
Power is the Root of All Evil

“So you want magic?”

The voice belonged to a mysterious looking man in a black cloak with a heavy hood. A shock of jet black fringe was visible and fell down to his panda eyes, also black, and seemingly endless. Emilia blinked and pulled herself out of her trance. The man’s name was Tao…well, his nickname was at least. With the subject he was discussing she doubted he’d use his real name. Bang Yongguk nodded once in response to his question and Tao nodded twice in response to his response. Yongguk had explained the situation and now Tao narrowed his eyes in thought.

“I do know of…one way of magic which will work for you but…”


“It’s dark magic. It can only be used for dark spells.” If Emilia had looked at Yongguk then she would have seen his eyes light up and his lips curl up into a smile.

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem” He boomed and Tao shot a small smile back.

“In that case…” He reached down and retrieved a heavy black briefcase. He set it down on the table with a soft thud and looked up at Yongguk. “I think this will satisfy you nicely…”

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Chapter 2: All three of the groups I stan in one story :DDD I couldn't be happier
And it's very well written and interesting!
roserika #2
Chapter 13: You updated wohoo.yongguk's just plain mean.now that seungho into this things ought to get even interesting..
Chapter 11: Sup!! New reader in the house! This story is awesome!
Chapter 10: I feel bad for her... Yongguk is mean... :'(
roserika #5
Chapter 9: Hi there! New reader here. This is a really awesome story, bap as bad guys, nice idea.read it all in one go.oh please do continue with the story, its really nice.
Chapter 9: After reading the last line, I started singing Nothing's Over by Infinite... And about the hiatus, you can go on it if you want to, but if it's because of readers, I have to say one thing. I'm guessing that you started this story because you had a good idea and wanted to write it out. So are you going to finish this for yourself as well or for readers? I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.
Chapter 8: This Yongguk is scary, seriously! And yet since it's Yongguk, I love him at the same time...
Chapter 7: Haha I meant to say really! XD I hate typos
Chapter 7: This is reallh cool! One of my favorite stories! And I'm very mad at Mir now! :(