It's not it

Meeting You


YunHee's POV

Can it get any hotter than this? 

Walking home in this weather really . There's only the heat and the sunlight that's making me sweat non-stop. Just couldn't wait to get back home. I look up from my phone and noticed a new shop opening down the street. A huge sign was hanging from the top of the entrance, "Ice Sherbet".


Feeling tired and hot, I rest on the sofa the moment I enter the house. Throwing the bag aside on the floor and the red bean ice sherbet on the table. 


The TV was loudly. Yun Hee was still laying down on the sofa, half-concious. Only when he was shouting in anger, did she woke up. 

"Ahjussi. Quieten down!"

"Pabo! Just say it~ ppali ppali!"

Couldn't tolerate anymore of the noise, Yun Hee sat up and stare at Du Jun who's making a fuss. 

"Yah! pabo yah~ can't you watch it in the room? It's noisy!"

"No way. My aircon failed. ", his eyes was stuck on the screen, watching his usual k-drama. 

"Aish jinjaaa"

"Yah! You should sleep in the room instead! Not on the sofa huh? Taking up all the space.", Du Jun look at her, annoyed, before looking back at the TV.

Realising what happened, Yun Hee slapped the back of his head.

"Ahjussi!! That's mine!", Du Jun was eating up her red bean ice sherbet that she bought just now. 

"Really? It wasn't for me? ", Du Jun acted like he knew nothing, "Here you can have it back". 

Smiling ear to ear, he gave it to her. 

"Yah~ only the cup and the spoon left! AISH AHJUSSI!! "

"Yah yah! Quiet! She's talking!", 


"Aish!!!!" Du Jun took the remote and changed channel. Annoyed once again. 

Yun Hee laughed at what happened. Simply happy that he was angry. Like how she felt when he ate up all of her ice sherbet.


"Ahjussi, 1 plate of deodobokki and 2 plate of Jjajangmyeon juseyo!"

The uncle nod his head and head to the food, preparing it.

"Yoon Du Jun! Congratulations on your engagement!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Yesterday! With So Yun! Pabo!"

"I know nothing" , he replied after sipping on his bottle of plain water. 

"What do you mean? Are you not happy to get engage? "

"I don't want to. It's all what mum want."

"Jinja?? You didn't know about it??", Yun Hee choked on her Golden Ovaltine, that she bought at Gong Cha before coming down to the stall.

"Mhmm~ I don't even like her!"

"but why? She's a nice person! "

"How do you even know about that?", by the time, their food was already serve. 

"She used to be my friend, since elementary. But she left korea and went to england."

"Since elementary? Really?"

"Of course! Why would i lie?"

"I was in the same elementary school as her too!"

"Really? i don't remember seeing you in my class!", Yun Hee squint her eyes and look at him. Trying to remember how he looked like.

"Me too! Aish ahjumma, you must be lying!"

"Aniya~ eyyy jinja"



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shujun #1
Chapter 21: omo~i think that friend of her is dujun..huhu..
aigoo..its getting more interesting..
keep it up author-nim..
hwaiting !!!
Dudu32 #2
Chapter 19: Hi everyone! Thanks for the support and also the new subscribers! Enjoy the new chapters! had to remove some of those that i felt was odd. Hopefully everyone likes it <3
shujun #3
Chapter 17: hwaiting !!! ..^^..
b2strockz #4
Chapter 15: Update soon^^
shujun #5
Chapter 15: awww..dujun is so romantic..^^..hwaiting !!!
mangobythebeii #6
Chapter 13: This is soooo cute! ♥♡♥
Please do write more :D
Dudu32 #7
Chapter 9: Thank You for the support!kekeke and am sorry for MIA-ing for like a month? :) Do continue reading! Will update soon! ENJOY ^^
Chapter 6: New reader here! ♥ Lovely story! Dujun i always so cute!!! hehe i love him! Waiting for more! yeyy ^^
zzhilingg #9