Chapter 11

Love you until the day you die and beyond

**Yesung’s P.O.V.**



‘He lives with Donghae?’

“Why?” I asked

“Well, we are friends”

“Cant you move into my house instead?”

Ryeowook looked shocked at me, before he shook his head.

“First of all, I don’t know you that well…”

I interrupted “It didn’t stop Eunhyuk.”

“Eunhyuk didn’t live with Donghae”

“But he had with Donghae”

Ryeowook looked angry at me and said “I’m not Eunhyuk!”

“I know, if you were I wouldn’t have fall in love with you”

“Then stop compare me with him!”

I pulled him into me and started to kiss him again, but he still didn’t want to open his mouth .




**Ryeowook’s P.O.V.**


I slammed the frontdoor behind me.

“AISH!...That guy!” I yelled

“What guy?” Donghae asked behind me.

“No one” I answered “What do you want for dinner?


**Donghae’s P.O.V.**


“I don’t know, I’m not that hungry, I can make my own food when I’m hungry”

“Okey, I eat now” he said and started.

Ryeowook always smiled when he made food and at the same time he looked like he really concentrated.

It was kinda cute.

I walked to my room and took up the picture of Eunhyuk “But not as cute as you” I smiled and sat down at my bed. “I wish you where here” I knew the picture couldn’t answer, but I kept talking to it until I layed down at the bed with the picture in my hand tight against my chest.

“I love you”


**Ryeowook’s P.O.V.**


I heard Donghae talk to the picture again. Everytime he did that I almost wanted to cry. When it became quiet I went to the room and found Donghae asleep with the picture in his hands.

“How could they love each other so fast?” I whispered in the air and turned of the lights and went back to the kitchen.

‘If they was able to love each other so fast, maybe…no…I don’t know…Idont know if I fell anything for Yesung’

I looked out the window.

‘Tomorrow its Saturday, so at least I will be able to think over it without meeting him’




Saturday came and went as usually except in the evening, the clock was eight and Donghae and I watched a movie in the living room.

The movie was really sad, it really had effect on Donghae


**Donghae’s P.O.V.**


When the main person started to cry over his lovers dead body I couldn’t hold myself. My tears started to rain down my cheeks.


**Ryeowook’s P.O.V.**


I saw Donghae started to cry and knew he though about Eunhyuk. So I took my arms around him to comfort him, but then something weird happened.

Donghae bent toward my face and made our lips meet.

‘What the hell? Whats going on?’

He pushed me careful down on the couch as he was able to snuck his tongue inside my mouth.

I was not able to push him away, I was stuck in confusion.

Out tongue met, he tasted my whole mouth. ‘Uncomfortable.’

I finally was able to react a bit, I tried to push him away, but it didn’t work. I started to kick my feet lightly in the air, then harder and was able to kick right between his legs.

‘Damn that must have hurted, at least he stopped’

I sat myself up as he sat up in pain.

“Why? did you do that?!” I shouted as I slapped him as hard as I could on the cheek.


**Donghae’s P.O.V.**


I stayed silent, my cheek burned and between my legs was a hell.

“Damn you!” he yelled, stood up, walked away and slammed the door.

‘What the hell did I just do?’ I took my hand up to my cheek ‘I deserved that’ I stood up and walked to my room and took up the picture again.

“I see you everywhere now, I thought Ryeowook was you.”

I walked with the picture to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. When I saw my reflection I became angry.

“Oh crap, you damn idiot!!” I yelled at myself and punched the mirror with all my strength. Glass pieces went everywhere and my fist started to bleed.

I sat down on the floor. “Will he ever forgive me?” my knees started to hurt, I had sat down on glass pieces, but I didn’t care. “And will you ever forgive me for almost cheating on you?” I asked the picture.


**Eunhyuk’s P.O.V.**


There it was again, it felt like someone was talking to me and Im sure I heard Ryeowook’s name…’Or have I just went crazy?’ I saw around in the room and all I saw was dark. ‘How long have I been here?’ I lay my head careful to the wall, “Auch!” I gripped my fist with my other hand, it felt like it was bleeding, but when I removed my hand, it was just fine. ‘Weird’

**Yesung’s P.O.V.**


I was taking a walk in the park, it was really nice in the evening, but then I saw someone familiar sit on the park bench with eyes buried in his knees.


He looked up at me, his eyes looked sad.

“Ryeowook? Have something happened?”

He shook his head and tried to smile “Nothing special”

“Have Donghae done anything?”

The way he looked away and then shook his head told me I was right.

I sighed “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong” I sat down beside him and put an arm around him.

He saw he became a bit red, and then he looked at me “Can I sleep over at you tonight?”

I wided my eyes “I though you said yesterday…”

My words got cut of when Ryeowook leaned to me and kissed my lips.

I made my tongue ask for entrance ‘again’ when I came over the shock, but this time he let me inside his mouth, but it didn’t feel like last time in the bathroom. I pushed him a bit away from me so I met his eyes. “Who have you been with?”

He started to shiver and looked away, so I pulled him into me and hugged him tight as he started to sob. 


First of all I want to say Happy birthday to Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) :)


And I have my mock exams (or what its called in English) this week and next week. So it will be hard to write, so I won’t probably not update anymore before weekend. 

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Chapter 16: aaaaaaaa HOW PRETYYYYY I LOVE IT :)
nice!!!<br />
This is a nice story~! Gonna be expecting more EunHae from you~ kekeke
yea... for EunHae <br />
i love this! :D :D :D :D :D :D
awww this was so sweet~<3i love ur stories.hope u keep making more haehyuk stories:) jyjy^^
Thank you so much for the comments :D It made me really happy :D<br />
I have started on my fanfic number two **Who am I in your eyes** and Since im still a beginner I really want to know what you think :) so please check it out :)
than you so much for the nice happy ending.....keep writing bout the infamous Suju Couple...tq.. congrats
nininguyen50 #9
awww this was a nice ending! I really enjoyed reading it! This was a nice birthday present to me :)
awww, it ended ):<br />
it was a nice ending though (:<br />
kekekekeke, so sweet <br />
<3 i really enjoyed this fanfic! (: