed his hand and stared down at her. She glared back at him. They remained like this for far to long. Then Emilia sighed and ran a hand through her messed up hair.

“I’m ok now. You can go back to bed.” She smoothed down the blanket she was sleeping under and looked up to see Mir still standing there, this time with one eyebrow raised.

“You sure?” He asked gruffly and she narrowed her eyes.

Yes I’m sure. It was just a stupid nightmare which, by the way, I never get. This is the first one I’ve ever had and it’ll be the last. I don’t even know what happened but I’m not a baby I can look after myself. And you can go to bed.” She pulled her blanket over her and lay back down, closing her eyes. She listened for him to go and when there was silence she experimentally opened one eye. He was still standing there. He sighed and perched on the end of the sofa.

“You know…you can relax a bit now.” He said and she reclosed her eye, pretending to be asleep and hoping he’d get the idea before this talk got any more awkward. “I know you live life with this independent façade but sometimes you need to trust people. You can’t do everything yourself. I’m trying to help you.” There was a pause and then a sigh and Emilia felt him stand up. She waited a few seconds more and then reopened one eye. This time he was gone.

A/N: Omo omo omo how does everyone feel about Maxstep? Ok, probably a stupid question. It's heaven on Earth. I mean, not a massive SM fan but these are literally all my biases ♥.♥ here are some gifs :3


Maybe I have a thing for dancers then, seeing as these are all the dancers of the groups..hmm I thought I had a thing for the rappers..but I guess some of these are..

Anyways, the point is I don't know how many songs they're gonna be releasing together but I'm hoping for more :D even if it does kill me..

Btw feel free to comment :')

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Chapter 2: All three of the groups I stan in one story :DDD I couldn't be happier
And it's very well written and interesting!
roserika #2
Chapter 13: You updated wohoo.yongguk's just plain that seungho into this things ought to get even interesting..
Chapter 11: Sup!! New reader in the house! This story is awesome!
Chapter 10: I feel bad for her... Yongguk is mean... :'(
roserika #5
Chapter 9: Hi there! New reader here. This is a really awesome story, bap as bad guys, nice it all in one go.oh please do continue with the story, its really nice.
Chapter 9: After reading the last line, I started singing Nothing's Over by Infinite... And about the hiatus, you can go on it if you want to, but if it's because of readers, I have to say one thing. I'm guessing that you started this story because you had a good idea and wanted to write it out. So are you going to finish this for yourself as well or for readers? I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.
Chapter 8: This Yongguk is scary, seriously! And yet since it's Yongguk, I love him at the same time...
Chapter 7: Haha I meant to say really! XD I hate typos
Chapter 7: This is reallh cool! One of my favorite stories! And I'm very mad at Mir now! :(