Chapter 9

Love you until the day you die and beyond

** Description**

Yesung have been in love with Ryeowook a long time, they go in the same big class, but different group so they don’t actually know each other. Yesung wanted to try asking Ryeowook on a date, but that day was also the day Heechul said out loud that Eunhyuk and Donghae had slept with each other, and everyone laughed at that they were gay, Yesung was glad he didn’t ask Ryeowook. Then Eunhyuk died and Donghae was of from school in one week. That week Heechul was not himself, he kept quiet. When Donghae came back to school after the first week without Eunhyuk, Heechul looked really scared of Donghae, even if Donghae didn’t say a word to him, he didn’t even look at him, he was most of the time with Ryeowook, and that made Yesung really jealous.

 **Yesung’s P.O.V.**


My eyes were looking at Ryeowook as always, he stood there with Sungmin, Siwon, Henry, Kibum and Donghae.

They were talking, they laughed, I loved Ryeowook’s laugh.

What I dint like was that Donghae was always with him, hugged him, and sometimes even kissing him on the cheeks.

Geez, you lost your boyfriend three weeks ago, and you’re already upon Ryeowook?

I bit my teeth together.

The bell rang and they all left except Siwon who goes in the same group as me.

“What’s with you?” Siwon asked me.

“Nothing, why?”

“Well, you sit there and stare angry in the air while you’re biting your teeth together.”

“I’m not” I said trying to look happier.

Siwon just looked at me before he went to his own place and I went back to my miserable face as the teacher came in. “Good morning class”

“Good morning” everyone said.




**Ryeowook’s P.O.V.**


“I have to go to the bathroom” I said and went to the door.

The teacher nod and looked back at the blackboard.

Actually I didn’t need to go, but I was so tired, I haven’t slept so well this few days I have have been living with Donghae, I guess I’m just not used to it yet.

In the hallway I sat down and leaned sitting against the wall and my eyes started to close them self.


**Yesung’s P.O.V.**


Damn this class is boring right now, the teacher talks so slow about stuff that it’s suppose to be funny, ‘AISH…’ I walked out of class without asking and walked in the hallway.

The first thing that caught my eyes in the hallway was a figure sitting against the wall. I walked toward him or her.

‘Ryeowook? Awwww, he was cute sleeping’

I sat down beside him and stared at that beautiful face and then I just had to I couldn’t anything for it I went for his lips with my finger and stoke it as I smiled to my self, but then

Ryeowook slowly started to open his eyes, so I took my finger fast away and said “Good Morning, a bit sleepy?”

Ryeowook jumped of the floor as his eyes were fully open “Where am I?” He looked around then at me “Who are you?”

I laughed but inside me I felt my heart sank a lot when he asked who I was.

“You’re at your own school, I’m Kim Jong-Woon from class C, or as they call me Yesung.”

“Oh, hi I’m Ryeowook from class A” he said

‘If you only knew that I already know’ I though, but said “Nice to meet you”

“What are you doing sleeping in the hallway?” I had to ask.

“I was on my way to the bathroom, but I’ so tired, and you?”

“The class was so boring so I walked out”

“Okey” He said.

Then it came, the awkward silence, it was easy to hear the little wind that was outside. How annoying, the love of my life is in front of me and I’m just staying here and look at him.

After a little while he said “I guess I should get going have been away from the classroom a long time now”

I nodded and he walked back to the classroom.

As I watched him going further and further away from me, I though ‘He didn’t know who I was? We have a large class and we are not in the same group, but he looked at me like he has never seen me before?’

I went out in the school yard and sat down at a bench and when the bell rang for recess I saw Ryeowook come out the school door, with none other than Donghae.

I stared after him, looked at him from top to toe.

Ryeowook started to look around, then he moved closer to Donghae and took a grip in his arm with both hands and Donghae looked at him with a smile. I got really andgry and didn’t notice Siwon who was behind me “Staring at Ryeowook?”

I turned around fast and noticed him “No! Why should I? Why do you ask?” I answered fast, maybe too fast.


**Ryeowook’s P.O.V.**


I felt someone staring at me and it became really uncomfortable so I started to look around and noticed the guy I met in the hallway, Yesung I think it was. He stared and stared at me and he started to scare me a bit so I moved closer to Donghae and took a grip in his shirt.

He looked at me “What is it?”

“I felt someone staring at me”

He laughed a bit.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked

“They are at least staring now” He laughed and looked at my arms.

I quickly let go of his arm “Sorry”




After school we went home, I had felt Yesung stare at me a lot today, sometimes he even looked like he was angry at me, i'm glad Donghae was there, or else it looked like we wanted to rip me apart.

What have I done wrong? Have I done something to that guy? 

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Chapter 16: aaaaaaaa HOW PRETYYYYY I LOVE IT :)
nice!!!<br />
This is a nice story~! Gonna be expecting more EunHae from you~ kekeke
yea... for EunHae <br />
i love this! :D :D :D :D :D :D
awww this was so sweet~<3i love ur stories.hope u keep making more haehyuk stories:) jyjy^^
Thank you so much for the comments :D It made me really happy :D<br />
I have started on my fanfic number two **Who am I in your eyes** and Since im still a beginner I really want to know what you think :) so please check it out :)
than you so much for the nice happy ending.....keep writing bout the infamous Suju Couple...tq.. congrats
nininguyen50 #9
awww this was a nice ending! I really enjoyed reading it! This was a nice birthday present to me :)
awww, it ended ):<br />
it was a nice ending though (:<br />
kekekekeke, so sweet <br />
<3 i really enjoyed this fanfic! (: