
Power is the Root of All Evil

After that Emilia didn’t even bother resisting anymore. She couldn’t get the look her brother had given her out of her head. It haunted her night and day, staring her down whenever she closed her eyes.

“Ya! Are you listening to me?” The raised voice brought Emilia back from her thoughts. She met Yongguk’s aggressive glare. “I said go with Zelo to feed our guests. We can’t let them go hungry can we?” His voice was sarcastic, patronising, gloating. He was happy nowadays; he’d got what he wanted. Emilia walked numbly past him, towards the youngest blonde. She picked up a second tray from the counter and followed him to the cellar. The food wasn’t fancy; rice and water. She stopped at the door and watched Zelo walk robotically over to Taeyang. Mirroring his movements back when Emilia had been the one chained up, he began to feed Taeyang the rice. But there was a difference; unlike her, he refused to open his mouth, turning his head to face the other members on his  left. Zelo just stood there, fixed in position.

“Eat.” He ordered, but Taeyang ignored him. “Eat or my hyungs will make you eat.” Still nothing. And then a sigh.

“Tae…” The leader’s voice was soft, tired, almost weak. Taeyang turned to face G-Dragon, a silent conversation taking place with their eyes. Slowly Taeyang opened his mouth, allowing the blonde to spoon the rice in. Emilia gulped and walked over to TOP on the other end. She kept her eyes focused on the tray as she set it down on the ground and picked up the bowl, but all the same she felt his strong gaze on her and it made her want to fall to the ground and cry. She didn’t. Instead, she shakily picked up a clump of rice and carried it across to his mouth, staring intently at the chopsticks the whole time.

She got her way shakily through TOP’s meal, and then Daesung’s and she was at her brother. She placed the tray on the floor as she had done for the two others but this time she sighed and stood up empty handed. She looked her brother straight in the eye, catching him off guard and temporarily making eye contact before he turned away. She exhaled shakily.

“Oppa please…” She whispered. “I…I tried to be strong…they…they tricked me!” She paused and willed him to look at her. She waited. And waited. As she felt the tears threatening to form in her eyes, Emilia turned and ran from the room.

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Chapter 2: All three of the groups I stan in one story :DDD I couldn't be happier
And it's very well written and interesting!
roserika #2
Chapter 13: You updated wohoo.yongguk's just plain mean.now that seungho into this things ought to get even interesting..
Chapter 11: Sup!! New reader in the house! This story is awesome!
Chapter 10: I feel bad for her... Yongguk is mean... :'(
roserika #5
Chapter 9: Hi there! New reader here. This is a really awesome story, bap as bad guys, nice idea.read it all in one go.oh please do continue with the story, its really nice.
Chapter 9: After reading the last line, I started singing Nothing's Over by Infinite... And about the hiatus, you can go on it if you want to, but if it's because of readers, I have to say one thing. I'm guessing that you started this story because you had a good idea and wanted to write it out. So are you going to finish this for yourself as well or for readers? I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.
Chapter 8: This Yongguk is scary, seriously! And yet since it's Yongguk, I love him at the same time...
Chapter 7: Haha I meant to say really! XD I hate typos
Chapter 7: This is reallh cool! One of my favorite stories! And I'm very mad at Mir now! :(