Am I Unrecognizable? She Thought I Was a Creep.

I Knew From the Start.

That girl, I just can't get her off of my mind. Her beautiful face strikes my thoughts over and over.

I plopped down onto the couch letting out a heavy sigh in the process. I scratched the back of my neck and pouted. I wanted to see her, but how? It's not like we were friends or anything.

I looked at the door and decided to go pick up some food for dinner. Putting on my jacket and shoes, I made my way outside. It was a nice, chilly day so I decided to walk.

I strolled down the sidewalk, my hands in my pocket, looking up at the clouds. For some reason I just love looking at clouds. It's amazing the things you can find in them.

Like once, I swear I saw a clown, it was so weird! I wasn't paying attention because my head was literally in the clouds, I bumped into someone. 

I immediately bowed and apologized. "It's okay." I heard a girl's voice say as she quickly kept walking, not even looking back at me.

For some odd reason I felt my heart beat increase but I didn't know why. I turned back to only see the girl's back side as she dashed to wherever she was going.

It was weird, how I felt out of no where. I shook it off and kept on walking to my destination even though I didn't exactly know what it was.

I ended up wherever my feet dragged me, the nearest ramen shop. As I walked in, I inhaled that mouth watering smell. A smile spread across my face as I placed my order for take-out and sat down to wait.

That girl I bumped into a while ago was still on my mind. The way her hair flowed with the wind as she walked was somehow so breathtaking. She probably wouldn't compare to Riah though.

My order was ready so I paid and started my journey back home. It appeared to be much darker than from when I left home.

As I walked I saw all these happy couples, holding hands, being all lovey dovey. Right now, I kind of want that. I'll admit, I feel lonely at times being alone.

I stopped in shock as I saw that familiar face sitting on a bench at a nearby park. I was about 5 minutes away from my apartment so I took a seat next to her.

"Hey there." I said. She turned to look at me with wide eyes, "W-What do you want?" She asked cautiously. I furrowed my eyebrows and cocked my head to the side.

I pointed at myself, "Me? Uhhh, I don't want anything?" I said unsure of how to answer her sudden remark. She continued to cautiously look at me.

It can't be. Don't tell me she doesn't remember me. "You're Riah right?" I asked. Her eyes unbelievably doubled in size. "How do you know my name?" She sounded frightened this time.

She was about to get up and make a run for it when I threw my hands up to chest level and waved them around. "No, no! I'm not some creep or anything, I'm Baekhyun! We met at the party last week." 

Her face softened up a bit as she seemed to be in deep thought. Finally, it came to her. "Oh yeah! Omg, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you!" She bowed many times and I just laughed.

"It's alright. I'm sorry for frightening you though." I said. She gave me a small, warm smile that made my heart skip a beat. 

"Well it was nice meeting you again Baekhyun, I have to go." She stood up and waved at me before walking away. I should have made her stay somehow. 

I stood up and let out a sigh and walked home to have my now cold ramen.

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hanjiwon_kpop #1
Chapter 20: Yeah, I really knew from the start.
hanjiwon_kpop #2
Chapter 20: <3 OMG.... Like the ending ... GOSH....
ailisu #3
Chapter 20: <333 baekhyun!! ^O^ <3
Chapter 20: This is a nice story! I actually cried in ...
Chapter 19: Are you seriously crazy
Chapter 20: hwkwkwk
finally, happy ending with byun rihyun !
Chapter 20: Omg I laughed when BAEKHYUN mentioned that her dad like choked him XD.
Chapter 17: Awwwww :)
Update soon~ ^^